Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1304

Although this sentence is cold, it is very realistic. As far as nuclear radiation is concerned, more than 80% of Indians may not be able to resist this catastrophe.

Don’t talk about the Ganges. No matter how great India’s Ganges mother is, no matter how she can protect her people, it is absolutely impossible to keep them safe from the claws of nuclear radiation. Let alone the Ganges, even if the Yangtze River, Yellow River and Amazon are all connected together, they do not have such a capability. After all, human beings are just human beings. Their essence is there. They cannot get any mysterious power bonus. They are always fragile and ridiculous in front of the real terrifying power.

But this does not mean that they should really be allowed to let their fellow human beings die. If that were the case, then the existence of human beings would be meaningless. As a race, perhaps human beings are aggressive and cruel by nature. But in the face of the continuity of race, they can still set their own direction. So at this time, Boss immediately vetoed it firmly.

“Let them die clean? Do you want to wait until the same thing happens to you, do we also allow you to die clean? Stupid, if all the higher levels of mankind think like you, What hope do you think we have in the future! We might as well hand over our world to Hydra and those alien civilizations!”

If it is a formal diplomatic stage, Boss said this It definitely won’t work. Because that involves the face of another country. To fight a country in the face of the whole world obviously means to start a war. However, this is not a formal diplomatic scene, but a private meeting of leaders of various countries. Although it is still shameful, the situation is far less serious than the former. At the very least, he reserved so much face for the person who was scolded.

It’s just that the scolded person doesn’t think so. Although the current identity of Boss is well-deserved, it does not mean that he has to listen to his scolding and can’t even let go. So immediately, he said dissatisfied.

“I don’t want to let them die, but what can be done if they don’t let them die! That is nuclear radiation, which is a genetic disease that humans cannot cure at all, except before they are deeply affected by radiation. Apart from saving them, we have no other way to help them. But we have discussed before that, with the capacity of countries in the world today, we do not have the capacity to accommodate the more than 1 billion victims. So we can only Is there anything wrong with watching them die?”

“The thing is that others are thinking about how to help them, but you don’t even want to help them. You This kind of thinking is very dangerous, sir. Extreme selfishness may make you forget the fact that you are still human. And once you forget this, then maybe one day you will betray humans Overall interest! So I need to warn you to keep you in mind that you are still a human being!”

From the perspective of the overall morality of mankind, of course Boss speaks with integrity and domineering. In the face of his statement, the other person could only mutter and say something like this.

“The good person is also you, and the bad person is also you. You really know everything. If that’s the case, why don’t you just think of a solution to solve the problems of these victims in India? Falling? If you can really do this, then I will look forward to you. If you can’t, sir. I don’t think you have the qualifications, so continue to criticize me like this.”

Brother Boss didn’t reply directly. Of course, this didn’t mean he was going to be so silent. In fact, he has already begun to think of a corresponding countermeasure in his mind, and he has already thought of a similar solution. It’s just that this method is not something he can say alone. It involves all aspects and even the core interests of other countries. Therefore, after thinking for a while, he spoke.

“I have an idea, but I can’t make up my mind. I need colleagues to make a resolution together. If everyone thinks my proposal is feasible, then we will work hard in this direction and strive for a certain This problem will be completely resolved within time. Of course, if everyone disagrees with my suggestion, then it is assumed that I have never said these things.”

The leaders of the countries who were already prepared to let the situation change listen. By this remark, I was immediately surprised. Because they really didn’t expect that Boss actually thought of other solutions at this time. Regardless of whether this method is reliable or not, this attitude is worthy of encouragement. So immediately, they said.

“Of course, your Excellency, please say. If this method is feasible, we will spare no effort to support you.”

“My method is very simple, just It takes a lot of energy and resources to implement it. Moreover, my plan is related to the two countries that have completely disappeared. Japan also United Kingdom, because of the relationship between island countries, they have very good geographical advantages. And If possible, I think we can establish a new human settlement on the land of these two countries that have completely disappeared by establishing military districts. Although the races may be different, I believe that after a period of integration, The international community also citizens of all countries should be able to accept their existence.”

This remark was made by Boss after careful consideration, but when he said this remark, those European countries were One after another fell into the cold. Because this remark of Boss is not only to consume their energy and resources, but more importantly, his plan hurts their real interests.

Although United Kingdom passed away, the close relatives of British are still there. Under the premise of the common belief of the whole Europe, they had already had a lot of bloodline communication as early as the Middle Ages. In that case, finding a group of British-like entities to take over India is actually not an impossible thing.

In fact, all of Europe is preparing for this action. Take advantage of those British who have taken refuge and some nationals with United Kingdom bloodline to send them to the United Kingdom mainland in the name of restoring the United Kingdom. Even if the entire United Kingdom cannot be occupied, as long as a new land can be opened up on that land, it is an unprecedented victory.

But now, if you follow Boss’s statement, then all of their abacus will fail. Under such circumstances, they are also impossible to accept such an opinion. So immediately, someone voiced objections.

“Your Excellency, did you take it for granted. British is not extinct yet. In this case, how can you let those Indians occupy the land belonging to the United Kingdom? Isn’t this just Trample human history and the dignity of a glorious civilization?”

“When British colonized India, why did no one say that. Besides, I didn’t say let those Indians live in the name of India. On the land of United Kingdom. If they want to go to United Kingdom in the name of international rescue, then they naturally have to give up oneself’s original international and join the United Kingdom citizenship. This is not a trampling. History and civilization. Because their existence itself can help United Kingdom continue the own civilization.”

“But what about those British? They will accept a group of Indians occupying land that originally belonged to own. Is it?”

“How many British are sheltering in other countries? Does it add up to 10,000,000? Don’t tell me that a few people can fill the entire United Kingdom, instead of leaving a large area of ​​land to waste there, It’s better to separate them out and distribute them to those in need.”

“But…” Europeans obviously still want to continue to find some excuses to keep the big cake on their plate. . But Boss obviously does not give them a chance to struggle alone. He just lifted their fig leaf and pointed out the intention of the invisible people they were hiding inside.

“It’s not necessary to don’t want anything. I know what you are thinking, and I know what you are rejecting. You just want to turn United Kingdom into an own land, just like a colony back then. Use it to expand the interests of oneself country. On this issue, I can assure you that the United Kingdom with Indians can definitely meet your requirements.”

“Leave the country, Leaving their original living environment, these Indians will inevitably become at a loss because of the uncertainty of the future, and at this time we only need to guide them a little bit, they can release far more powerful energy than usual. Under such circumstances, they are the best laborers who only need to maintain basic living conditions. Think about it, turning the entire United Kingdom into your industrial zone, which will bring much to your country’s weak economy Help. And the establishment of various enterprises can solve the problem of how much employment you can solve. Maybe doing so may make you lose the possibility of owning a new land, but you have to know that this is inherently an impossible thing. So instead of going for it It’s impossible to create conflicts with each other. It’s better for you to cooperate with oneself and develop it into a large industrial area, wouldn’t it be better?”

Boss is well-founded, and his this Remark is indeed a hope for those in Europe. In today’s this World, opening up a country is inherently impossible. Even if they follow their original plan, they are just building a new United Kingdom that is more inclined to others. This kind of disguised land is indeed not as real as the benefits of actual experience, and as it should be by rights, they also accept this statement.

It’s not just them, but the Southeast Asia countries are also moving. Because of the existence of Japan. On this issue, Brother Boss just said so plainly.

“Japan is mine, do you have any comments?”

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