Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1294

This battle has come to an end at this time. After paying the sacrifice of that many and dying of that many’s companion, Hydra finally achieved its own goal. They used the ammunition carried on the gunship to destroy the bunker hidden by the enemy’s most important target. Thousands of tons of mud directly flooded the entire underground bunker.

Under such circumstances, any ordinary human being is absolutely impossible to have the hope of surviving, so Hegatell’s Death is already a destined thing. And this has also become a major earthquake that shakes the entire Indian government.

The decision-making level of the government is completely lost. This is definitely the most terrifying disaster for a national government with a huge system. And because of such a disaster, the entire government’s work has been brought to a standstill. In the state. In the face of complex and huge national affairs, it is impossible to operate only by relying on these middle and lower-level national staff. Because they do not have the ability to decide the direction of a country’s affairs, let alone the courage to do so.

This will be involved, and if something goes wrong, it will only make them fall into the saddest situation. This is a situation that they cannot accept, so they would rather maintain the status quo, and absolutely no one would want to come forward and become a Savior-like existence.

Of course, this situation does not have to continue like this. Because in the eyes of some people of insight, their government still has the hope of maintaining it. Because not all decision-makers have fallen, at least, they also have a Great Marshal outside.

Although the use of military forces to control the core government organs that represent administrative power is a matter that may evolve into a dictatorship, in comparison, this situation is the most acceptable. . Because now is the time of war, and in the time of war, many things are impossible to proceed according to common sense.

If we are to follow the normal situation, those who stand behind the government will definitely ask to select from the politicians they set up in front of the stage to support the entire government when facing this situation The people in the team, and use them as a ladder to control the government more deeply, so that they can better profit for oneself.

But not now, because now even if they do, the result will not change. Politicians during the war are just trash. Even if they are supported to the front of the stage, they are likely to be unable to hold the position of own. So instead of spending a lot of effort to train them, it is better to find a strong guy who can stand up to be the own partner. This may not maximize the interests of the owner, but at the very least, it will not let oneself’s huge investment in this government be so wasteful.

The matter was settled like this. Under the impetus of the caring people, some people soon began to handle related matters and brought such a news to Rama Mujam. Seeing such a sudden news, Rama Mujam showed an intriguing smile on his face.

“So, you are going to let me go back to preside over the overall situation? But have you ever thought that if I leave the front line, then we have no hope of winning our enemies. Even the most In a good situation, we can only draw such a line between the countries, confront them with each other and not violate each other!”

From his tone of voice, it seems that he is not willing to accept this A result. However, those who persuade him obviously also have own reasons to make him accept all this.

“Your Excellency Marshal, you have to know that the war is only for politics. If the Indian federal government is completely shut down and collapsed due to the problem of the decision-making level, then no matter what you take on the front line What a big result is of no avail. Besides, isn’t your situation and stalemate on the front line? Anyway, it’s impossible to achieve any significant results in a short period of time, so it’s better to just give up and go back and reorganize the overall situation. “

“Is it serious enough?”

Rama Mujam’s face is still reluctant, but the words in his mouth have begun to compromise. Up. Faced with his intention to compromise, the person who came to persuade him immediately replied in surprise.

“Of course, sir. But if there is a little hope of maintaining stability, we will never want to invite you back at such a high price. Now it is really necessary for you. If If you don’t go back, maybe soon, the entire Indian federal government will be gone. For our country, our government and people, please go back as soon as possible.”

” Okay, I think I know what to do. Don’t worry, I’ll go back as soon as possible.”

He gave an affirmative answer, and Rama Mujam asked the adjutant owner to persuade the person Gave it out. And it wasn’t until he was alone in the room that he smiled triumphantly and excitedly.

“Things are going very smoothly, maybe this time I will be able to completely control the entire Indian government in my hands. In that case, I believe our plan will almost be declared with victory. It’s over.”

“Not yet when the time comes, don’t forget. You still need to persuade those people to support you and sign a peace agreement with us. Just sign the peace agreement to secure those lands Being completely owned by Hydra, all these plans are considered to have come to an end. After that, there will be a long process of incubation and transformation. It still needs your cooperation to proceed smoothly.”

The hoarse voice belonging to Venom appeared in Ramah Mujam’s body. For him, he was already familiar with this sound produced by body shaking, so immediately, he said with a smile.

“I know, I know. Isn’t this the meaning of my existence? It is my honor to serve the great Hydra, I will let our cooperation get the most satisfactory result “

From a wild ambition that dared to try everything, to this one is now a cautious, flattering and fawning villain. In the end, it’s just a few small experiences. It’s just a change. Of course, such a change is actually heavy enough for humans. After all, most human beings are just fleshy sacs, and a little bit of pain and torture can make them succumb, but there are really hard bones inside, and after all, a small number of people are unwilling to bow their heads. Rama Mujam is not one of them, so it is not surprising that he would become like this.

What kind of guy the own parasite is, Venom has gained a similar understanding through this time of contact. So it is totally snort disdainfully for this guy. Not only because of what he is, but also because of his stupidity.

Does he really think Hydra has arranged it for so long for all of this today? To be the pioneer of the people’s movement of a country, to change the basic form of a country, so that it can gain the soil for its roots and survival?

This is nothing more ridiculous. Because if Hydra was really just to achieve such a simple purpose, they could have done such a thing many years ago. And it is still in the more developed European region, not in a backward and ignorant country like India.

Their purpose has never been these, but on the surface, what they show is just such a meaning. Many people are dazzled by Hydra’s surface movements, thinking that this is their true purpose, even many Hydra think so. But in fact, this is far from it. Their purpose is far deeper than all that is placed on the surface, and they have more influence on this World. Everything on the surface actually serves this secret purpose. And now, this secret plan is also in progress.

Hegetel woke up from a coma, and the first reaction to waking up was to check the box in oneself’s hand. This is a special box, which holds the most powerful weapon in this country, and if it were not for the desperate escort of the guard before, oneself might not be able to get him back.

As soon as he thought of the guard before, Hegtel couldn’t help but think of what happened to oneself, which immediately cast a huge shadow in his heart.

Who would have thought that the hiding place of own would be broken by the enemy? Who would have thought that oneself would be completely crushed by the countless tons of mud. That was the closest moment to Death in his life, and even if he recalled that moment now, he still has lingering fears. But in this situation with lingering fears, he was very grateful to the guard who rescued oneself.

Although he is a Mutant, he is an alien who frowns when he thinks of it. But Hegtel is still grateful to him, because if not for him, oneself might really be dead. Either he died under the dirt, or he died from the injury of own. That is to say, his timely rescue has been carefully taken care of, so that he can survive safely and persist until now.

This made him grateful for this guard, so he has made up his mind. If oneself can safely return to the core of the government, then he will definitely give him a position of high-ranking officialdom to show his gratitude to him.

Of course, the premise is that he can go back. He really didn’t know what the situation was like now. Because of the injury, he could only lie on the bed. Also because he was afraid of the assassination from Hydra, he did not dare to expose his own position blatantly. Everything can only be entrusted to the guard. So, when he saw the guard with a gloomy look coming back from outside, he immediately said to the guard.

“How about, Aksha. Have you contacted the government? What do they say, is it safe?”

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