Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1292

What it was like that a wild beast rushed into the flock, what this guy is like now. It was completely carnage, he had already launched a terrifying attack on the guards around oneself.

Sharp claw waved, fangs opened and closed. As long as it touches people, it must be a tragic killing. Of course, those guards are also impossible to stand there and let him kill. Just like when the sheep meets the wolf, there will be male sheep standing out to fight with their horns. They will naturally take up weapons and fight desperately against such an existence that may destroy own.

However, most weapons are definitely useless. Even at such a close distance, their bullets could hardly tear apart the skin and scales of this monster. As for the anti-material weapon, although it can do this, it is simply impossible to hit such a soul target casually.

In the fierce gunfire, the sniper who was pushed to the limit already fired a full strength shot in the direction of the monster. However, even though he had tried very hard to aim at the monster, the monster still relied on oneself’s agility to avoid such an attack dangerously and dangerously.

The bullet grazed his scales, and while it became a piece of pulp, it also greatly stimulated his fierceness. Perhaps because of recognizing who is the most threatening existence to oneself, the monster immediately gave up the attack on others, and instead set the own target on the sniper.

He rushed towards the sniper, and no one could give the sniper any help. Because they not only have to deal with such a monster, but also the militants who rushed in with the monster. Their threat is not lower than that of the monster, especially after the monster has transferred its own target to others.

Fellow Daoist undying Poor Daoist, this is not the hobby of religious people. For most people in distress, they actually have similar dark thoughts in their hearts. Only in normal times, they can restrain this kind of thinking, and from the perspective of collective interests to do something that runs counter to, but contributes to the team. And once this approach no longer works, they will naturally follow the original intention of the owner and begin to plan for their own safety.

Therefore, no one cares about the sniper. At such a time, all he can rely on is only oneself. However, how could it be possible to deal with such a monster with one person’s power, so soon, his whole person and the anti-material weapon had fallen into the monster’s mouth and was chewed to pieces.

“Stupid fellows, without this, what else would you use to threaten us. Surrender and tell the whereabouts of Hegtyel. Only in this way, we can give in this situation You leave a way to survive. Why, don’t you still want to die for him!”

When the blood-mouthed monster said this, the terrifying voice brought more than that to the guards. Psychological fear. He brought them more doubts and wavering in faith.

Every guard here is already ready to fight to the death, because in their opinion, oneself has no choice at all. Either they were killed by these terrorists, or they were punished with the most severe punishment for negligence in their duties, and that would probably still be a dead word. Anyway, it’s death, and most people will definitely choose the former, because in that case, at least they can die a little more glorious, and it can bring some glory to the owner’s family.

And now, these terrorists actually said something to persuade them to surrender, which obviously gave them one more choice besides these two choices. A choice that can survive is sure to make many people tempted.

Of course, the heart is moved back to the heart, and whether you are willing to accept such a choice is another matter. Although some people immediately let go of oneself’s hands holding the handle of the gun immediately when they heard these words, but the overwhelming majority are still determined to use their own weapons to attack these terrorists in response.

Their counterattack can be regarded as completely cut off the thoughts of those who have shaken. Because at this time, if they dare to surrender to the enemy, then maybe at the next moment, their original comrades in arms will turn their guns around, and then draw a shameful end to their lives.

Not everyone can abandon everything around oneself and become a sewer rat that everyone shouts. At the very least, for the overwhelming majority here, they probably hope to be safe and honorable.

The persuasion to surrender didn’t work, and the monster was not discouraged. For him, it was just an expansion of the scope of oneself’s slaughter. And just as he was about to carry out an indiscriminate massacre of all the guards, a burst of buzzing suddenly came, but it immediately attracted his attention.

Using oneself’s beastly eyes, he can clearly see from the darkness that several helicopter gunships are flying from a distance. The United States’ Longbow Apache gunship is obviously not comparable to India’s self-produced LCH helicopter. The ultra-high mobility combined with the powerful ability to strike the ground makes these longbow Apaches directly a nightmare for any ground unit. And even for these militants and Hydra, it still looks like this.

When the monster heard the sound, it was already too late. Because the Apache at this time was already a direct acceleration, he entered this chaotic scene.

There is no need to use the Sea Basilisk-70 rocket launcher and AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missile. Just using the M-203E-1 30mm-caliber single-barreled chain gun mounted under the nose can cause devastating blows to all local targets below.

Only ordinary person anti-government fighters can be beaten into meat directly by being hit by a 30mm bullet, and even the Hydra, who has been transformed into a monster, is among such heavy weapons. Next, there is only one possibility of being labeled as meat sauce.

If it is too late to dodge, it is impossible to dodge. In just an instant, the wild beast of the incarnation of Hydra was completely sieved by countless bullets. The formidable power of the larger-caliber bullet itself will surpass that of the previous anti-material weapon. More importantly, its rate of fire and firepower coverage area are simply not comparable to a sniper rifle. Therefore, it is not surprising that his ending will become like this.

Here, Hydra’s offensive has been contained once again. And this time, they definitely suffered heavy casualties. The rebels were at least knocked out one third. And even if the people of also 2/3 survived, they had completely lost the courage to fight when faced with such a weapon of war.

As long as those helicopters hover over their heads one day, they may not dare to come forward and relaunch the counterattack. In their current situation, once they delay time for too long, they are likely to lose their last chance.

Because you have to know, since these military helicopters are already here, it means that the large forces in Delhi are almost coming over. Now only these helicopters can completely contain their offensive, and they even lack the courage to counterattack. Then wait for those troops to come, then all of them don’t even think about being able to walk back alive.

At this time, whether it is for mission or oneself, it is time for them to fight to the death. So immediately, the leading Hydra spoke to the companions around oneself.

“Those armed forces are no longer reliable. Now we can only rely on our own power to complete the mission. Don’t hide anymore, display the full ability of oneself. Do your best in the fastest possible time Inside, finish the mission. This is the only hope we can get back alive, so we fight it!”

After saying this, he already took out an injection and inserted it forcefully Up own neck. Soon, he turned into a huge monster with ribs and wings, and the fast as lightning usually rushed towards the Apache in the sky.

And just after he rushed over, one after another monster appeared on the battlefield, and began to frantically, desperately, against the line of defense that was about to collapse, and launched the last charge.

The most critical and most intense time of this battle has already arrived, and at this time, Hegtel, as the core figure of the entire battle, can only be like a headless fly, continuously Consulting the progress of everything on the ground.

“How is the situation above. The support has not arrived yet? What are they doing?”

“The support has arrived, sir! The first support force has started The firefight, and the local offensive has been contained, I believe they will be able to wipe out the enemy completely soon.”

“What are you waiting for, don’t hurry up. Use all means, Using huge might weapons, I want them to remove these Assassins for me in the shortest possible time. I have had enough, have enough, you understand!”

expression The hideous Hegetel is already Something crazy. In the face of his words, the correspondent hesitated.

“However, there are also friendly forces on our heads. Now the use of huge might weapons will affect them with them. Your Excellency, we can’t do this.”

“This is me Let them follow the order. Don’t care about those sacrifices, that is what we have to experience to win. In the future, I will give their family an explanation. So now, immediately release my order! Did you hear that!”

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