Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1311

Zhou Yi’s Little Princess was born, and it wasn’t just their family’s life that changed. In fact, anyone who knows Zhou Yi and has some friendship with Zhou Yi will express more or less because of the birth of this Little Princess. This is especially true for cities like the City of Steel and Huiyao City, which are completely shrouded in the shadow of Zhou Yi.

Of course, they don’t need to do anything special. Zhou Yi is not the kind of person who is extremely exploitative. He protects the site of oneself more than blackmail. In other words, as a guy who has already left the human level, he simply doesn’t need to blackmail these mortals. Whether it’s material or spiritual, he doesn’t need it. All he needs is to receive a decent congratulation, which is not difficult for this city.

Vacation, carnival. Whether it is an ordinary person in the city of Huiyao or a Mutant in the city of steel, they all started this lively celebration like a major holiday on this day. Their cheers almost turned the city into a noisy ocean, and Zhou Yi wanted such an atmosphere, such an atmosphere. Congratulations to the own child’s birthday, of course, it cannot be overstated.

In such an atmosphere, one after another guests also rushed here.

Charles and Magneto are naturally unnecessary. As the two leaders of Mutant under Zhou Yi’s command, they are impossible to ignore such an important matter. And friends like Logan and Rogue who used to have a relationship with Zhou Yi are even more impossible to miss such an important moment.

In addition, ordinary persons such as Parker couple, Stacy couple, Louise, also Superhero like Little Spider, Dr. Banner, Natasha, have also appeared here one after another.

I don’t know Zhou Yi’s true identity, because his on the surface identity will also give him face. And knowing his true identity is even more impossible to offend him because of such a small matter. It can be said that very quickly, the entire mansion is already full of silhouettes of guests, and Zhou Yi has been smiling and accepting congratulations from these people.

Today is a very special day for him. Even if an enemy appeared in front of him, he would only temporarily let go of his grievances, not to mention that those who came now were all his friends. Therefore, there is always a smile on his face, and he even said that sometimes he would make fun of others with interest.

“Logan, it’s really long time no see. I heard that you found a daughter, is it true? What is her name, and I will bring it here when I have time. How do you say we There are also a lot of friendships. I, as an Uncle, will give a gift.”

“She is X-23, I am planning to change her name, but there is no Think about it. As for the gift? Next time, this is a gift from me, I hope you like it.”

With a child, and his wife survived the Japanese catastrophe, Logan obviously had some experience. It’s different. To use an analogy, he changed oneself’s original wild beast’s way of living, and finally lived out the appearance of a man with a family.

Everyone who knows Logan knows how difficult it is to make this man in the bones full of wolfishness become what he is now. He was always a wounded lone wolf, and he didn’t even have a refuge den. But now, he has changed from a wolf to a dog to watch the house, not derogatory, but a real destination. This makes Zhou Yi, a good friend of him, start to feel happy for him.

It’s just joy to be happy, but Zhou Yi can’t accept this gift from Logan. Not because the gift is too expensive, but because the gift is so special. When Zhou Yi grew up, he had never seen anyone give a cigar to a child when he was born. What does this mean, do you plan to start smoking from a young age? I’m a girl, and I don’t have to train in this direction.

Because it is a festive day, Zhou Yi certainly can’t go crazy in public. So he could only hook Logan’s shoulders, found a place to carry him, and then confronted him with an angry face.

“What do you mean? This is my daughter. Did you give my daughter a cigar to make her learn bad? You believe or not give it to her next time I visit your daughter Give me a truckload of cigars!”

“Then I really want to thank you, you don’t know what life I’ve had during this time!” Zhou Yi’s counterattack not only failed to stop. Root was shocked, but instead made the 200-year-old smoker excited as if he saw his relatives and organizations.

“Since I recovered X-23, Mariko no longer allowed me to smoke casually at home. When Mariko became pregnant, she even cut off the money to buy cigarettes. This box of cigars is still a treasure I hid secretly, but I didn’t expect that Little Brat in my house had a better nose than me. I hid them in the cracks in the wall, but she found them and beat me in front of Mariko. Small report. I really can’t help it, so I can only say that this is a gift to give you. Otherwise, you think I will take this thing as a gift. Don’t crack a joke, I have only been for the past two years Smell, I didn’t even want to draw one. How could I give it to you!”

Said Logan, he unceremoniously took back the gift from oneself. Anyway, it was the place where he was carrying people, and it was in Zhou Yi’s home, so he just started smoking it without caring so much. And watching him just like this in oneself’s house, Zhou Yi twitched the corner of his mouth and said to him just now.

“I changed my mind. I plan to send your wife and child two truckloads of books, from criminal psychology to logical behavior judgment. Are you afraid that your wife and child will check you smoking? I will help them so that you will never even have a chance to smoke in the future!”

“Would you like to be so cruel! We are friends…”

Listen At this point, Logan couldn’t help but start speechless. If Zhou Yi really does this, then it can be imagined that his future life will never be better. So quickly, he began to beg for mercy.

At this time, Zhou Yi has no intention to continue to take care of him. There are many guests today, but he is not the only one. Even if it is to take care of other people’s emotions, he is also impossible to spend here. So he just waved his hand, strode out, and said to him.

“You’re right. I really shouldn’t be so cruel, so I will give you the truck of cigars that I promised you. As for how your wife and others supervise you, I think the ones I sent Books can make a difference.”

no longer paid attention to Logan was dumbfounded and scratching his head. Zhou Yi had already arrived in front of Stacy and his daughter. Today, Gwen. Stacy is already on the stage of own work. Because of the care of oneself father, she was included in the research and development department of the Corona Group. And this is a good thing for both the Stacy family and the Parker family.

The relationship problem between Parker and Stacy is already on the surface, and the parents on both sides have already met more than one side. For both parents, they are very satisfied with each other’s child. Under such circumstances, they are naturally happy to see the two children come to the end.

It’s just that there is also a problem between the two families. That is the problem of Gwen and Peter’s work. Father Stacy knows Peter’s true identity, but the old Parker and his wife don’t know. They only know that Peter is currently working in a Canadian university. Although the salary is high, he is busy all day long.

In this case, if Gwen didn’t find a job there, their relationship might really not be able to continue. Because of this kind of thing in a remote place, sometimes it really cannot be solved.

The Parkers have the heart to persuade Gwen to find Peter, but Gwen doesn’t think so. Because she knows exactly how important the old Parkers are to Peter. It can be said that after Peter’s biological parents passed away, it was the old Parker couple who worked hard to play the role of parents and provided him to Great Accomplishment. This is a graciousness of raising, a kindness that must be repaid.

For the current Parker, because he has a heavier responsibility, he is temporarily unable to repay the two old men who raised him. Regardless of how this is said, it is actually somewhat unreasonable.

Although the two old men said they didn’t care much, Peter cared and Gwen cared too. In this case, Gwen resolutely gave up his plan to find Peter, but stayed here and assumed Peter’s unfulfilled obligations as a fiancee. This is a rare performance for American who pays attention to freedom, and it is this performance that has won more respect for Gwen and made the old Parker couple love this “daughter-in-law” even more.

Like now, after seeing Zhou Yi walking towards them. Even an upright person like Old Parker couldn’t help but say this to Zhou Yi.

“Congratulations, Mr. Zhou Yi. Congratulations on your acquisition of a little angel. By the way, this is Gwen, Fiancee of Parker. She is now working in your company, and I hope you can do She will take care of her.”

It is enough to make Gwen’s status in the mind of this old man if he can make such a request for a whole-life upright and kind old man. Facing such a plea, Zhou Yi laughed and said affirmatively.

“Of course. Gwen is a very talented youngster. I think she will be the pillar of my company in the future. For such a talent, if I don’t give her a little care, That’s really unreasonable. By the way, Gwen, I haven’t congratulated you on your engagement with Parker. What about Parker? Put such a beautiful fiancee here, his fiance is a bit incompetent!”

Everyone knows that Zhou Yi is making fun of kindly, so no one will feel dissatisfied because of this. As for Gwen, he smiled slightly and said to Zhou Yi.

“Parker just saw Dr. Banner. He said that he wanted to ask Dr. Banner for some academic problems, so he just passed by. Look, they are there now!”

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