Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1318

Lilith aroused Jean’s curiosity in one sentence. Faced with such an unusual thing, she is full of curiosity for knowledge as it should be by rights. And Lilith didn’t mean to hang her anymore. Soon, she told the truth that oneself had guessed.

“These things may just be ordinary accessories. What is really unusual is the means that the man uses on them. If I am not mistaken, he should have used the most incredible way To complete these works. A way called taboo in God.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

Jean is a Scholar, but I don’t know all these secrets about God. Lilith said in such a general way, clouds and mountains were haunting, she of course was impossible to understand. So she started to ask. Under her questioning, Lilith looked solemn and spit out such words.

“God-killing! One of the oldest and terrifying magic methods. In the era I lived in, God was the Supreme Existence, and mortals could only worship God and offer own possessions. However, This is not all, because mortals also have power, and this power appears in those wise men.”

“The wise men in human beings have the thought and ability to perceive the world, and through this This kind of talent, they learned the method of using root power from the root of the world. This is the most ancient magic, a power that even God would be afraid of. Because fundamentally speaking, God was born from the root of the world They are the incarnation of rules, so they as it should be by rights will also be harmed by ancient magic from the same root. Such a situation shakes God’s rule over the world, and in order to ensure the interests of the owner, God treats those ancient magic The wise men launched the suppression.”

“The mythical Prometheus, Atun, Asura these all are the incarnations of those ancient wise men, and you can guess from their stories, the story What is the ending of. Those wise men who master ancient magic are not the enemies of the gods. Under the power of the gods, they can only retreat. However, just when the gods want in a spurt of energy, When the wise men were completely wiped out, an accident was born! The wise men invented a new kind of magic, and under the threat of this magic, God had to give up their victory and choose to reach peace with the human wise men. Consensus.”

“This kind of magic that can make God afraid of it is the magic of killing God.”

“Using this kind of magic, humans can force God to come. , And extract all his power from the root. After all, God is the embodiment of the root power. Without this power, they are not even as weak as mortals. This is simply unbearable for God who enjoys all the beauty of the world At the price, no one wants to be like that. So naturally, God can only reach such a truce consensus with humans.”

“God will no longer treat humans as slaves, and treat them as A lamb that lives and kills. And those wise men among humans can also spread own wisdom among humans, but they cannot pass on that kind of taboo power. This is the most noble law of my time, and both humans and gods must be strict Obey it. I thought that in this age, this taboo power has completely disappeared, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. It has been passed down, and it is right in front of our eyes.”

After listening to Lilith’s long talk, Jean’s face appeared timely This kind of suddenly realized expression comes. And at this time, when she turned her gaze on those divine objects that served as gifts but had extraordinary power, her expression became serious.

“So, these things are the products of the ancient magic you said. That kind of god-killing magic?”

“It’s not that simple.” shook the head, Lilith Tight frowns said. “God-killing magic is only the source of power in these things, and if you want to contain this power in these little things, you need another superb method. Those Antiquity Era great alchemists may not be able to do this. A little bit, but that gentleman can do it, which is really incredible. His strength is really beyond my imagination.”

“Very powerful?” Jean frowned and asked. Although she could feel that Smith Zhou was not an ordinary person, she could not tell how powerful he was. Some people show their strength at a glance. Some people are introverted, and you basically can’t tell how much strength they have until you start. Smith Zhou is obviously the latter.

At first, Jean not at all took Smith Zhou’s power seriously. Because she didn’t think there was anything on this little planet that could threaten their family. But after listening to that many, Jean didn’t think so. Because the methods that Smith Zhou showed were a bit beyond her imagination.

The god-killing magic that represents the struggle between humans and God, which itself has enough legendary properties. In addition, most of their family is God who possesses divinity, and she thinks it is impossible for her to ignore him.

“Very powerful. It is estimated that all of us are not his opponents except for my dear and you. This kind of power is too restrained. If we let him master some of the gods we have Sexually, he can completely subdue us with no difficulty. Just like the original Owner of these things.”

Playing with the accessories in her hands, Lilith said with an ugly face.

“Horus, Hathor also Apophis, these all are God of Egypt. Maybe they were still asleep in a certain corner of the world, but now they are probably no longer This World is no longer present. This is the restraint of God-killing magic against God. Those ancient Gods have lost their divine force, and there is only dead end. This is also the case with me.”

Lilith Having said that, Jean also realized the seriousness of the matter. Not only Smith Zhou’s inherent threats to Lilith and Ada also Serrana, but also from the status of Smith Zhou, he said that it brought them the feeling of being tied. .

If other who possess the power to threaten their family, then it goes without saying that Zhou Yi and Jean will desperately remove him from the world. But Smith Zhou is different. His identity makes him the only exception, a person who makes them dare not act blindly without thinking.

Even if Zhou Yi has a big opinion about Smith Zhou, he is absolutely impossible to draw his sword at him easily, and the same is true for her. Because anyway, Smith Zhou is his biological father and grandfather of their child. For such a person, you can treat him as a stranger, but it is absolutely impossible to treat him as an enemy or threat to be eliminated.

This is ethically untenable. No child has been crazy enough to kill the own father because of a little threat. And Zhou Lan is absolutely impossible to let Zhou Yi do this. Unless she is dead, or Zhou Yi dares to step on her body, she is impossible to allow this to happen anyway.

However, this threat exists objectively. In the face of such a threat, it is impossible for them not to deal with it carefully. But how to deal with it, how to take some precautions and targeting, these are all difficult or even unsolvable problems.

Lilith can’t make up his mind, and Jean is equally uncertain. At this time, only two people have the right to make this decision. One is Zhou Yi, and the other is Zhou Lan. Zhou Yi must still listen to Zhou Lan, and what kind of attitude Zhou Lan has on this matter is also a question.

Thinking of this, Lilith and Jean both involuntarily turned their eyes on Zhou Lan’s body, and then they saw Zhou Lan’s frowns tightly, as if they were unconscious.

“You said, what does it mean that he sent these things here?”

From his understanding of Smith Zhou, Zhou Lan already guessed these gifts. I’m afraid it’s far more than just a gift. There must be a deeper meaning of Smith Zhou hidden behind them, and Lilith’s interpretation of the hidden meaning easily gave her a special understanding. That is the threat, the actual threat.

In her opinion, Smith Zhou seems to be using this way to show the strength of oneself and his inherent influence on the family. As long as he wants to, he has the ability to make their home uneasy. This is a powerful statement, and they have to pay attention to his existence. It’s just that Zhou Lan really couldn’t understand, what was his reason for doing this.

Want to get back what belongs to own in this threatening way? This is impossible. In the context of this family, he is the most inexistent kind of person. Because of the lack of information for more than 20 years, he was almost equivalent to oneself having severed all contact with them. And if he wants to come back in this way, it is simply impossible.

amenable to coaxing but not coercion, she is like this, and her child is like this. They will not succumb to this threat, and there is no reason to accept his existence because of this threat. Even if it was the most impossible situation, they really accepted him. Does he really think that with this method, they can become a family again?

What does he think of a family!

Indignation, disappointment, and mixed feelings agitated in his heart, Zhou Lan’s face also became pale. At this time, she hopes that things will not be what she imagined. But she couldn’t find a second reason to convince oneself. This made the sorrow in her heart suddenly become impossible to add up.

Why is this, how can he be like this! Unable to figure it out, she clasped the bracelet in her hand, then suddenly took a deep breath and walked towards the outside in strides.

She wants to ask all this, she wants to know what Smith Zhou wants to do!

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