Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1322

Clarice is confident, but only confident. Natasha, who had initially discovered that something was wrong with her, did not give her any opportunity. After finishing the transaction between them, she left here directly and disappeared at Clarice in a way of avoid meeting somebody. before.

For this kind of scene today, she is just a guest. After submitting the gift that belonged to the owner and the blessing of owner. Her obligations as a guest have been fulfilled. Clarice is different, she is family. There is no reason to say that on such a special day, leave the family alone and find trouble from an outsider.

This is a time difference. It is undoubtedly a very good choice to take advantage of this time difference to eliminate Clarice’s inexplicable curiosity.

Natasha thinks so. For her, Clarice’s actions are undoubtedly the result of overflowing curiosity. The best way to stop her curiosity from growing is to cut off the possibility of her continuing to contact this kind of thing. So she is ready to avoid this very curious little girl in the next few days.

Of course, things like avoiding Clarice are not important to her, these are just some spice in her life, nothing more. What really needs her to pay attention to is everything about Smith Zhou. In comparison, she can make up her mind about Clarice completely by oneself, while she has to discuss with Havoc about Smith Zhou.

I drove the car back on the road. Suddenly I felt that my side sank. Natasha raised her brows and said to the empty space beside her.

“Have you seen that Little Brat? How do you feel?”

“It’s amazing, there is an incredible feeling.” The voice of catastrophe sounded from her side, and then As if doing magic, he suddenly appeared beside Natasha.

The catastrophe at this time is completely different from the past. In the past, he was confident and calm. Sometimes he was gentle and elegant, sometimes he was the domineering of Only I Am Supreme. But no matter what time it is, he has never lived like this, his mind is not belonging, as if his soul is no longer within the body.

“It’s like feeling that own life has continued to a part. Everything is beginning to change and regenerate. The soul seems to be full of power, like a spring water that has been smashed, rushing continuously. Come up. Is this the meaning of a child? It feels so good.”

“That’s why I said, we also need a child, don’t we? If you change your mind now, it’s actually too late.”


Seeing that the catastrophe had a feeling of shock for the newly born child, Natasha, who had always wanted to achieve results in this regard, immediately said to him while the iron was hot. To this, the catastrophe is just a wry smile.

“Sorry, Natasha. I am not ready yet. So…”

“I know, I can wait. But I just hope you don’t Let me wait too long. You know, I’m not young now. I don’t want to wait for senile to wait for your change of heart.”

curl one’s lip, Natasha not at all put too much pressure on the catastrophe on this issue. She just made an own request, an insignificant request. For this request, Haojiao just smiled and held her hand, and then assured her.

“Don’t worry, there won’t be such a day. I will do my best to let you keep this beauty today, forever and ever. So, even when you became a mother, You will definitely be a beautiful mother.”

“Flavorful words, I hope you didn’t lie to me.” Smiling and ending the topic, Natasha straightened his face and said to the catastrophe. “There is one thing I think I need to tell you. The very important thing is about Smith Zhou.”

“Smith Zhou?” Hearing this name, I was still thinking about oneself. The catastrophe of the beautiful feeling of that little life immediately awoke, and he couldn’t help but frowned his brow.

It is like Zhou Yi himself is afraid of Smith Zhou and does not catch a cold. Havoc, for this person who has the identity of oneself father, is also not cold. Because of the existence of this guy not at all in his memory, for him, Smith Zhou himself is also a dispensable guy. How he is, it has nothing to do with oneself. So, he was very surprised why Natasha would talk about him at this time.

Natasha can understand the attitude of the catastrophe. If Smith Zhou was really just an ordinary person, then she would not take him out to talk about things. However, Smith Zhou is obviously not that simple, so she has to explain certain things clearly to the catastrophe.

“About Smith Zhou, how much do you know about him?”

“He? He is just Zhou Lan’s ex-boyfriend. A failed guy.”

With these words, he gave Smith Zhou a definition, and this definition is obviously full of his subjective and conjecture thoughts. This answer came from the mouth of catastrophe, and Natasha didn’t feel surprised. However, she couldn’t let him continue to think so.

“If I were to distinguish this character, the first thing I would like to tell you is that he is a very special guy. You have not been in contact with him, maybe you don’t know, but in my opinion , The power he has should be the most powerful in this world. Maybe not as good as you, but compared to Banner or Peter, this guy definitely has overwhelming, no, completely crushing power.”

“Is this question important?”

Raised an eyebrow, the catastrophe didn’t care about Smith Zhou’s power at all. Because no matter what kind of power he possesses, what kind of influence it is impossible to have on oneself. Even said, this is not even a challenge. So as it should be by rights, he doesn’t have the need to take him seriously.

It’s just that although he thinks so, Natasha doesn’t think so. So at this time, she said to Haojie very seriously.

“Does your question matter? Of course, I don’t say this because of the power he possesses. I say this because of the conflict between him and your mother. I don’t think you know what happened today. Smith Zhou, your nominal father, he has completely quarreled with your mother, and from the results of my observations, this contradiction is probably a little will not small. Even Speaking of cast aside all considerations for face, it is not an exaggeration.”

“Huh?” Hearing Natasha’s words like this, Zhou Yi immediately sank. He wasn’t sure what Natasha said true or false, so at this time he could only ask him that way. “What’s your basis for saying this?”

“You know, I can understand lip language. And today’s chat between Smith Zhou and your mother, I also understand. He gave Your mother gave a gift, not so much a gift as a threat. The ancient Goddess named Lilith said very clearly that his gift represented a restraint against the so-called God, and said God, I’m afraid there is nothing more conspicuous than your family.”

“I don’t understand what he means. But I know, your mother understands. So at that time, I Seeing that your mother came to him aggressively, and then came back with a sad face. According to my judgment, your mother should have suffered some spiritual damage, and this damage may also make them feel bad. The contradiction between the two has intensified to the extreme.”

“Why? Although they have some stories, they have been a long time ago. Now they should have no relationship at all, if they want , They can be like a stranger.”

“You’re right, but the problem is that some of them don’t want this to happen. In order to explore the truth, I specialize Asked your younger sister about the specific situation. According to the information I have obtained, the crux of the problem lies with that fellow Smith Zhou.”

“He wants to return In your family, he wants to regain the recognition of your mother and Zhou Yi. However, your mother does not welcome his return. It seems that your mother always thinks that Smith Zhou has a different heart. An attempt, a very terrifying attempt. She did not want such an intention to be realized, so she has been leading the own family to reject the existence of Smith Zhou. Now, what Smith Zhou has to do is to break this blockade. He I want to use the own method to forcefully insert into your family.”

As Natasha tells, the conflict between Smith Zhou and Natasha is so little by little before the catastrophe . Facing their conflicts of this generation, Haojiao tangled eyebrows, revealing a difficult expression.

On this issue, power can play a very small role. Because all Zhou Yi’s scruples also existed on him, he could not recognize Smith Zhou’s identity, but he had to recognize the inherent connection between them. And this also made him unable to do what oneself wanted to do unscrupulously.

Clear, destroy. This is impossible.

So, what should we do? After all, everything must be attributed to the original cause.

“Do you know why they became like this?”

“Know a little bit. Your father, that Smith Zhou, the twenty years he disappeared is equivalent to Yu abandoned your mother and son. And his purpose of abandoning you seems not so simple. For deeper things, I need some time to explore, but I have that hunch, I am afraid that there is a great hidden inside. The secret.”

“I know.” took a deep breath, the expression of the catastrophe was already silent. “Please, Natasha. I need your help.”

“Of course, I will do it with full strength.”

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