Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1510

The Jade Emperor has worked hard and almost used the entire Celestial Court force to contain Zhou Yi. There are other Divine Immortal, but those Divine Immortal are clerical, and it is estimated that they are not very useful.

Be aware that not every Divine Immortal can stand up and fight, subdue monsters and defeat demons. Qin Han said before that, at that time, Demons on Nine Provinces were horizontal and horizontal. If you didn’t hold the killing move in your hand, I am afraid that you were already killed by those Demons before you became an immortal.

After arriving in the Qin and Han dynasties, Shi Huang Zhengtian, basically the more powerful Demon God was not killed but was sealed. The rest is basically a good thing, and it can’t threaten the increasingly powerful fairy collective. At this time, most of the immortals would naturally not do anything too dangerous.

After all, people who ask for immortality and ask for an immortality, life as long as heaven. To live long and to live steadily longer is what they are after. If things like subdue monsters and defeat demons are not necessary, few people are willing to do it. Because no one knows whether you are subdue monsters and defeat demons, or are you subdued by Demon. A careless, wrong trip, hundreds of years of cultivation burned down, who would cry for this kind of thing.

So don’t be fooled by such fairy tales as the Mountain Sword. The real fairy may have a few powerful spells, but more of it is to cultivate oneself and protect the Tao for longevity. The way. In terms of combat, few people are professional, and they professional does not raise. The ones who are really professional are those celestial troops and generals who are fighting in battle based on their innate ability.

Most of these people are born with the Divine Demon Blood system, their life essence is extremely high, coupled with their aggressive nature, fighting for years, naturally they have a unique ability. And when they returned to the current Celestial Court, they naturally became the celestial troops and generals in the Celestial Court, and those subdue monsters and defeat demons, the responsibility of supporting the Celestial Court fell on them.

These Divine Immortals have never been many, but they are definitely the type that beats ten. And the Jade Emperor’s command called out almost all Divine Immortal also those celestial troops and generals that could be hit. In anyone’s opinion, this will not be a trivial matter.

The last time this happened was when the monkey with a solid background went up to Celestial Court. Even at that time, the position set by Celestial Court was not as big as it is today.

Speaking of that time, although celestial troops and generals were also dispatched together, everyone with a discerning eye knew that it was just a pomp for Buddhism to settle in Celestial Court.

The King of Tota is a member of Buddhism, the four kings are members of Buddhism, and even the Five Heavens are members of Buddhism. At that time, the Jade Emperor thought very well. Using such a team of Buddhism gods to capture the big monkeys can not only demonstrate his wise and martial art in introducing Budhism policies, but also suppress the majesty of the Celestial Court. But he didn’t expect that oneself would play off.

The monkey’s ability is so strong that these foreign monks simply cannot control it. And if he wants to let the Taoist take action, he can’t save this face. In the end, it really didn’t work, and letting oneself’s unwelcome nephew go out to force the monkey to live.

According to common sense, the abacus has failed, and the Jade Emperor should die. However, the Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor after all, and for the sake of his own plan, he can be considered ruthless. Now that it has been left out of the skin, it is simply not necessary. He began to walk this way to death with determination.

Relying on oneself to know the monkey’s backstage, he calculated a bigger plot against. And let alone, after he lost his face and even the Western Buddha pulled over, his plot against really became. Even the Supreme Taoist is out, and he is about to build a good unpolished jade, which he made into a cooked duck. A Peak’s protector god was given to plot against Buddhism from the Daomen, which naturally gave him a bigger gap with the Daomen.

However, the Jade Emperor doesn’t care about this. Anyway, it was not a matter of a day for Dao Sect to listen to him or not. Being able to use this move to suppress the ethos of Daomen, and easily introduce Buddhism to bring oneself a force that can check Daomen, no matter how you look at it, it’s a profit.

It can be said that after hitting that, the Jade Emperor did not pay much attention to the gates in Celestial Court. Even if there is something, as long as it can be solved by the Divine Immortal or Buddhism under oneself, there will be absolutely nothing. It’s like now, Daoist Buddhism is dispatched together, and even Marshal Tianhe, Trump Card’s confidant, is pulled out.

This is a big event! As long as they are not stupid, these Divine Immortals will be aware of this problem. And watching Lianyu Imperial Capital took out the oneself trump card treasure, that mirror mirror, imitated from the ancient divine tool, to see the movement of the army. These Divine Immortal also couldn’t sit still, and began to use their own means to find out what happened.

The army moved together and the flags were flying. more then 2000 years conserve strength and store up energy, coupled with Celestial Court’s background, apart from anything else, there are still millions of heavenly soldiers. Although this battle is not going to pull millions of heavenly soldiers, but after all, it has already pulled out most of the military force of Celestial Court, so at least the least, there are hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers echoing.

These hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers raised banners and beat the drums of war. Haohao soup, boundless. When I hit South Heaven Gate, I went out, covering the sky, almost covering the entire sky with dark clouds and airtight. Coupled with the thunder and the thunder, the wind and rain masters mingled inside, lightning and thunder, under howling wind and torrential rain, the entire Heaven Realm almost shook.

Everyone knows that this is a symbol of the movement of Celestial Court troops. And anyone who has a bit of a bottom line in his heart, at this time, he should be crouched, lying down. Obediently and honestly, I dare not move at all.

Everyone knows that if such an army is dispatched, it is impossible to go back in a circle. If the credit is not enough, then maybe someone will be pulled out, and the number will be added to it. At that time, if you are too jumpy, you will be turned into a bird. It really didn’t even have a place to cry.

Celestial Court is the world’s largest power in this side, and it’s impossible to run. If they are launched, there is really no one in this world who is their opponent.

Of course, Zhou Yi didn’t know this. But he can see the current style of Celestial Court, and from this kind of style, he can also feel the dominance of Celestial Court today. As the world’s largest official power in this side, they should be domineering. But if it’s directed at oneself, then it’s just two words.

Zhou Yi doesn’t think it’s such a coincidence, oneself will be able to meet the Celestial Court war. Therefore, with a rough association, he guessed things pretty close. And this also caused a sneer on his face immediately.

“It’s so pompous and domineering. It looks like your Celestial Court is really Only I Am Supreme.”

“The power is moving. You are Come, anyone with a discerning eye can see some allusions. The Lord of the Celestial Court has always been in a bad position. He is unwilling to give up his position, and of course he will do everything possible to block your way.”

Although he was a prisoner, Zhang Daoling did not have the consciousness of being a prisoner. He stood by Zhou Yi’s side, eloquently speaking, more like a counselor than a prisoner. When he heard what he said, Zhou Yi suddenly owned and said with a smile.

“Making a big topic, extremely ignorant. In his position, I have not taken seriously.”

“You may not take seriously, but that person may not think so . Besides, that position should have been yours. Now that you have come back, do you think he can still sit and live?”

“What do you mean? What do you mean by me? That’s right?”

I felt that Zhang Daoling had hidden meaning, Zhou Yi couldn’t help asking. Seeing his doubts like this, Zhang Daoling smiled with a long beard.

“You do not have to hide it. Although the old man is not an ancient person, he has also heard about Ancient Secret. The power of the eight masters of Heaven and Earth lies in your body. Rong, is there still a second owner in the Celestial Court?”

“Where is Jade Emperor? Isn’t he the Lord of the Celestial Court for you?”

“It’s just a temporary replacement. How could he be allowed to sit in that position if it wasn’t for a few parties to quarrel. And this sitting more then 2000 years has already become a big tail. If you can Just knock him off the dust, I believe many people are happy to see it happen.”

When Zhou Yi asked about the Jade Emperor, Zhang Daoling laughed and sighed. This is his laughter from harboring malicious intentions. Obviously, in his opinion, the Jade Emperor must not sit down anymore. This aspect is based on the facts, he does not think that the Jade Emperor can still sit in that position under such circumstances. On the other hand, from his personal point of view, he did not want the Jade Emperor to continue to do this Lord of the Celestial Court.

The Daoist forces are his painstaking efforts, and the Jade Emperor, who only wants to maintain oneself power even at the expense of introducing Buddhism into Celestial Court, is actually no different from the enemy to him. In the past, he didn’t have the qualification to treat the Jade Emperor. But now it’s different. Celestial Court will change, and he is naturally qualified to bet to make this change change in the direction he wants to see.

From where he is standing next to Zhou Yi, it can be seen that he has already placed his chips on Zhou Yi. And facing a prisoner like him who didn’t look like a captive, Zhou Yi could only ask him in an unclear tone.

“You just bet on me like this, are you not afraid that I am not the opponent of those guys and let all your plot against fall into the empty space?”

” Fear, of course. But I believe in the power of the Eight Lords of Heaven and Earth, which cannot be blocked by such celestial troops and generals. Moreover, even if it fails, the only thing the Taoist loses is me. There is an old master. , Dao Sect can’t fall. As long as I win, Dao Sect can usher in a ZTE. It’s worth it, isn’t it?”

Zhang Daoling answered very calmly, and such a calm answer is for Zhou Yi He laughed immediately.

“You are very honest, which is great. I am willing to cooperate with honest people. But don’t forget, we have negotiated the conditions before!”

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