Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1299

Since this World entered a new era where Superhero and God also outer space creatures are intermingled, the nuclear weapons that mankind has been banned since World War II have already eliminated the terrifying nature of it. seal.

United States may be the first country in this world to bear this price. Under Hydra’s control, they dropped three nuclear bombs on their own land. One of them has caused a serious impact on the entire New York that may not be dissipated for hundreds of years.

It can be said that this is the cause of the sluggish situation in United States and the depressed international situation. And now, after the United States, India is about to become the second country to bear this kind of backlash. It can be said that this is exactly what Steve expected, but in other words, all this is what Steve wants to see most.

Hydra is, after all, an evil organization with a special purpose. They are classified as terrorists for no reason. And under such circumstances, how could they come to India and become a freedom fighter and leader of the People’s Liberation Movement in one change? In the final analysis, it is just an appearance. Even if Steve has always had the ambition to open the door to a brighter future for mankind, he is absolutely impossible to use this method that is destined to be suppressed, weakened, or even destroyed to pin his own wishes of.

Everything he did here, including organizing people’s religious rebellion against the government, including cooperation with Rama Mujam, and even taking the entire Indian government in the hands of oneself, is for today’s Everything to serve. His goal is such a wasteland after nuclear raging.

The reason for such a strange goal is entirely because of the nature of Hydra that makes them impossible to occupy any normal piece of land. If you want to take root and germinate, this hell-flower-like organization can only do it in the ashes of the wasteland that is intertwined with blood and fire, and ordinary people can’t get involved. And in this world, what is more suitable for Hydra than the life exclusion zone raged by nuclear radiation? The answer is of course no.

However, even Hydra wants to take root in this soil is difficult. Because this is a nuclear weapon after all, and as a weapon, its lethality is naturally impossible. Because of what Hydra you are, it avoids you from the past. Hydra will still take this damage, but compared to ordinary persons, they will have better resistance to it that’s all.

This resistance is based on adequate preparation. In the previous layout, Steve has already put this preparation into practice. And now, he needs to implement another preparation to ensure the final completion of the oneself plan. And this time, he can’t rely on anyone else to complete this final step, because at this time, he can only rely on own power.

Ballistic missiles loaded with nuclear warheads are speeding towards Mumbai. Under the propulsion of strong power, its speed has reached the point of standard Mach. And such a speed has reached a point where many intercepting weapons cannot accurately intercept. Not to mention, there are not at all effective intercepting weapons in India to intercept them.

It can be said that if it is allowed to continue flying, then the entire Mumbai will be completely turned into a fire sea ashes in this million-ton nuclear bomb. Countless people and buildings will disappear in the dazzling radiance, and it is difficult for the lucky ones to escape the shock waves and the terrifying damage of the high temperature. The entire city will be turned into ruins in an instant, and Mumbai, the city that carries the glory of India, will also be drawn to an end and step into the dust of history.

Of course, this kind of thing Steve is impossible to make it happen. After all, Mumbai is not the same as other cities. While it is the core of the entire Indian economy, it is also the most important stronghold city of the gods in India. Almost half of the combatable members and core leadership of the entire human gods are included here. After spending so much thought and energy to create such a huge organization like the Gods and Gods, Steve didn’t want them to be wiped out under the threat of such a nuclear bomb.

Because they also use it, not only for them, but this city also uses it for him. So he must protect this place, from a million-ton nuclear bomb.

It’s just that you can’t just talk about it if you want to do such a thing. After all, Steve is just a mortal. Even with the power of the Golden King’s sword, he is still impossible to reach the height of God. Even the real God might not be able to do such a thing, even more how it is him.

However, it is not completely impossible. Because in addition to the sword of the king, he also holds another divine tool in his hand, and with the help of that divine tool, it may not be impossible for him to do all this.

The nuclear bomb has arrived as scheduled. Through the installed instruments, Steve has clearly grasped its traces. I believe that in this case, it will soon be possible to see with naked eye alone. To its existence. But by then, it was too late. So Steve was naturally impossible to wait, but suddenly drew out the golden sword in oneself’s hand and strode out into the air in front of oneself in strides.

This Divine Sword derived from Celtic mythology gave Steve extraordinary power. Even if he stepped on the air, he could rely on the divine force endorsed by the sword of the king as if he were on the ground. Stride forward the same way. Step by step, it’s completely a big step meteor, he has appeared above the clouds of the entire city, overlooking everything in the city from a high altitude.

However, Steve not at all casts own’s gaze on the city under oneself’s feet, but stubbornly stares at the sky above his head, staring at the faintly visible golden fire.

The huge sound has already reached his ears, and the fierce wind in the clouds also made his untreated hair fly freely. This made him feel tremendous pressure, and under this pressure, his face showed an excited smile.

How long have you not felt the trembling of your fingertips, and how long have you not experienced the thrill of boiling blood? Since becoming the leader of Hydra, he has rarely walked to the front in person as before. Sitting in the rear, the feeling of commanding the overall situation is comfortable, but it lacks the instinctive stimulation of the fighter. And now, he finally found this feeling again, which naturally inevitably made him excited.

In this kind of excitement, he was already raised high. The golden texture in oneself’s hand, the scabbard inlaid with gems, and with a voice that came from the bottom of his heart and soul, Called its name aloud.

“Awaken and stay away from the ideal hometown of everything!”

tone barely fell, the endless radiance is already radiated from the sheath, hiding the sky and covering The earth turned into a hemispherical light curtain, covering the entire city.

The dazzling golden light allows people in every corner of the city to see clearly, and for those who have seen this kind of golden light, they naturally know who the initiator of all this is Who. So immediately, countless devout people and cultists knelt down on the ground and bowed respectfully to the golden radiance that appeared in the sky.

They are chanting the name of their saint, praising all the good life he has brought them. This is an act that they cannot understand for those who have not yet joined the cult. This incomprehension is not only because of the piety of these believers, but also because of the present being shown. Everything is not an extraordinary force.

Faith, this is something that every Indian has almost experienced. But whether they believe in Hindu gods, Buddhist Buddhas, or even Christian Gods, they have never seen the fact that oneself believes in being manifested in this world. In this world, the only Gods Vestige that appeared was caused by the King Ming on the other side of the world, and King Ming was too far away for them and unrealistic. They can’t find a reason to believe in him, especially when God is still so low-key.

But now, the situation is different. A new Gods Vestige was displayed in front of them, and the great existence represented by this Gods Vestige is not far away from them. Therefore, it was like seeing the light in the darkness, completely subconsciously. They followed the believers of the human gods and fell to the ground one by one.

Although I don’t know what to chant, I don’t know what words to use to express oneself’s inner shock and belief. However, their hearts are absolutely pious. In such a situation, what they can bring to Steve is the same as the believers of the gods, and this is exactly what Steve needs.

Only relying on his own power to fight against the formidable power of a nuclear bomb is not a decision that a wise person should make. So, from the very beginning Steve was hitting the ideas of the people living in this city.

Use this miraculous phenomenon to attract them to pray sincerely. Using the strength of Faith born in their hearts, the ideal homeland far away from everything will give birth to a greater guarding force. This is Steve’s idea, and when at first, he only targeted those who were religious enough. Therefore, the participation of the citizens of Mumbai was completely unexpected for him.

Of course, this is a good thing. With the addition of their strength of Faith, the ideal homeland far away from everything bursts out a stronger and more incredible force. The golden mask became more and more shining, as if it were true, from a distance, it was as if a hemisphere of pure gold texture was protecting the city.

Unbelievable, almost everyone who sees this can’t help but think so. And just as they admired and surprised, the biggest threat was already coming as expected.

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