Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1308

With great energy, Tony worked for a long time. During this period, he was either supervising Ultron’s replacement of omnivores, or staying in the own laboratory to solve the government’s accumulated official duties through the Internet. Although some people are invisible, everyone knows that he is working, so no one will bother him.

After being so busy for a while, Tony’s work finally came to an end temporarily. In such rare free time, he immediately thought of his own wife and the child who was about to be born.

The day his child was born is very close, but as the father and husband, he did not express anything to his wife and child. This is obviously his negligence. However, it is not that he is unwilling to make this kind of expression, but that he really does not know what kind of attitude to face them, especially when facing the child who is destined to be different from birth.

Can he be the father of the child? Can he protect him from growing up a little bit? Can he give him a life and future that a child should have? He was not at all uncertain about this, and it was precisely because of this uncertainty that he dared to face his expectant wife and the little life that was about to be born.

However, the one who should come will come after all. As a father, he can’t wait for the birth of his own child, and oneself would not dare to meet him. Therefore, it is time to take courage and make a determination to make a good father.

Thinking about this, Tony strode towards oneself’s wife’s room. And as soon as he got there, he heard a burst of cheerful talk and laughter. This made him surprised, because of his identity, in this White House, not who can talk to his wife so happily. And even if a friend came to visit, no one could be here at this time. So, who will it be?

Driven by curiosity, he immediately opened the door of the room, and immediately, he saw an existence beyond oneself’s expectations.

“Selena? Why are you here?”

Moonlight Goddess, Selena! Her appearance was definitely something Tony didn’t expect. This is not only because of her identity, but also means that Huiyao’s identity is really embarrassing for him now. However, the United States Government needs the support of Huiyao City, which is also at first they negotiated terms. The existence of Huiyao City is recognized in a nearly separatist manner, and what Huiyao City has to do is to show that oneself supports the government.

Selena is the representative of Huiyao City in the United States Government. Her existence itself means that the cooperative relationship between the two has been maintained. Of course, everyone knows that this kind of relationship is actually not very strong, and there is neither interest ties nor who affection between them, so this is just an act.

In addition, Serena is a person with a cold personality. She will almost not take the initiative to take care of those ordinary persons when she is not necessary. So she will appear here naturally to make Tony somewhat be surprised.

But surprised and surprised, and soon Tony regained the restraint and enthusiasm that a master should have.

“My dear, you should find someone to inform me. So I can also arrange in advance and invite Serena Young Lady to have dinner together. Like this, I have nothing. Preparation, it is really unreasonable for this guest of ours.”

“I also thought about such a thing, but you are working, I dare not disturb you at that time. But. Don’t worry, I’ve arranged it, and you just need to spare some time to accompany our guests.”

Maria gave Tony a blatant look, but what she said was nothing. It shows that she has already arranged everything properly. As far as a wife is concerned, she is definitely the kind of good helper. And it is precisely because she is always so smart and virtuous that Tony’s heart admires and cherishes her even more. So he didn’t care about the presence of outsiders, so he sat directly next to oneself’s wife, and while holding her hand cautiously, he smiled and said to her.

“I knew that my wife must be ready. Sometimes I really can’t help thinking, to marry a smart woman like you, God owes me no Less money, or he could impossible to arrange you with me.”

“You know that you are guilty.” Although there is still that kind of anger in the eyes, in fact Maria can’t bear it anymore. Lived and laughed. Everyone likes sweet words, and sweet words like this by oneself dear people are naturally more popular.

as the saying goes flirting. Under normal circumstances, if there are no outsiders present, she must have a few words with Tony. But now, since Serena is an outsider present, she naturally has to take care of the overall situation. So after just saying such a sentence, she directly brought the topic back.

“Okay, I won’t talk to you about these things. The guest is on business. I wanted to wait two days before telling you. But since you’re all done, let Se Linna oneself can tell you clearly.”

“What’s the matter?” If Selena’s appearance surprised Tony, then this situation of looking for him is even more surprised.

You know, Serena is not here on the first day. She has been in Washington for a long time. And in such a long period of time, not to mention that she was looking for Tony to do anything, even if she had a chance meeting with Tony a few times. Of course, this was also because she simply had nothing to let Tony solve her. As a transcendent being completely different from the mundane, if she really has something that can’t be solved, then even if she finds Tony’s head, Tony may be powerless. Besides, with such a big god behind her, she didn’t need to go to Tony.

Based on this reasoning, Serena’s intentions surprised Tony so much, and when he cast his curious eyes on Serena, he kept it because of his arrival. The silent Serena immediately opened her mouth and said to him with some cherish words like gold.

“I said farewell.”

“Farewell?” Tony frowned as soon as he said this. If according to his wishes, he definitely didn’t want Serena to leave like this. Of course, this is not because he has any coveted hearts for Serena. Although Serena is very beautiful, he still understands the principle that friends’ wives should not be deceived. The reason why she didn’t want her to leave was completely because of the significance of Serena’s existence here.

She is the representative of Huiyao City, which is an identity of extraordinary significance. And more importantly, the power she has. This made her almost full of deterrence like a human-shaped nuclear bomb.

Whether it is Hydra or any other organization, after seeing Serena Goddess come and suppress all formidable strength, I am afraid that she will be full of scruples about her existence. And as long as she stays in such a place, no matter what kind of enemy it is, she will not have the courage to set off a big storm. At best, they can only do little sneaky tricks in private, and this little trick is impossible.

It can be said that Serena is equivalent to White House’s umbrella. Her existence fundamentally eliminated the probability of being beheaded like the Indian government. However, if she left like this, then obviously the umbrella placed on the surface would not exist. Although this impossible has an absolute impact on the increasingly full-fledged Stark government, the trouble it has caused is no less.

If he could, Tony would never let Serena leave. However, this is just thinking about it in a dream. He doesn’t have the ability to tie such an adult Goddess to a small place like Washington. So he could only shrugged with a wry smile, and then said helplessly to Serena.

“Although I don’t want to hear such news, since it is your choice, then I will naturally respect it. However, can you tell me why you leave? I don’t want it. It’s because of our problems that caused you to have such an idea. It would make me feel very sorry.”

“Not for this reason.” Frowning and thinking, Serena Only then made up her mind and told her why she was leaving. “I left because the master’s second child was about to be born. As his maid, I should return to him. And, my business here is almost over.”

It seems to be Seeing the puzzlement in Tony’s brow, she quickly explained it.

“Don’t worry about the covenant between us. I have arranged a successor, and she will continue to stay here on my behalf, as the link between Huiyao City and the United States Government. Of course, You should also know that this is just a formality. We have already explained many things, and some things are absolutely impossible to repeat.”

Selena refers to Tony’s use of Zhou Yi. Tony could hear those things, and because he heard what she meant, a bitter smile appeared on his face even more.

Because of those, he lost oneself’s best friend. It’s really hard to tell whether this choice is right or wrong. But again, it was his choice, and he did not regret it, even though he already missed his old friend very much.

“Time flies so fast. His second child is about to be born!”

After saying this with emotion, Tony turned his pleading eyes on Serena’s body.

“I know I am not qualified to see him now. This is because I am sorry for him, I admit. But I think, if you can help me hand over a gift to me, it is because I am not qualified Your old friend’s last thoughts, do you think?”

“Of course!”

After hesitating, Serena is still nodded. She knew that no one was to blame for this matter, and if she was to blame, she could only blame this World also this cruel fate.

They just made the own choice, nothing more.

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