Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1265

The battle between humans and omnics is that there is no possibility of victory. Whether it is the civilians who have gained power or the soldiers today, when they really face the omnic, there is almost only one possibility of being destroyed.

And just destroying these soldiers at the moment is obviously not enough for these omnibus. The core directives that have been tampered with, their goal is to destroy this tyranny that may bring misfortune to more people. Therefore, when they did this from the beginning, they had already regarded the armed forces possessed by the entire Indian government as a goal that oneself must eliminate.

It will not take long to destroy these soldiers. After destroying them, the omnipotents immediately left the temple and moved on to the location of the next target.

They know more than one military base, and with their ability to move, they can rush to the next place in a short time, and respond to them before the other party has time to react. Cause a sudden devastating blow.

Without unnecessary moral constraints, omnics can easily do such undeclared wars. And what kind of results they would have caused by doing so, they are already confused in nature, they would not understand. However, the initiator of all this is very clear, because this is what they want to achieve.

So, after seeing the omnics disappear from the eyes of the owner, the monks immediately relayed the news. And upon receiving this news, Steve immediately smiled at the subordinate next to oneself.

“Everything seems to be in our expectation. Thinking about it this way, your Excellency should also contact us soon.”

Although it seems to be Speaking of a kind of probability, but Steve’s tone is very positive. Because he knows very well what kind of commotion and chaos will be caused once everything he arranged is exposed to the sight of others. And that, it must make the commander Rama Mujam utterly devastated.

And things are just as he imagined, Rama Mujam is indeed getting burnt. And the reason why he became such. It’s because of the bad news coming back from the front.

Not all rebellious omnipotents can wipe out all government troops simply and cleanly. Among the soldiers in those temples, there will always be one or two special existences, which can pass back the news of the anti-water in a timely manner. When he first came into contact with this information, Rama Mujam’s first reaction was unbelievable.

He didn’t believe that the omnic would betray under such circumstances, but when several military bases signaled that they were attacked by the omnic, even if he couldn’t believe it, at this time It can only be confirmed that this most impossible occurrence has become a reality.

In this case, the first thing he did was to get in touch with Jarvis.

“I need an explanation, Jarvis. Why do your omnics betrayed, why do you attack my army. What do you want to do? Do you robots want to declare war on the entire human race?”

He didn’t have a good impression of robot life like omnics, and he just put a big hat on Jarvis. Faced with his accusation, Jarvis was silent for a while before explaining to him apologetically.

“Sorry, sir. I didn’t expect that Hydra had already developed the technology against me. According to the information I finally received, the omnipotents I dispatched have been interfered by Hydra by special means. They stripped my control of those omnics and let them start to execute a chaotic logical instruction. Judging by their actions, I am afraid that you have become the target they want to eliminate.”

“You mean they want to destroy us? What’s a joke!” After hearing this answer, Rama Mujam, who was already surprised enough, suddenly became even more unbelievable. He was very angry at this fact, so immediately, he yelled at Jarvis. “Listen, I don’t care what you do. In short, stop these omnic behaviors for me immediately. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

“I’m sorry. Although I want to help you , But these omnics are out of my control, and I can no longer give any orders to them. Therefore, I don’t think I can do what you asked for.”

“Then, you leave all this for later and explain to the heads of the Skyhammer Bureau and other countries!”

Hang up the phone angrily, and Rama Mujam obviously There is still some lingering anger. Because he knows that if the situation is allowed to expand in this way, the person who will be most severely affected in the end will be oneself. Oneself is the commander, and oneself also involved the omnic in this operation. According to the rules of the political game, the final Chief-In-Charge will definitely be oneself. And if the matter cannot be resolved in time, then oneself may only end up being abandoned as an abandoned child.

This is not a result that he can accept, so he must find a way to free oneself from this. But what to do? He couldn’t think of a reasonable solution for a while, so he could only start asking other people for help, and at this time, the only person who could help him was probably only Steve.

I still called the old-fashioned plug-in phone that was fundamentally impossible and was traced back to the original. Soon, Rama Mujam contacted Steve, and he asked Steve a question.

“What the hell did you do? Why didn’t you notify me in advance, don’t you know what effect you will have on me if you do this?”

“Relax , My friend. Things are not as bad as you think.” Steve, who had anticipated the call, smiled and took out oneself’s prepared words. “Those omnibus, don’t you think it’s an eyesore?”

“I screamed for the happiness and future of all human beings, but in fact they are doing things that are not pleased by anyone. They themselves are things that are not accepted by human beings. They were created only because of a wrong creative concept. Then on this World, they can only survive in the cracks in a strenuous way.”

“With them, you should feel awkward. After all, once a lot of things are intervened by them, even you will find it difficult to control the situation. Their stand and their style, completely It does not conform to the rules of this World itself. And most importantly, behind them is also a force that you simply cannot afford to offend. Such guys appearing in the game between you and me are themselves the biggest obstacle to you and me. So I took this opportunity to create a game that can kick them out of the middle. Do you think there is any problem?”

“You should inform me first. If you can know in advance As for your plan, I will not fall into such a passive situation because of these things.”

Although the tone of my mouth is still full of resentment, it is compared to the aggressiveness of at first. The feeling, now he has obviously converged a lot. This means that he has almost accepted Steve’s statement, but because of some inevitable problems, he certainly can’t forgive him so simply.

“Sorry. If you know something, then I’m afraid it will not achieve the desired effect. But rest assured, after all, we are grasshoppers on a rope. Anyway, I will It won’t hurt your interests. We are allies and our interests are the same. You have to have faith in me.”

“That’s a good idea. Why didn’t you think about it? After such a thing, how should I explain to the military, also Hegtel. I am the commander of this operation, and I am responsible for all of this. And in the face of such a serious accident, even if it is me, It is absolutely impossible and it ends easily. It is very likely that I will lose their trust, and if that is the case, do you still think that you have not harmed my interests?”

He hummed twice, Rama Mujam complained to him like this. Faced with such a complaint, Steve just smiled, and then took out the words he had prepared.

“Don’t worry, my friend. Since I dared to make this arrangement, of course I also considered your situation. In fact, I have already prepared a set of rhetoric for you. Do what I say, then not only will you not suffer any loss, but it will make our current situation more ideal.”

“What do you plan to make me do?”


I have seen a series of arrangements of Steve, and Ramah Mujam has already understood clearly what Steve has. He trusted his ability, so at this time, he couldn’t help but look forward to that statement. Faced with this expectation, Steve immediately smiled and said to him.

“It’s very simple, my friend, I need you to take the initiative and push all the faults to the omnipotent itself.”

“Think carefully. Dangzhi The weapon is no longer a safety protection measure, but has become a dangerous time bomb. Is it a greater threat to you, or is it a greater threat to some other people? Don’t forget, India is a country of wisdom. One of the countries with the lowest penetration rate of weapons. In such a country, omnibuses can cause such turmoil. So in those developed countries with high omnibus penetration, how much damage can they cause? Say, there must be a part of the account to be counted on our Hydra. But believe me, the leaders of those countries have absolutely no guts to make a big bet.”

“As long as you can My conjecture tells those people, then those who have been restricting the existence of your country will still have the idleness to care about your problems? And once you break free from this bondage, then you feel that you are Which of the gains and the gains you lose is more?”

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