Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1286

In order to appease the emotions of the capitalist class, Hegtel had to make such a military order. And this finally made the politicians who acted as the voice box shut their mouths and began to watch the development of the battle.

For them, two weeks is not too much to wait. If everything can be resolved within two weeks, then naturally it would be better. And if two weeks later, the matter has not developed to the point where they can satisfy them, then they don’t mind making trouble again, and use this as an excuse to seek more benefits.

This is a time limit, within this time limit, all internal contradictions have been forcibly suppressed. Hegtel did what he promised to Ramah Mujam, that is, he guaranteed the stability of his rear. It’s just that even Hegtel is making an all-out effort like this, wanting to help Rama Mujam accomplish this cause. But he did not expect that Rama Mujam had already defected from his camp.

Compared with his making an all-out effort, Rama Mujam is simply perfunctory. And the reason why he is so perfunctory is also very simple, that is, he wants to create opportunities for some people’s actions.

It is at this point that the entire federal government is focusing on the front line of Mumbai. From the north and east of India, there was an army of many people disguised as an ordinary person, and began to gather quietly towards New Delhi.

The main members of these two armies are the elite of various Indian rebels, and the core of them is special fighters from Hydra. The former are native Indians, and their movement is not particularly noticeable in this populous country. The latter, although it is the obvious face to most people in this country, they are sufficiently scattered. In addition, they use the identity of tourists and media as a cover, so naturally, their appearance will become ordinary.

The Indian Federal Government estimates that it simply did not envisage that Hydra will use decapitation tactics at this time. Therefore, their defense of oneself’s rear is not so strict, and this gives these militants a chance to sneak in. Without disturbing anyone, they have already converged inside New Delhi.

New Delhi, the capital of India, is located in the northwest of the country, on the west bank of the Yamuna River, a tributary of the Ganges, and south of the western Himalayan mountain range. Strictly speaking, calling New Delhi the capital of this country is an inaccurate way of saying. This is because Delhi was originally an ancient capital. Later, a new city was expanded next to the ancient capital, so this new city was called New Delhi to distinguish it from Old Delhi.

There is an India Gate between New Delhi and Old Delhi, New Delhi to the south and Old Delhi to the north. The two of them are now connected together, so to be serious, the capital of India should actually be the entire Delhi that includes New Delhi and Old Delhi.

From the perspective of national development, New Delhi represents a turning point for India’s modern development from ignorance and backwardness to prosperity. From the perspective of the country’s history, Old Delhi retains many complete ancient buildings and temples, allowing the human body to experience the original Indian style. Therefore, if you are here to visit, then both New and Old Delhi have certain tourist value.

Of course, these people in Hydra are not here to do such leisurely things. Their goal is to eliminate the entire head of the Indian federal government, which is almost all located in New Delhi. Therefore, their actions are naturally to be carried out here.

At ten o’clock in the evening, count the number of people converging at the scheduled meeting place to ensure that no one gets lost. The Hydra elites in charge of the operation began to distribute the weapons that had been hidden for a long time, and they also began to explain to the members of the armed forces the content of the operation within the body.

The goal is very simple. It is to take advantage of the night to raid the office of the summit, and thoroughly surrender several core institutions including the Prime Minister’s Office, the Cabinet Secretariat, the Central Information Committee, and those important cabinet departments. Destroyed.

Because there are detailed sources of information within the federal government, these Hydra people know very well where their goals are now. And since it was a beheading and assassination, they were naturally impossible to rush over to one place, and after finishing one place, they would go to another target.

That will only expose their tracks, and beat the grass to scare the snake to make it possible for some important clearance targets to escape. Judging from the nature of their actions, once all the key figures escaped, their actions would be equivalent to failure. Therefore, in order to ensure that all elimination targets can be eliminated, they must have a better plan. In this regard, the elites of Hydra plan this way.

They plan to split up their troops and launch surprise attacks on different targets from different places at the same time. Because the institutions of the Indian federal government are so complex, the targets they want to eliminate are not too few, and if there are so many divisions, then it will obviously make them a little stretched out of their small forces. However, after some discussion, the elites of Hydra decided to do so.

On the one hand, this is because this is the only way for them to complete the action, and on the other hand, they have absolute confidence in their own strength.

As the core agency of the federal government, although the heads of departments have a certain military power to act as guards, for Hydra, which is already an enemy of the entire world, this guarding force is They are not in their eyes at all. Maybe in the whole of India, they are Peak’s existence, but looking at the world, their overall quality is actually very ordinary. And if you use Peak’s elite to deal with players of this ordinary level, it is basically impossible to say that you have no confidence.

A precise plan of action was made, and soon, these sneakers started to act in accordance with the oneself plan. Their party generally consisted of more than two dozen people, with three or five Hydra members as the core, leading a dozen or twenty Indian militants and rushing towards different targets.

Two o’clock in the morning, this is the time they choose to attack. Taking advantage of the cover of the night and the relaxation of the guards, they quickly occupied a strong position, and when the clock went to the two o’clock position on time, they immediately attacked the own target.

The sniper occupies a concealed position and immediately cleared the guards on several defensive points. When the target’s defensive circle was breached, these people immediately marched towards the destination.

Because the previous movement was very small, the movement generated by the sniper rifle loaded with a silencer may not be as loud as the wind at night. So no one noticed their infiltration for a while. Of course, if time continues to delay, someone will definitely notice this.

After all, as the high-level guards of the country, there must be a security signal between them that requires fixed-point exchange. And those guards who were killed would certainly not be able to convey these back on time. So at that time, it becomes impossible to continue owning and sneak in.

But now, they also watch the time. And just taking advantage of this time, the Hydras, who had already figured out the details of oneself’s target, seemed to be undergoing a surgical operation, and little by little cleared out the hidden guards that oneself wanted to clean one by one. Then, they quickly and silently touched the own target person.

“We have reached the target location, ready to start the beheading raid!”

With an order, the Hydras who had reached the enemy’s core position immediately broke the door, right After the gate, all the targets fired indiscriminately.

At this time, most of the important goals they want to clean up are still in their sleep. And it was in this kind of sleep that they encountered such a surprise attack, and soon, they were completely expelled from this special game.

Accurate and efficient. It is not only the core goal of the Indian federal government that has suffered such treatment, but the high-level government of the overwhelming majority has been solved on the spot by Hydra’s beheading raid.

Chaos is already inevitable. After such a big disturbance, the people of Hydra are also It’s definitely impossible to continue to hide their whereabouts. But this is not important to them. After completing their own mission, they already began to evacuate from the target location in an orderly manner.

Because of the previous sorting out work, they did not at all encounter effective resistance. Even if the guards wanted to stop their retreat, it was impossible to withstand this group of superb and powerful special forces. With the Firepower Net alone, they can suppress these guards. At the end of the break, they used bombs and heavy individual weapons to completely cut off the possibility of the guards chasing them.

Before the military defending New Delhi had time to intervene, they were simply impossible to be stopped. By the time the military received the news and rushed here, they had already disappeared without a trace.

It can be said that this is a perfect assault operation. All the predetermined targets, including the Indian Prime Minister, the President, the Minister of Defense, and all the heads of important departments, have been completely wiped out. It is conceivable that after the dawn of the day, after the Indian federal government counts the own casualties, they will have a huge shock.

Even if it is a cockroach, it is only a dead end if its head is pulled out. even more how is such a national government that is already precarious in wind and rain. So the result is already very obvious. With their efforts, the war will soon come to an end. Everything will be as Hydra expected.

But, is the result really like this?

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