Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1280

“Of course. The sir’s meaning is that you have been targeted by the Skyhammer. They have begun to doubt the relationship between you and us. Although now Skyhammer The forces of the bureau have basically withdrawn from India, but this does not mean that they will do nothing. Once things are exposed, even if it is only for the stability of the entire South Asian region, they will definitely find a way to get rid of you. And if not If you are prepared in advance, when that moment comes, I am afraid everything will be too late.”

“Skyhammer Bureau?” Although there is still a Skyhammer Bureau consultant in name. The name, but since Hegetel used a strong force to repel the Skyhammer and other countries, his name has become In name only. Those subordinates that were originally under his management also some of the internal information channels belonging to the Skyhammer Bureau have been closed to him.

Of course, this is the price he paid for oneself to stand on the side of the Indian government. Although the Indian government did not break with the Skyhammer on the surface, since the forces of other countries had to withdraw from India due to internal dangers, the Indian government has unilaterally ceased cooperation with the Skyhammer. This approach of closing the door to solve one’s own affairs is Hegetel’s initiative and his support. From that time on, he had already severed contact with the Tianhammer Bureau.

He hasn’t gotten any movement from the Skyhammer for a long time. He thought that those guys had really withdrawn from India. But now it seems that they did not do this at all, but continued to operate in private. And this time, they also focused on own. In any case, this is an extremely serious matter.

It is clear in my heart that Rama Mujam, who has the tactics of the Sky Hammer, is already alert in his heart. But on the surface, he still spoke to the Hydra Commissioner calmly.

“How did you know this news? Also, since you know this news, why don’t you get rid of those agents first?”

“Because of them It’s still not sure whether you have anything to do with us. In such a situation of uncertainty, once we do it, it is equivalent to establishing the connection between us. Moreover, if we attack the Skyhammer without authorization, Then it is likely to attract a backlash from the Skyhammer game. If it is the Avengers, then it will obviously cause unnecessary variables for the chief’s plan. The chief does not want extra branches, so we can only let it go. They continue to act in private.”

Hydra’s commissioner was obviously told a lot. When Ramammujam asked him, he was also able to answer clear and logical. Faced with such an explanation, Rama Mujam was not very satisfied, but he was helpless.

He doesn’t at all have any right to instruct Hydra, so no matter what Hydra did or didn’t do. He could only complain a little afterwards. This is of no avail, and it cannot satisfy Rama Mujam’s appetite at all. So immediately, he rolled his eyes and asked the Commissioner Hydra in this way.

“Did Steve Rogers tell you what he intends to do next? According to his request, I have completed all the arrangements. Everything is proceeding as planned, and even said it was unexpected Surprise. I became the supreme officer of the Indian military and commanded all the Indian military. This is definitely an unexpected and crucial thing for our plan. So I really want to know what he is going to do next What are you going to let me do?”

Rama Mujam suddenly asked such a question. This is something that Commissioner Hydra said he didn’t expect. But just so, he did know what the next step of the plan was, and Steve also not at all asked him not to disclose the plan to the relevant personnel. So after thinking about it for a while, he just replied to Rama Mujam.

“The chief did say his next plan. With Mumbai as the front line, to contain the main force of the Indian army. You are at odds with your Excellency. Then contact those who have been paid to the army. The armed forces of the government, together with our Hydra’s elite assault force, launched a raid on New Delhi. In the shortest time, the leaders of the federal government were removed by beheading. In this way, the entire command of the Indian federal government completely disappeared. Your Excellency, as the only remaining high-level commander of the federal government, undoubtedly has the right to decide to deal with the fate of the federal government. At that time, we only need to maintain a stalemate on the front line for a period of time, and then we can consider peace talks. Come to end this civil war. At that time, both you and us can get what we want.”

“Is this the plan Steve had in mind? It sounds pretty good. But to be honest, I’m not very satisfied with such a plan. Hey, you! Are you not the liaison officer for Steve to Sect to my side? In that case, take my words to him. Tell him, I’m not. I am satisfied with such a plan. I have a better idea in my heart.”

If at first Rama Mujam asked about the plan, the Hydra commissioner was surprised. When he said such words, his heart had already been accidental and nothing to add.

What gave him such confidence to speak to the big boss of Hydra. Don’t he know the power of Hydra? Didn’t he know that everything that oneself obtained today can only be obtained with the help of Hydra?

With such questions floating in his mind, Hydra’s commissioner has already labeled him a fool in his heart. But he didn’t show this thought on his face at all, but replied it to him.

“I will pass your request to the chief to know. As for whether the chief will accept your request, it depends on the chief’s mood. I believe that if he is in a good mood, it should be soon I will give you an answer.”

Although Commissioner Hydra speaks seriously, the meaning expressed in his words has already shown his disapproval. Such an attitude of course impossible satisfied Rama Mujam, so he immediately demanded that from him.

“You don’t need to wait any longer, contact him now. Just so, I need to communicate with him about this matter!”

This is the site of Ramammujam, As an Outsider, Hydra’s commissioner obviously has no ability to refuse him. So after hesitating for a while, he used Hydra’s exclusive channel to contact Steve in Mumbai in accordance with Rama Mujam’s request. And as soon as he saw Steve’s silhouette, Ramah Mujam spoke to him very directly.

“Steve, I think your plan has some problems. I have a better idea about this plan.”

The attitude of the commissioner is the same when he heard this remark. Steve was also surprised. But soon, he suppressed the expression on oneself’s face, and then said to him calmly.

“Really, do you have any suggestions? Your Excellency.”

“Of course! I think your plan can’t keep up with the changes. Now I am Three Armies Commander In Chief is the highest military commander in India. Under such circumstances, if I can only maintain a stalemate with you, then obviously it will have a certain impact on my prestige in the military. You I also promised me that I will become the future ruler of this country, a huge monster like the Gandhi family. And your current plan, but can’t help me achieve this.”

At this point, Ramah Mujam was already staring at Steve with scorching eyes.

“So, I want you to make these two changes in your plan for your promise to me.”

“Oh, what is the change? Speak up Listen?”

Steve has a smile on his face, but his eyes are already cold. In the face of his change, even though Rama Mujam saw and realized something, he still said so indifferently.

“First, I think our stalemate in Mumbai is not something that should be done. Using the power of a whole country can only maintain a stalemate. This will make people feel mine. Incompetent. In this case, my prestige will inevitably be impacted. That is not a good thing for me, who is already Three Armies Commander In Chief, and it may even affect my current status. So I ask you to be here This line of Mumbai must give me a look of defeat. At least, half of the city headed by Mumbai must be recovered by me.”

“Second, you have to deal with New Delhi. Those people are performing beheading operations. This is not at all. Anyway, their use value is almost consumed. At this time, sending them on the road is indeed the most appropriate choice. However, after the beheading, they will directly negotiate with me. It’s a bit inappropriate. After all, it’s the face of a country. After being beaten, I am still so anxious to negotiate peace, which is impossible to convince the public. So I think, anyway, those rebels are not It’s important. So it’s better to wait for me to mobilize the army to go back and eliminate them, and we are here to talk about this kind of peace talks.”

“I will come forward and ask you for peace talks in the name of preserving the country’s strength to the maximum. . In this case, there are two great victories. I believe that even the remaining people in the federal government should be speechless and happy to see it. At that time, your purpose and my purpose are also It’s all achieved. Isn’t this the best of both worlds? So, what’s your answer? Your Excellency Steve?”

After listening to these words, Steve showed disdain on his face. Smile, and then he immediately said to Ramamujam.

“Sorry, General. I absolutely impossible to agree to your request!”

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