Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1324

For Alexia, the T virus transformed body that she once possessed, which was almost developed to the limit, was naturally something she was reluctant to give up easily. So in the process of reshaping her body, she naturally requested that such a trait be added to this new body.

However, this is not enough. After experiencing the raid of the catastrophe, Alexia has clearly understood the gap between oneself and the existence of Peak. This is definitely not something that trifling, a biotechnology, can reverse. If you want to catch up with this gap, you must use more methods. For her, she actually has no means to use.

After all, she is just a human being. Even if he has been named a genius since he was born, it is impossible for genius to make up for this gap. This is the gap between gods and humans. If it can be easily made up, then humans will not be succumbed to Earth until now, they could have set off toward the sea of ​​stars long ago.

Of course, Alexia does not have this ability, it does not mean that Smith Zhou does not have this ability. After all, he is the Chi Songzi who has changed an era, and he is also the most powerful magician in this world. Compared with him, whether it is the so-called Paragon sorcerer or the Merlin of the Arthurian era, they are much dwarfed. Because the knowledge in his hands is far beyond their imagination.

Alchemy, magic, alchemy. He knew all the crystallization of wisdom since the birth of mankind, and applying this crystallization of wisdom to the current situation, then it is natural to easily solve the problems facing Alessikya.

First of all, the body. The body created by biotechnology is actually strictly speaking out of the shackles of human beings. After all, this is the power of the T virus, which is known as the key to the evolution of the new era of mankind. It can easily change the most basic life form of a creature, strictly speaking, which is actually pushing human beings in the direction of God.

Of course, this is only ten thousand li Long March 1st Step. Going out of this step does not mean that you are successful. There is also a lot of road ahead. The problem that Alexia committed was that she didn’t know how oneself should go on. Without this experience, she looks at the road ahead as if she looks at the fog on the abyss of ten thousand zhang. She knew that there was a bridge in the middle, but she just couldn’t step on it. Smith Zhou does not have this problem. He has already reached the other side of existence, so in his experience, the road there is actually an obvious at a glance.

Refining the body, this is the path he chose for Alexia. Just like the monkey in Journey to the West, relying on the Immortal Pill and the alchemic furnace to produce Indestructible Vajra Body and Golden Fire Eyes. He could also apply similar things to Alexia.

Of course, that kind of post-age mythology woven out of religion has nothing to do with him. He is impossible to refine Immortal Pill like the old man in the story. He also builds Eight Trigrams Furnace for refining people. But he can use another method to achieve the same goal. For example, the refinement of divine force also divine object.

Isn’t Achilles, the great hero in Greek mythology, developed his own Indestructible Vajra Body in the Netherworld River? Eight Trigrams Furnace and Immortal Pill are technical activities, and they may not be able to be accomplished with time and effort, but Netherworld River shows that the dead objects placed there are things that can be easily obtained.

However, this Netherworld River does not refer to all Netherworld Rivers. The Netherworld River in Greek mythology represents the world of the dead in Greek mythology. Its ruler, Hades, represents the earth and Death among the three main gods. The earth is the mother of life, the beggar of all things. This power inherited from his grandmother Goddess Gaia gives the Netherworld River under his control a divine force of life and death. And this can make Achilles get that kind of Vajra Body.

Netherworld River, which just means Death, like Heim Netherworld, has such an effect as impossible. Soaking in the Netherworld River in the underworld of Heim, ordinary life has only the choice of dead end. Coincidentally, the Netherworld River in Egyptian mythology happens to be the same as the Netherworld River in Greece, having the same power of life and death.

In Egyptian mythology, Sun God Raday will ride the Manjet, the ship of ten thousand years, wandering in the sky. That is the sun that people can see during the day. At night, when the sun goes down, it means that you have entered Death, and transferred to another ship, Mesektete, and paraded on the Netherworld River, together with the giant snake Apofis representing chaos. Start a fight.

The purpose of Apophis is to prevent crossing over the Netherworld River, because in mythology, once crossing over the Netherworld River, then he will usher in a new life, which means 2nd day of the sun rising. Of course, because the sun always rises, Apophis’s prevention has always been a futile effort that’s all.

However, this is not all in vain. Because of the existence of this myth, Netherworld River has the same incredible power because of Ra’s Death and new students. This power is very useful for Alexia, because now, she is in this formalin-like solution that Smith Zhou used the water of the Netherworld River to refining.

Of course, only the Netherworld River water alone cannot meet Smith Zhou’s requirements. He needs to give Alexia more so that she can have more life-saving trump cards in future threats. To do this, the most appropriate way is actually to give her a divine force.

This kind of grant is not as simple as a gift given by Smith Zhou before, simply using a sacred relic as a medium. That kind of power gained from the god-killing magic is actually empty. It just hollowed out the root power represented by a God, allowing people to intervene and drive this power through the media.

In the final analysis, this force has limitations. Only the sacred relic containing the power of God can be used, and the upper limit of the used power is absolutely impossible to exceed the upper limit of this God. A weakened version of God, this is the best result that can be achieved by this way of God-killing props. For Smith Zhou, such a result is undoubtedly inappropriate for Alexia.

Because Alexia is undoubtedly his closest existence, she almost knows all the secrets of oneself, which makes her bound to be closely related to oneself. She only has a reason to become stronger, so of course he is impossible to restrict her growth in this way. He must give her a broader future and normal space, and this also requires him to adopt a different approach.

Incubating, this is the way Smith Zhou wants to use. Deprive a God root of the same phase and implant it in the unformed nascent body. Then use the corresponding divine force as the source of nourishment, little by little, to promote the growth of this new body.

Such a process is completely similar to the birth of a new life. In fact, this is the inspiration sought from the allusions of the union of gods and gods to give birth to new gods. Heirs of the gods can become the new God, so there is no reason for him to create the same environment.

He considered every key point of the problem. Divine force, he can provide sufficient divine force. It represents the component of God bloodline, and it has also been replaced with purified Netherworld River water. And most importantly, the core of power and divinity, he has also found the most suitable substitute for Alexia.

Sail Kate, the ancient Egyptian scorpion Goddess. Its symbol, the scorpion, and Alexia oneself’s bloodline of the Zerg developed by the T virus closely match, and the divine force of the scorpion Goddess itself can provide her with a fairly high starting point.

You must know that although Saylor Kate is not well-known in Egyptian mythology, the power and divinity she represents is absolutely extraordinary. She is the Guardian God, petitioning for the innocent. Protecting a woman’s childbirth means that her power has the characteristics of justice and renewal. At the same time, using the scorpion as a symbol represents her strength and danger. She was very venomous, and the scorpion needle was deadly. In mythology, the ability to protect the gods from Apophis’ harm also means that she has an unparalleled divine force.

Only looking at combat effectiveness, Seiler Kate has to surpass the main gods like Ra and Anubis. Transferring her divine force to Alexia’s body can completely make Alexia a new scorpion Goddess, and walk out of a path belonging to the owner based on Kate’s base point.

It can be said that Smith Zhou considers everything for Alexia, and under his thorough consideration, Alexia is also following his expectations, little by little towards the established direction Move forward.

Now she is like in an egg. Smith Zhou created this egg for her. The nutrients in the eggshell are the beginning of her new life. And knowing that the moment she broke out of the shell, she was able to appear on this World in a brand new and more powerful posture. This day is not far away, whether it is Smith Zhou or Alexia oneself can feel it.

In this regard, Smith Zhou has a sense of accomplishment and pride, because not who can do this step, but he did it. Of course he has reason to be proud. As for Alexia, her heart is more deeply loving. A man can do this step for her, of course she would think so.

Tenderness and honey linger in my heart, and at the same time I am touched by the desire to act like a baby. With people like Smith Zhou, of course she is just a little woman who can act coquettishly. So at the moment, she licked her lips and said to Smith Zhou.

“My dear, I am hungry.”

“Are you hungry? I know.”

A sphinx the size of a domestic cat The existence of was thrown into the water of the Netherworld River, and next moment, the scorpion tail and sharp bone spurs of the ferocious scorpion sprang out from the body of the newborn body one after another. With a scream, everything fell into silence. Only the terrifying sound is left, echoing in the empty room.

The birth of the new gods and the destruction of the old gods are what Smith Zhou would like to see, so he laughed and laughed very happily.

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