Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1284

The miserable howling sound finally alarmed the guards of this military station, and when they searched and found that the source of the sound was actually the office of the Great Marshal of the Three Armed Forces, they were immediately lose one’s head out of fear.

“What’s the matter, why is there such a voice in the Marshal’s office?”

“I don’t know, a group of agents from the Skyhammer Bureau just came to the marshal. I put They let it go, and didn’t expect something like this. What did they do, did they put a rare beast there?”

“What the hell do you think? A group of agents let go. If they do something and so on to the marshal, can you bear this responsibility?”

“How do I know that this kind of thing will happen? Skyhammer shouldn’t be ours Partners? They have such high authority. I should put them in the past.”

“You guy. If the marshal has three shortcomings, you will kill us together. That’s it!”

A group of guards just gathered in front of Rama Mujam’s office, you and I have to argue and push responsibility. It can be seen from their words that each of them knows the seriousness of the matter. However, everyone knew the seriousness of the matter, but none of them dared to break in.

On the one hand, they are afraid of taking responsibility, and on the other hand, they are also worried that the danger inside will spread to the owner. This situation continued for a long time, until the Hydra commissioner, a guy with the rank of major in the Indian military, appeared here, and things turned out to be a turning point.

When he came here, there was already no sound in the office. And he also listened to the narration of the guards, and then he probably knew what was going on inside. It is different from those guards who are terrified and over-cautious and unable to patrol. After understanding the general situation, he already stepped forward and opened the door of the office, and walked directly in.

Just as he imagined, the entire office has become a dirty slaughterhouse. The flesh and blood and human tissues that make the scalp numb are everywhere, and the strong stench can almost directly suffocate people. And just stretched out their heads and looked at them, many guards could not help kneeling on the ground and vomiting. In their view, this is simply hell on earth. In the eyes of that Hydra Commissioner, this is really normal.

Venom is a parasitic lifeform from outer space. After getting the genetic technology support that Hydra has, it has too many walls than when it first came to Earth. It is very easy to deal with a few small agents. Of course, the bloody and cruel handling is indeed a bit too much.

Pulling out a handkerchief to cover his mouth, Commissioner Hydra went directly to the corner of the office and asked Rama Mujam who was in a daze.

“Your Excellency, how are you. Do you need me to call a doctor for you to check your physical condition?”

“You, it’s you!” There are still mixed eyes in your eyes Raising his head slightly confused, at the first moment when he saw the guy in front of oneself clearly, Rama Mujam had already grabbed his collar with excitement and roared loudly at him. “You already knew that that guy existed? You put him in front of me on purpose. You even brought these agents here on purpose, right? What do you want to do? Do you want to kill me? Are you?”

“Aren’t you still alive now? Your Excellency Marshal.”

Indifferently broke off Rama Mujam’s fingers. This is the case for this Hydra commissioner. It doesn’t matter to him said with a smile.

“Of course, I don’t deny what you said. Those agents were indeed attracted by me. When I discovered that they were investigating our relationship, I deliberately appeared in them In front of me, they attracted their eyes. In addition, I do know what I gave you. That is Venom, a member of Cerberus in our organization. You can think of it as a living being, a Alien life.”

“I admit that my approach is not very glorious. However, my marshal. You also have to admit that my approach has given you an extraordinary experience, doesn’t it? If it weren’t for me and Venom, maybe you’ve been tortured in a human form now. If it’s not for Venom that gave you its power, then it’s not them that lie here now. One size fits one size, on this issue , Don’t you need to say thank you to us?”

“Do you want me to say thank you to you?” Hearing the words of Commissioner Hydra, Rama Mujam laughed in anger . “I really want to thank you. Thank you for turning me into a monster, thank you for giving me such an experience. Then in return, should I give you something back? Just tear you up like this Smash, mix with the flesh and blood of those guys, what do you think!”

With the tyranny in his heart and the physical memory of the change just now, Rama Mujam let own one The hand turned into a huge black sharp claw, and he stabbed the Hydra commissioner fiercely.

Because he has previous experience, he is very sure what kind of result oneself will do. His sharp claw would tear the body of the person in front of him like shreds of paper, and then spread all his flesh and blood and internal organs over the whole ground.

This is his purpose, and it is also what he can do to retaliate after being deceived and hurt. Because he knew Steve’s identity and the power he possessed, he didn’t at all spread the revenge of own to Steve and even Hydra as a whole. But if you ask him to do nothing, it is also impossible. He has learned to release the animality and instincts in his heart, and this has made him unable to continue to restrain oneself’s anger with reason. Under such circumstances, what must he do. For him, the Hydra Commissioner, who directly caused all of this, would be the best vent target.

Perhaps he has a certain position in Hydra, but Rama Mujam has that confidence. Even if oneself does something to him, Steve will never be oneself with him because of his relationship. Turning over. In other words, even if oneself killed him, there is absolutely no at worst. Hydra can only eat this loss and pay the corresponding price for what they did to own.

It can be said that Rama Mujam has already imagined everything. But the development of the matter quickly exceeded his expectations. His hand suddenly couldn’t reach out. It is not because he himself is unwilling to continue to extend his hand, but an inexplicable force is preventing him from continuing to take action.

This made him anxious, and he became more and more anxious to correct this abnormal situation. However, the harder he used, the stronger the force that prevented him became. Until later, with a clatter, his entire arm was twisted off.

The pain in his arm made him suddenly howl. And when he looked pale and knelt on the ground with gnashing teeth. The Hydra commissioner laughed at him with disdain.

“Did you not understand what I just said? Your Excellency Marshal! As I said, Venom is a member of Cerberus. It is a super criminal with self-awareness and an alien lifeform with highly developed IQ Although you are parasitized by it, you can borrow part of its power and experience the feeling of superhuman. But this does not mean that you can go against its will and do what it does not want to do.”

“Venom is from Hydra. He and I belong to the same camp. Using his power, you actually want to hurt me? Can I think that this is your innocence and stupidity that is causing you to make mistakes? “

“You!” Different from the previous situation, the previous physical pain was actually not too strong because of Venom’s involvement in his within the body nerves. And this time, his pain was caused by Venom oneself. As a lifeform with oneself thought, Venom does not mean to pay for own behavior. Therefore, the severe pain caused at this time was extremely strong, and it was so strong that Rama Mujam could hardly breathe.

He simply tried all his full strength before he could only pop out such a word from his mouth. Before he could say the remaining words of oneself, he couldn’t help but sucked up the air-conditioning violently.

“This is a lesson, Your Excellency Marshal. We also hope that this is the last time such a situation has occurred. It is an honor for you to cooperate with us. We have given you so much that you shouldn’t have In the face of such a gift, you should show sufficient respect and obedience to us. No matter what you think in your heart, you should be like this on the surface. And if you go beyond, even ignore us. The cooperation between the two has taken action for us. Then the next lesson will not be as simple as it is now!”

The cold warning was poured on Ramammu like cold water. In Jam’s heart, he completely gave up the idea of ​​oneself revenge. Of course, he wouldn’t be willing, so immediately, he just said to the Hydra commissioner.

“I know what to do, and I can guarantee that there won’t be another one. So now, should you let that guy roll off me? I don’t want to be a monster , I don’t want to be a puppet at your mercy. Let it go! Don’t you say that we are partners? Is this what you should do to partners?”

“Sorry, sir. I don’t have this right.” Shrugged, the squinting commissioner showed an expression that seemed to have seen him through. This made his expression a little more mocking, a little more disdainful. But in terms of words, he still said to him respectfully. “Maybe you can wait a while. When the sir appears in front of you next time, you will have a chance to get rid of Venom. But now, I advise you not to have this kind of thought. Because, it is. I will be angry!”

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