Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1314

The sharp claw and fangs from humans sticking out from behind. Banner has also experienced this taste. At that time, he just had the power to become a Hulk. Because of his inability to control himself and human beings’ greed for this power, he was chased and killed because there was no way to the sky and no way to the earth. At that time, he was forced to commit oneself’s biggest mistake in his life.

There are few people in Superhero who have had such an encounter with him, and this encounter also made him deeply understand what kind of heart-wrenching hurt from behind is.

Superhero, after all, is just a group of fanatical idealists. Because they are dissatisfied with the injustices of this World, they will choose to come forward. Because oneself shoulders the power and responsibility, they are willing to do things that change the world with one person. It can be said that every Superhero is innocent like a child. They always think that oneself can change the world, just like every child imagined when they were young.

This is the gap between the adult world and the child’s world. Children always think that the world can be changed by oneself, and most adults are changed by the world. Almost everyone has come from such a change, which people call growth. And there will always be some people who choose to refuse this kind of growth.

Superhero are this kind of person, and this kind of person is strong and vulnerable. Strong, they can face any terrifying enemy, face any danger and disaster. For the sake of own responsibility and ideals, even fighting with life can be done at all costs. However, Superhero are also vulnerable. Because some injuries can easily destroy their beliefs fundamentally.

For example, this kind of conspiracy comes from behind the people protected by oneself.

Just putting everything that Banner has encountered on Superhero half of them can make them retreat in despair, not to mention the things that happened to Zhou Yi. It was a complete betrayal and despair, even more thorough than the popular stories of Superman and Batman in comics. None of them can bear such things happen to them, so it is not surprising that Zhou Yi has such an attitude, and it is completely understandable.

Banner can understand Zhou Yi’s mood even more, because he empathizes with all this. However, he still firmly hopes that Zhou Yi can change his mind. In this regard, he also took out the greatest guarantee oneself could do.

“I know what it is like, sir. I also know what your experience was like. But I still hope you can leave a way out. Not for anything else, just for Those innocent old people, women also child. For those innocent vulnerable groups, for those pitiful persons who shouldn’t have to bear all this!”

“Your Excellency, I know that my guarantee may not be at all. .But, at this time, I am willing to say these things to you. I assure you that as long as you are willing to provide you with a help in this matter, then no matter how high the price is paid, I will definitely protect you Behind the scenes, you will no longer be murdered by any filthy and despicable existence. Unless they are wading through my corpse, they are absolutely impossible to touch one of your vellus.”

“Cannot touch One of my vellus?” Zhou Yi’s face changed a little when he heard this, and then he showed a sneer. “Banner, don’t you think you are a bit too embarrassed to say this? If those guys really want to deal with me, do you think you can do anything?”

“I know me The words of the lowly carry little weight alone have no ability to stop those politicians. However, I believe I am not fighting alone!”

Putting up his chest, Banner let go of own Voice, said loudly.

“I believe that justice still exists in everyone’s heart. I believe that everyone still has compassion and compassion in their hearts. I, also, my companions will stand by your side. As long as you are willing to take action, then anyone who is an enemy of you is an enemy of us, that is, an enemy of justice and sympathy in the world. I believe that human beings will not be indifferent. I believe that there will always be people fighting with us. So, Your Excellency. Please, stand up. We really need you!”

This time, Zhou Yi did not immediately replied. Because of this time, he also fell into silence. Banner made an action he hadn’t thought of at all, that is, at this time, he knelt down in front of Zhou Yi in a posture that was almost prostrate oneself in admiration.

This is not piety, Zhou Yi is very clear. Because he knew that Banner was not a believer in God. But this is definitely faith, an alternative faith, a faith that is more noble than any devotion to God. This made Zhou Yi sigh, because at this time he could not find any reason to refuse him.

Just, is his take action really useful? At this point, Zhou Yi actually has the answer in mind. That is, he can’t play a big role in this doomed tragic ending. Everything has become a doomed reality, and he is impossible to reverse this reality. He could no longer do something like that, even if he could do it, he wouldn’t do it again. The price is too great, he simply cannot afford it.

So after this long sigh, he just said to Banner.

“I said, I can’t help you too much. Especially if this has become a reality, it is impossible to have who can help you. Even so, you insist on letting me take action. Is it?”

“I insist.” Banner’s tone is decisive, because he believes in Zhou Yi and believes that things will eventually turn around. So he replied confidently. “At such a time, one more person will give you more power, and one more person will give you the power of tens of thousands of people. Together, I believe that miracles will always be created.”

“Oh, you have a good eloquence practice. You should go back to school and become a Teacher. It is a pity that such eloquence does not teach and educate others.”

After a little laugh, Zhou Yi changed his original appearance , And then laughed at Banner like this. And watching his sudden change of attitude, Banner’s mood was inexplicably pleasantly surprised, because he found that things had finally turned around at this time.

“So, did you agree to my request?”

“I didn’t agree…but I didn’t refuse either.” shook the head, Zhou Yi looked at it At the feet of oneself, on the city that has become a wasteland.

Looking at this city, he thought of many things back then. For him, those things are actually vivid in purpose. At that time, he was also a guy who didn’t choose to grow up. At that time, he was desperately trying to change this World. It’s like a game that requires you to bet on all the games. At that time, he was addicted to it, and he was also enjoying it. Until the cruel reality woke him up.

Because of the betrayal, the family, and the emotional changes in oneself, Zhou Yi chose to abandon all this at that time and chose to wake up from this dream-like life. But now it seems that this is really sober? Which one is dreaming? Some of him can’t explain it clearly, and some can’t understand it.

The complex mood made him inevitably fall into silence, and in this silent atmosphere, Banner felt exceptionally tormented.

He thought that oneself had already touched Zhou Yi’s heart and made him change his own mind. But now it seems that things are not that simple. This made him very anxious, because he knew that with Zhou Yi’s determination, if he couldn’t get him to agree on the spot while the iron was hot, then what would happen in the future is really something that no one can tell.

He wanted to continue to ask Zhou Yi about the result, but the atmosphere at the scene made him unable to open his mouth. And in his anxious wait, Zhou Yi smiled and withdrew oneself’s aimless eyes. Then he said to him meaningfully.

“I need a little time to think carefully about what kind of answer I need to give you on this matter.”

“Thinking? This kind of thing still needs to be done What to think about. Your Excellency, saving people is like fighting a fire. There is really no extra time to waste in this kind of thing.”

This answer is obviously unacceptable to Banner, so he immediately stuck his neck. , Yelled loudly. Regarding this, Zhou Yi said basically remaining unmoved.

“Of course I need to think, because many things are not as simple as you can start to act if you make up your mind. I need to seriously weigh whether I should do this or not, whether those people are worth me Do this. If I can find a satisfactory answer to oneself, I will give you a satisfactory answer. If I can’t, then I’m sorry, your efforts are useless.”

“Satisfactory answer? We can help you with this kind of thing.”

Banner was excited to take it all, but Zhou Yi was not willing to let him intervene, but touched it silently. A cigarette came out and oneself lit up.

“No one can help me with this kind of thing. Because what I need to convince is myself. Okay, Banner. I don’t want to continue talking about this matter anymore. Today is to celebrate the birth of my daughter Days, I don’t want to waste such a good time. Do you understand?”

“I understand!” Sighed dejectedly, Zhou Yi has already reached this point. Banner is naturally impossible Persevere stubbornly. He has worked hard to such a point, so of course he does not want all his previous efforts to be wasted because oneself arouses Zhou Yi’s disgust. He can only push everything to fate to decide.

This is not a pleasant thing, but it is the only choice he can make now. And just when he felt at a loss, suddenly a bold idea popped out of his mind. This made him immediately say this to Zhou Yi.

“Do you think that using the gratitude and praise of billions of people as a gift for your daughter is not enough?”

Zhou Yi has a meal and then So I replied.

“There are some weights, I will seriously consider it.”

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