Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1249

“Hope, he is really a bad guy.”

Hang up the phone and drew a cigar from the own drawer. Rama Mujam started talking to oneself at the same time when he clicked on oneself again.

“Bring hope to those who need it, and then push them into despair. Finally, they will appear in front of those desperate as the incarnation of hope. Such a practice is simply as bad as It is the Great Demon King in a fairy tale. But this identity, I am afraid that is what you really should have. Hydra, you are indeed a viciousness that should not exist in this world. How can the human world tolerate you. “

When he said this, he obviously had already made a certain determination in his heart. And after making this determination, he immediately called to the non-commissioned officer outside oneself.

“Come in, I have something to tell you.”

“Sir, please tell me.” The sergeant quickly appeared in front of Ramammujam. Facing the inquiry from the oneself adjutant, Rama Mujam immediately opened the mouth and said.

“How much firepower can we put out, I mean near Mumbai?”

“There are two heavy firepower stationed in Maharashtra near Mumbai. Install mechanics. In addition, if necessary, we can also mobilize an old aircraft carrier and five cruisers as heavy fire support.”

The sergeant turned over oneself’s record and quickly Gave a reply. As for this, Rama Mujam pondered for a while, then straightened his face and ordered him.

“Transfer a mechanical armored division to the outskirts of Mumbai. In addition, mobilize two infantry divisions and fifty armored vehicles inside Mumbai. Also, the aircraft carriers and cruisers at sea are on standby at any time, maybe I need them to do The need for long-range fire support. Finally, call me reporters, I have to respond positively to those cultists.”

The series of orders made the non-commissioned officer rationed by the military a bit dizzy. He was stunned for a moment, and then he said to Rama Mujam uncertainly.

“Sir, this kind of force transfer. Is it necessary to inform the Chief of Staff of the Army and Navy also, the Prime Minister, to know. If they do not agree with your order, once this kind of thing is Report it up, you may be summoned by a military court.”

“You don’t have to worry about this kind of thing. As for the Prime Minister and the Chief of Staff, I will explain them oneself. You do it now. The thing is to complete my order. Understand? Soldier!”

“Yes, sir. I will do it now.”

Swallowed hard, this sergeant He hurriedly saluted, and then ran out in a panic. Seeing his performance like this, Rama Mujam slowly frowned. He doesn’t like such a frizzy youngster, but there is no way. His original lieutenant had already been promoted to another position, and he was impossible to transfer the promising youngster back to own.

However, this does not mean that he is disconnected from the youngster. Once they did something like that together, they were fundamentally tied together. In this case, if Rama Mujam wants to find someone who he can trust to help, then he will naturally think of that guy first.

Thinking of this, he put down the cigar in oneself’s hand, and then made another call.

“Hey! It’s me. I have a mission to be completed by you. A very important mission.”

This direct tone makes the person on the other end of the phone sound a little bit Stunned. After such a shock, he immediately replied.

“Okay, I see. If you have anything to do, sir.”

“I want the people you trust the most to perform a special mission. The mission The goal is to snipe the high-level government officers. The target time is three days later in Mumbai, the upcoming negotiation meeting. And the target you want to snipe is me!”

“Sir. I don’t understand what you mean. “

The former adjutant who has been promoted to the captain of an aircraft carrier did not understand Rama Mujam’s orders. From his point of view, such a behavior is obviously full of tricks. And if he can’t figure out the truth about this, then maybe the next person to be abandoned is him.

He is not nervous because of the situation. Under such circumstances, he naturally asked such a question.

“Why should I send someone to attack you? Is there anything I need to pay attention to?”

“Yes, there are some situations you need to pay attention to.”

Zou frowned and set up his cigar again. Ramah Mujam replied to him in a cloud of smoke.

“First of all, I want you to make sure that your sniper is the best one. His sniper can wound me, but it cannot kill me. Then, the guards next to me will Fight back at you. At that time, I asked you to prepare a scapegoat in advance. A pariah who looks like a fanatic. You want everyone to believe that the fanatic is the killer who attacked me. And their goal is Assassinate me, the highest commander, and then take advantage of the situation to have an uprising in Mumbai. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Sir, is this too complicated. If you want to target those untouchables If you don’t, you simply don’t have to take this risk. As long as we refuse to negotiate, they will be eaten up by our army and law enforcement agencies a little bit.”

The adjutant who doesn’t know much about the situation said Out of oneself’s understanding of this matter. For this, Rama Mujam can only give a rough explanation.

“Things are not that simple. Negotiations cannot be rejected. Otherwise, the media also human rights advocates may hold on to this point. At that time, I was trying to climb up, but there was no That’s easy. So, I must occupy the moral high ground, and only you can help me do this. You are my confidant, and only you I can believe. So, you can complete my work Mission?”

“I see, sir. I promise I won’t let you down.”

The adjutant’s answer made Rama Mujam nodded with satisfaction. After hanging up the call with him, he immediately dialed another call, and then changed into a sufficiently humble tone.

“Prime Minister, I have an idea…”

In order to make everything go according to oneself’s plan, Rama Mujam has done enough Hard work. And just under his efforts. The situation has indeed developed as he expected.

Whether it is the prime minister who represents the intentions of the Indian government or the heads of countries behind the Skyhammer, they don’t want to see a religion of tens of millions of people finally choose an armed uprising this path . Therefore, after learning that the religious leaders had the intention of negotiating, they naturally did not agree. Of course, they have requirements for such negotiations. In any case, Hydra cores like Steve Rogers are absolutely impossible to be pardoned.

Even if the outcome of the negotiation is agreed, Steve Rogers must be submitted as the principal offender. And if the result is a failure, then it is natural not to mention more. All in all, when facing Hydra, the governments of all countries are still highly consistent. That is zero tolerance, and it is basically impossible to forgive.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Ramammujam. Because he was pretty sure that Steve was impossible to appear in this negotiation meeting. Even if he appeared, he was impossible to be caught. Therefore, he is not at all worried about the chain reaction of own.

In this case, Mumbai, a prosperous and special city, has entered a different atmosphere.

The large number of troops stationed in this rare open city has become full of tension. The people living in this city also discovered by accident that many strangers began to appear in their own lives in groups. Their image is almost the same as theirs, but in the performance of Essence, Qi, and Spirit, they are not at all the same as oneself.

Obviously oneself is a person in a big city, and oneself is clearly qualified to despise the existence of those hillbillies. But under the aura of these people, they feel that oneself seems to be the one despised. Just like an ape man meets an original man, the level difference is so Level 1, it will give people an indescribable sense of frustration.

This makes these guys who pretend to be city people obviously very unhappy, and at the same time, they are inevitably curious about these special guests. What makes these hillbillies from the north show such a temperament, and what makes them appear in this special place at this special time with the soldiers.

In short, they have inevitably shifted the attention of own to these people.

The sight of the public is the sight of the media. With the speech of the previous government representative, Admiral Rama Mujam, the domestic media also gathered here under the circumstances of this kind of focus. .

The difference between the media and ordinary people is that they can find own news channels. And under the spread of the media, many people also understand what is going to happen in this city. A religion wants to negotiate with the government when it is about to be suppressed by the government. This is rare in India, which is famous for its multi-religious beliefs. In this case, many people also became interested in this religion.

Indians are religious, but they are also ungodly. Almost all of them believe in God, but many people are not willing to believe only in that one God. For them, belief is multi-directional. If it can be allowed, then it is to change their own belief, which is not unacceptable.

This is probably an unexpected thing for everyone, but it is not that important. Because for everyone involved, the most important thing will only be tomorrow’s negotiation. And when the day comes, everything will come out.

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