Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1237

Until the end, Haguetyre succumbed to Tony’s fallacies. Because he really has no reason to reject him. In other words, the price of rejection is something he cannot afford. So he can only choose to accept, or accept in disguise.

Of course, he didn’t ask for it. On the one hand, he asked all countries to reach a unified calibre in media reports and integrate the actions of omnics under his name. On the other hand, he asked the Chief-In-Charge of the Skyhammer Bureau to be someone he trusted.

He obviously couldn’t believe the three principals of the council, and in this regard he proposed a choice, that is, Admiral Ramah Mujam who was just promoted on the high seas operation. Sen. As India’s lieutenant admiral, he was promoted to admiral after the fact. At the same time, within the Tianhammer Bureau, he also hung up the title of a senior consultant.

Both fame and fortune, this is a summary of what happened to Rama Mujam. As for Hegtel’s proposal to make Rama Mujam responsible, most of the people present had no objection to it. Because they also knew that Hegetel could not be pushed too quickly. This is a necessary compromise, it is innocuous anyway.

This kind of thinking is normal, but many of them have overlooked a detail. That is the right that Rama Mujam has in this big operation. He who was designated to control the operations of the Skyhammer in India is still the admiral of India, and he is also a tycoon that has just emerged in the Indian military. Relying on the strength of his own family and his own reputation, what he has in his hands is already half of the naval power of the Indian military and a quarter of the army. It is obviously not a wise decision to allow such a person to participate in such an identity. Unfortunately, no one cares about this, including Tony.

For Tony, his goal has already been achieved. So he doesn’t care about these trivial details. So naturally, after reaching such an agreement, he has already withdrawn from this meeting. And began to notify Ultron in the own way.

“I have fulfilled the conditions you want. I hope you won’t let me down when the time comes!”

“Don’t worry, father. With your help, I think things will go smoothly.”

Ultron’s reply was simple, and even said that it was simply confusing. Even if this information spread, Tony wouldn’t get into any trouble. At most, it is a disturbance of an illegal child. There are several previous presidents who have topped the tank. In fact, there is nothing at all at the worst.

Tony can do this at best. Regarding those things on the other side of the ocean, he no longer has the ability to intervene. The rest, obviously, can only be done by Ultron own.

At this point, Ultron is already psychologically prepared. In fact, all he lacks is the cooperation of the Indian government. And now Tony not only made up these, but also brought in the Skyhammer game. This was a little bit beyond his expectation. But his plan can be adjusted, and now also is time.

Ultron is adjusting the own plan, and on the other side, the Skyhammer Bureau and the Indian government have already begun to take action. The actions of the Sky Hammer Bureau are easy to say. After all, they are just mobilizing agents and corresponding equipment. With Helicarrier as the remote platform, all these operations are not difficult. But for the Indian government, it would be too much trouble for the Indian government to work.

India’s bureaucracy is serious. Even if the Prime Minister of India, Hegtyl, personally operates it, it is impossible to make this matter efficient. Various departments and state leaders will always wrestle with each other and disputes for their own interests. Basically, it is impossible to get a unified conclusion. Even if their opinions are unified, it is not that simple to implement them.

Because the corruption in India also goes deep into the bones. As a country that claims to be an advanced civilization, India’s corruption is criticized in the entire world. They can blackmail you even if you check the baggage of the plane, and they won’t let you pass if you don’t pay. This kind of putting personal interests above the state is not a special case of a person at all, but a common phenomenon.

For example, the former prime minister of India once issued an order to build a large shopping mall within three years. It stands to reason that this kind of project personally designated by the leader of the highest country, let alone three years ago, even half a year, businessmen who saw business opportunities can also toss it out. But the fact is not like this at all. After three years, this so-called designated project has not even had a foundation. The reason is that the government’s canadian and extortion are too serious, and several businessmen who have taken over have to abandon such a project.

This made the former prime minister of India cruel and removed several senior bureaucrats in a row. But this is of no use at all, because this is a fundamental problem. Unless it is to push the entire Indian bureaucracy to redo, he simply can’t do anything about this fact. The ex-prime minister does not have the determination and courage to overthrow such a big event and start over. So he could only step down in despair, and then ushered in the new prime minister of Hegtyl.

As a successor, Hegtel is very aware of corruption in the Indian bureaucracy. And it was precisely because of this understanding that he knew how difficult it is for oneself to make these damn bastards cooperate with own actions to complete this big mission that the world is watching.

Never mind if it is usual, these bastards in the country usually stretch out their hands on those policy actions and get stuck. For the sake of those forces, as the prime minister, he also endured it. But this time does not work. Behind this time’s actions, heads of state from all over the world are watching. Once the action goes wrong because of these bastards, then it’s not just a joke.

Think of the old neighbor who glare like a tiger watching his prey next door, think of the president of United States who has been looking for oneself. Hegetel is absolutely impossible to allow these bastards to fool around. So before he was ready to act, he felt that oneself was necessary, and he had to beat them well.

It all starts with a more serious question. Thinking of this, Hegtel called the own assistant and asked him.

“Have you heard about a new religion? The related processing or request for cooperative action, passed from those robots?”

“No, your Excellency . I don’t have any records here. You heard the news from there.”

Flicking through the notepad in oneself’s hand, the assistant quickly gave him such a reply. Faced with such a reply, Hegetel immediately changed his face.

“Go and check, you go and check it for me yourself. Anyway, must find out who dares to intercept such a message for me. I make them pay, I want them I know, this country has not yet reached the point where they can act wilfully.”

Hegtyre’s sudden emotional outburst was beyond the assistant’s expectations. He had never seen Prime Minister Own in such a rage, and this naturally made him keep quiet out of fear, and started to act according to his instructions. Normally, it takes a day to know the result. He already got the answer within a few hours and presented it in front of Hegtel. When he saw such an answer, Hegtel’s performance simply did not resemble an old man who was over 60.

He angrily smashed everything in front of oneself, and his angry look looked like he was going to choose someone to eat. And after seeing the assistant who was hiding in hiding and seemed to want to run away from oneself, he immediately grabbed him and gave him a loud order.

“I don’t care who they are, and I don’t care what their background is. Now, immediately! I want you to take my order and arrest them all on the charge of treason. If there is If anyone dares to resist or refuse this order, I allow you to use any violent means. Even if you kill them on the spot. Do you know what I mean?”

“But your Excellency, that’s from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Minister, also deputies of the Congress Party!” In the eyes of the assistant, Hegtel’s order is like a gain and loss. There is no reason to attack the ministers of an important department or the members of the country’s largest parties. So he began to give a kind reminder to Hegtel, but his reminder, not at all, played its due role. Because at this time, Hegtel was already gnashing his teeth and pressed him.

“Why? You can’t do it? Or even you are involved?”

Seeing that the disaster of Wuwang is about to burn to own, the assistant immediately shakes up Turned his head, and promised quickly.

“No, of course not. I know, I will execute your order now.”

“Wait!” Watching the assistant slip away from own , Hegtel stopped him immediately. This made the assistant think he was going to change his mind, but Hegtel did not at all, but continued to be instructed.

“After arresting them, immediately contact the chiefs of staff of the military and also the heads of the states. Tell them that I have very important things to announce to them. Very important! If they don’t give I take a serious attitude, and now these convicted bastards are their lessons! This sentence must be relayed to me in place! Anyone, dare to drop me at this time, even if it’s you, me I will never show mercy. Do you understand?”

“I see, father!”

The assistant who was swallowing saliva intimidated said so, and heard him Hegetel raised his voice un’ed immediately.

“No, I understand, Prime Minister!”

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