Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1275

Rama Mujam did his promise, just as he promised. After having the authority to use heavy firepower to attack an entire city group, he immediately showed an absolute overwhelming advantage over the battle of the Naxal guerrillas.

It is not at all that the Naxal guerrillas with heavy firepower are simply powerless to resist when facing government forces hiding the sky and covering the earth, plus some special factors, they It was already retreating steadily, and soon it could only shrink to several important cities, mainly Raipur.

In this situation, Ramamujam’s offensive also took a while. This pause is because the government needs to take into account several important industrial production areas in the city. They hope to take these important cities without hurting the industrial foundation. This is not a problem for the current Rama Mujam, he can do it all by making short corrections and adjusting his tactics.

The situation is already very good. It is expected that this independent rebellion launched by the rebels will be brought to an end in a very short time. After drawing such a conclusion, Hegtel, who had been suppressed by this heavy burden, couldn’t help but let out a long sigh.

Since such an independence movement broke out in the country, Hegtel has not closed his eyes properly for a while. Now the situation has eased, which naturally caused him to loosen the tense string in his heart. Although in front of so many people, he is impossible to make any lost self-control actions. But sitting on the seat like an ordinary old man with eyes closed Soul Nurturing for a period of time is not surprising at all. As for him just falling asleep in the own seat, then it couldn’t be more normal.

Someone discovered the condition of this old man. But no one can bear to call him out of his seat. Although from the very beginning to the present, the performance of this old man has been somewhat temperamental, which made them and government officials frightened all day long, and also under great pressure. But they do not deny that this old man has put in hard work and painstaking efforts that ordinary people cannot imagine for this country and this government.

This is a respectable old man, even in the eyes of many people, what he did is nothing short of a fool. But in his position, he is already able to reach the limit of what oneself does. Now, he is about to succeed. So he deserves applause and glory.

“Maybe he can stay in this position for another ten years. With such a political record, no one can shake his current position.”

“Maybe again in Indian politics. There is one more Great Family with strong capital. I heard that the grandson of the Prime Minister is already an adult, and with his care, his future path will be very smooth.”

The winner should be. Enjoy the fruit, and as bystanders around the victor, although these agency personnel are far from qualified to touch the fruit belonging to the victor, this does not prevent them from imagining how delicious this fruit tastes.

And just when they were so imaginative, a correspondent rushed in and yelled directly at them.

“What about the Prime Minister? I have something very important to report to the Prime Minister. Where is he now?”

“Be quiet, the Prime Minister is resting now. Do you have any What matters, let me come here first. When the Prime Minister wakes up, I will transfer your matter to him.”

The secretary in charge of receiving and dispatching documents in the office asked people to come. He tried to take the document from his hand. But before he stretched out his hand, the person who came had already flinched and avoided him.

“Sorry, this document cannot be handed over to you. You cannot bear this responsibility.”

Although the tone of speech is very sincere, it does not mean that the secretary can Accept the fact that oneself was rejected. As an important member of the prime minister’s office, he doesn’t know how many important documents will pass through his hands every day. He is already used to seeing major national events, so he doesn’t think there will be anything that oneself cannot take over. Under such thoughts, the action of the correspondent was naturally regarded as a provocation to own.

This made him a complexion sank, and then he said to the correspondent with a smile.

“I can’t bear this responsibility? Sir, are you cracking a joke with me? I have experienced that many national events, and there is not one thing I can’t afford. Here This is the office of the Prime Minister, our site. All the documents that you want to submit to the Prime Minister must go through me. If you don’t want to hand it over to me, then you can. Your business is here for the time being! Wait till When did you figure it out, let’s continue to talk about this topic.”

The secretary said so, thinking that this person would succumb to oneself soon. But what he didn’t expect was that he showed a special kind of tit-for-tat at this time while holding the file.

“Mr. Secretary, please don’t trouble oneself. As I said, this is an extremely important national issue and a responsibility that you cannot bear. This document cannot be transferred to anyone. I must have Submit it to your Excellency in person. Please don’t be fooled and tell me where the Prime Minister is now!”

“I also said, this office doesn’t count for you. Here are the rules here, you have to Just wait, or hand me the documents. I’m impossible to ask you to disturb the Prime Minister.”

The two started to argue and quarrel. And this made those people who originally worked in the office couldn’t help but watch the excitement. For them, the most important thing has passed, so now relax and watch a joke and so on, it is not at the worst thing.

And just as they put on a posture of eating melons to watch the heated quarrel, a voice suddenly rang.

“What are you doing here? Is this your noisy place?”

When I heard the sound, many people were stunned. They did not expect that the Prime Minister who had fallen asleep walked out of the own office and saw their terrible appearance. This made them subconsciously want to run away, but in the presence of the Prime Minister, they really didn’t have the courage to do so. So they can only lower their heads one by one, like elementary school students who have committed a crime, obediently and honestly listening to the admonition.

They thought that the Prime Minister would flies into a rage to them, because Hegtel’s temper was already recognized. But didn’t expect Hegtel’s mood now is so good that he simply doesn’t take their affairs seriously. He just grunted twice, and he said to them in a nasty tone.

“What are you still doing here? Don’t go to work for me! The government hired you, not for you to waste time here.”

The people who eat melons suddenly do things like birds and animals. At this time, Hegtel also noticed the two people who had been arguing in the middle of the crowd. This made him couldn’t help being frowned, and then said to them two strangely.

“What’s the matter with you two? Why, do you have no work to do?”

“That’s it, sir.” Relying on the relationship between oneself and the prime minister, The secretary said first. “This guy who doesn’t know where he came from said that he has documents to submit to you. But according to the rules, he should pass the documents to me first. But this guy refuses to follow the rules anyway. He still It’s noisy, disrupting the order here. Am I about to let the guards throw him out?”

Stop and rake things like this, the secretary shouldn’t be too skilled. And listening to what he said, Hegetel, who had already had a preconceived impression of the correspondent, sank his face, and already questioned him somewhat rudely.

“What’s the matter with you? Don’t you know the rules of the office? Are you the first day correspondent?”

“Your Excellency, I have very important documents I have to submit it to you. It’s very urgent. I can only do a direct meeting with me. I wanted to give it to you earlier. But this secretary blocked me out for reasons of office rules. I can’t afford it. This responsibility, so I can only argue with him. If I want to receive Penalty because of this matter, I am willing to accept this Penalty.”

The correspondent answered in such a humble manner while submitting it. Files in oneself’s hands. And this attitude immediately made Hegtyl’s impression of him three points better. After fiercely glared at his secretary, he took the file from the correspondent.

Put on the reading glasses and open the seal. Hegetel scanned the contents of the file at a glance, and immediately, his face seemed to be frozen, and the whole thing solidified.

This is a very unimaginable thing. Having worked under Hegtel for so many years, the secretary has never seen such a change in the expression of his prime minister. This gave him a terrible idea in his heart, and before he could ask, he saw that Hegtyel was not a tall body, as if he had been emptied of power, and he poured straight backwards. .

This really scared him. In any case, Hegetel is 60-70 years old. If you fell so much, I really don’t know if something will happen. And if that’s the case, he, the client, can’t please. So it was completely subconsciously, he rushed towards Hegtyl.

After all, in the prime of life, the secretary’s body is still very good. So before Hegetel fell to the ground, he had stopped him in time. After all, the situation did not become the worst. The secretary could not help but let out a long sigh, and then asked Hegtyl impatiently.

“Prime Minister, are you okay.”

“Go, call me…Rama Mujam…come here.”

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