Sun God Marvel

Chapter 130

The golden sun spews endless flames, replacing Zhou Yi’s rotten body, and emerging from his body. This is the embodiment of his spirit willpower, and also the self that Charles and Jason have always wanted to seal.

When this sun appears in this World, it means that Charles and their previous efforts have completely vanished. Although they are still remedial, they want to seal up this round of solar capture. However, in the face of Zhou Yi’s painful heart and the more real self because of this pain, the remedy has become a delusion.

Nothing can hold the rising sun, everything will be reduced to ashes in front of him.

The world of the mind became extremely dark in an instant. Although they still tried to make everything back to the original state, the power of the sun completely dispelled this false illusion. Everything in this World is fading, leaving only the truest darkness.

And in this darkness, all the radiance has become from the sun that just broke free from the cage. The galloping corona destroys everything around me, the endless flames hiding the sky and covering the earth, with the determination and hatred to purify everything.

The spiritual illusion can no longer contain the mighty power of the sun, even if it is woven by the world’s most powerful spiritual master.

The sun is still rising, and his brilliance burst out of thousands of zhang. Let everything here be shrouded in his radiance. The darkness began to shatter, and countless cracks appeared on the darkness. Through these cracks, you can see countless brilliant brilliance. That is everything Zhou Yi has been sealed.

And this also means that this spiritual fantasy world is about to die, and Zhou Yi is about to escape.

What Zhou Yi will do when he is out of trouble, Jason in the master position understands very well. He was frightened and panicked, and even had difficulty maintaining the calm and composure that a spiritual master should have. His voice began to appear in this World, as majestic as the creator, he was commanding.

“Stop, you damn sun. Stop, where are you going? You don’t even know who oneself is?”

The sun stopped, but it wasn’t because The words of the phantom master. He has lost control of this place. Zhou Yi’s voice came from the sun at this time.

“I am the god of the sun, Dawn Knight, the vengeful spirit. I want to go back to where I should go, and take revenge for me and her, to you!”

After all, the huge sun jumped up in an instant, tearing open the last sky, breakthrough into that endless gorgeous color.

In the external reality, everything in the mental illusion is mapped out. Jason, who had been torn apart Telekinesis, clutched his head and wailed in pain. The fragmentation of Telekinesis almost made his brain become a mess. In this case, he could no longer control the professor’s consciousness.

Professor Charles, although the holes of his facial features began to seep with red blood, a smile appeared on his face. His eyes were no longer sluggish, and the gentle and wise look appeared on him again. He has regained his own sanity and is no longer controlled by others.

As soon as he recovered, Professor Charles put his own eyes on in midair. There is a friend of his, also the most important student. They were all seriously injured because of him.

Golden’s flames began to surge on Zhou Yi’s body, just like the professor. He has got rid of the illusion and returned to reality. On the other hand, the terrifying spiritual storm was just set off, and the Dark Phoenix, which was almost destroying heaven extinguishing earth, fell silent a little bit.

It may be a long and long time in the world of spiritual fantasy, but in reality it is only a short moment. And at this moment, one of them was free, the other fell asleep.

Dark Phoenix, who has lost consciousness, can no longer use the terrifying soul storm. Her body also gradually lost its support and began to fall. The flood broke through the weakened barrier of the psychic storm, and rushed over unstoppably like billions of wild beasts. With a loud noise, breakthrough masonry, twisted steel, and shred everything in front of him.

Dark Phoenix’s body is still falling, but it has not fallen into the flood demon that swallowed everything. Zhou Yi appeared below her and caught her body. He embraced her in his arms.

Looking at this once quiet and elegant woman lying quietly in oneself’s arms like a withered flower, Zhou Yi’s heart fluctuates violently. This fluctuation formed a strong impact, which was reflected in reality. A more terrifying force than the flood burst out, and an existence like a monster that swallowed everything was formed in an instant.

The huge gravity entangled the endless Telekinesis, turning the flood into a huge vortex and pumping it into the air. Tens of thousands of tons of water revolved frantically around him like a steel knife, crushing almost everything blocking them. Steel and rocks were stirred into crushed residue by the current, and the damage continued to spread until it reached the bottom of the dam and the depths of the earth.

The flood vortex surging violently, spreading towards the center of the overpass.

Seeing that the vortex of the monstrous flood was about to spread to Jason, Professor Charles couldn’t help but activate his own ability and once again entered Zhou Yi’s mind.

“Calm down, easy. Your mind fluctuates too much, and it will be difficult to control your own in this way.”

“Get out of my brain, Charles. I don’t want to do it to you, but you don’t want to stop me either.” Zhou Yi responded in his heart, but Charles found that his heart was almost like a volcano.

“Don’t let this anger control you, Yi. Calm down!” Strongly resisting Zhou Yi’s anger, Charles began to control his own power, and wanted to go deep into his mind to control him, which was almost about The anger that burned everything.

Although Jason did a lot of unforgivable things, Charles still wanted to give him another chance. For him, Jason is just a student who went astray. He believes that oneself has the ability to bring him back on track, so he just needs to give him a chance.

However, this opportunity does not depend on him, but on Zhou Yi. He also understands this, so he wants to persuade Zhou Yi, even if he uses his own ability.

But Zhou Yi, who has broken free from the spiritual world, is the most unbearable thing now is this kind of spiritual interference. Even if the interference came from oneself’s kindness Charles. His heart is sad and angry, and the reason for all this is from this.

In the spiritual world, the sun burst out with terrifying flames and radiance, which expelled Charles’ Psychic Power from the owner’s mind in an instant. This action was so violent that a lot of nosebleeds overflowed from his nostrils.

But Charles ignored these wounds, he just looked towards Zhou Yi anxiously, yelling desperately to stop him.

“Don’t hurt him, Zhou Yi. It’s not his fault, please, let him go!”

This persuasion is weak and weak, just like him. In the end, he could only watch the vortex spread to them, engulfing Jason completely.

The sharp vortex shredded every part of his body and completely dismantled him into countless parts. If Charles wants to identify him, he can only look for it in the bright red water except memory. He looked at all this, and finally lowered his head feebly.

“He shouldn’t have to bear all this, it’s really not his fault. Why let him bear all this?”

“It’s not Jean’s fault either. She is also innocent.” Zhou Yi came to Charles’s side. He looked at the old man who was in deep self-blame and said coldly. “If you must have a reason, you can only say Charles, I can’t choose you to bear all this.”

For Charles, Zhou Yi’s mood is as complicated. He hated his power and deeds, although it was not out of his original intention, but he still had a grudge in his heart. To obliterate Dark Phoenix’s consciousness, oneself almost became a walking corpse. No matter how you cleaned up this kind of thing, it was contaminated with Charles’ shadow.

Because of Charles’ identity, it may be difficult for him to vent his own hatred on him. But for Jason, he would never show mercy. Such a crazy guy, even if it is just a puppet, everything is not out of his original intention, and he has to pay for it.

“This is about to collapse. I will send you to leave here first. But Charles, Jean, I will stay by my side. I will heal her. Before she forgive you, I hope you don’t show up again. In front of us.”

“This is the wrong choice, Zhou Yi.” Charles looked at the oneself student who was in a coma, and an expression of regret appeared on his face. “I’m sorry for what I did, but her heart is very weak. Only I can help her. You should keep her by my side!”

“Let you destroy her again, or Put her in the mental cage again? Charles, I know who she is, and I won’t let you do anything to hurt her again.” Stopping Charles’ persuasion, Zhou Yi took him directly upwards Rush away.

The vortex tore away all the obstacles, allowing them to quickly appear outside the base. It is undoubtedly a happy thing to see blue sky and white clouds again, but it is difficult for them to have such a mood now.

The dam under their feet is no longer able to take on the responsibility of their own. After being destroyed and devastated again and again, it can no longer stop the impact of the current.

The turbulent lake water smashed the body of the dam, and the huge waves soaring into the sky, mixed with countless debris, rushed towards the lower reaches of the lake. From a distance, it looked like a white line appeared on the ground.

Like the most elite army, the huge waves galloped all the way, destroying the city and the village, causing everything along the way to tremble and shatter in their impact. They rushed into the forest, and countless trees were smashed by the waist and uprooted. They rushed into the valley, the boulders were smashed to pieces, and the ground was completely upturned by plowing. Nothing can stop them, they are still galloping, advancing impeccably, towards the lower reaches of the lake.

There are human cities and towns where thousands of humans live. However, in the face of this monstrous flood, even humans who claim to be the spirit of all can only tremble and flee, they have no ability to stop it from moving forward.

And looking at the terrifying natural power, Professor Charles couldn’t help but hugged his head.

“What have we done?”

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