Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1516

as the saying goes, a dragon is a long scale insect, and a tiger is the king of beasts. The long scaly beetles in the world must respect the dragon. And all the furry beasts in the world must regard the tiger as king. Rats are also beasts, and they must obey this rule. Therefore, when the King of 100 Beast, the White Tiger, the real divine might roar, even if the rat is a rat, he couldn’t help screaming, rolling trembling all over, from The cloud head fell down.

This is something that no one thought of, especially Duo Wen Tian Wang. Seeing his baby, Divine Beast, was terrified when someone shouted so loudly and fled. In fact, his mood is similar to the guy who what’s gone can never come back.

Of course, he is not to blame. After all, no one would have thought that the White Tiger God Lord would have such a great deterrent against these hairy Divine Beasts. Although he is also an official at Celestial Court, he is also impossible to carry the own baby mouse and go to the White Tiger God Lord and slam the door to see how he can catch the own baby mouse. Especially when the Sifang Gods are always low-key people, it is not easy for them to meet each other, let alone explore such details.

So this can be said to be an unintentional loss, and it is this unintentional loss that caused the four kings to be in an unfavorable state at the very beginning. At this moment, Duo Wen Tian Wang didn’t even have the idle time to find the own mouse, because at this time he was facing more and more violent attacks from the White Tiger god.

The divine wind whizzes, like thousands of swords and halberds swaying through the clouds, although the Eight Treasure Yingluo Umbrella can form a world by itself, it can protect one party. But after all, there is still an upper limit. Although the Divine Wind of White Tiger is not enough to break this upper limit, it is not much different. It takes a lot of energy to hear that the king of heaven can barely ensure that the world in the own umbrella is not blown open by such a divine wind.

He has exhausted his methods and can only use this method to provide back-up support for his brother. And ensuring that this layer of protection is not lost is the only thing he can do.

He is reluctant, and the four heavenly kings also know that he is reluctant. So immediately, the King of Heaven is a stroke of a pipa, and the life-threatening Sanskrit sound is already hiding the sky and covering the earth coming through the brain.

As the god of music, the king of the kingdom can use the Sanskrit sound of pipa to inspire the world and take refuge in my Buddha. It can also kill and protect oneself. Like now, of course he is impossible to use the method of refuge to inspire the two gods of Azure Dragon White Tiger, so naturally, he uses the method of piercing the brain to kill.

This method of formidable power is so big that it cannot be avoided. Even covering your ears will not help at all. Because Sanskrit sounds only work on the body and soul, it doesn’t matter whether the ears listen to it or not.

silver bottle suddenly breaks through the water broth and burst fourth, the iron cavalry protrudes and shoots. The master of the kingdom has profound skills, not only the sanskrit formidable power is terrible, but even this pipa kungfu is also extremely accomplished. The fingers flicked off and choked. It really feels like Bai Juyi, big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate. It’s hard to imagine that a guy who looks like a fighting man can have this skill, but when you think about it, this is what it should be.

After all, he is the god of music, not the king of heavy metal rock. If the pipa rang, the crackle is all noise. The lethality is there, but who would choose to take refuge because of this? even more how noise alone has no merit other than stimulating the eardrum. Want to be straightforward and intriguing. Relying on this ability, there is nothing at all.

So he naturally plays the pipa very well. As soon as the Sanskrit sound came out, even an influential figure like the Azure Dragon White Tiger God Lord could not help but feel like being infatuated. Although the Sanskrit sound of pipa alone, he is basically impossible to let the two great gods of Azure Dragon White Tiger fall under his feet, and he has never played such an unreliable idea. However, it is quite enough to let them be in a trance for a while.

In just such a short time, the King of Growth had already arrived with the sword before God Sovereign Meng Zhang, the wisdom sword swept away, and the unparalleled cold front suddenly swept in.

The sword of wisdom is the sword of wisdom, with great wisdom mana on it. It is not like an ordinary divine armament weapon. Kill the flesh and kill the Divine Soul. Although it also has the benefits of divine armament, its greatest ability is to kill thoughts.

as the saying goes Huijian cuts love silk, Huijian cuts troubles. The original shape of the wisdom sword here is the one in the hands of the growth king. As the God of Wisdom, as long as he holds this sword and goes down, he immediately slashes his worries, eliminates his thoughts, and makes the recipient of the sword reach a point where all four are empty.

It sounds like a good thing, but in fact it is not necessarily. Because as a living being, every life has troubles and thoughts in the body. Even so-called Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Gods are the same. Without worrying thoughts, it means that you have no ego and no persistence that a creature should have. Such a person is not so much a person as a walking corpse.

Under normal circumstances, even if you are from Buddhism, you can at most ask for a trace of the wisdom sword to cut away unnecessary troubles. No one wants to cut everything with the Huijian, because they all know what it means. If you don’t understand, just look at the acolytes and bhikshuni raised by Buddhism.

Abandon everything, take refuge in my Buddha, and have no other thoughts besides chanting the Buddha’s name. There is no difference between being alive and being dead. This is the end of the four being empty and all thoughts disappeared. It can be said that the horror of Hui Jian is also in this place.

When facing the enemy, it is against the ancient gods like Azure Dragon White Tiger. Of course, the growth king can no longer have any clumsiness. His Magical Powers had already reached the extreme, and the benefits of the Huijian had already come to an end. Cut down with a sword, all thoughts disappeared, this is already a certain thing.

However, when he cut down with a sword, the god Meng Zhang had already broken free from the pipa Sanskrit of the Heavenly King of the Kingdom. Hui sword edge is right in front of him, even he has to be shocked.

In order to avoid this blow, in an instant, his hundred zhang dragon body has shrunk suddenly, becoming as small as mustard, worthy of rubbing with sword edge. However, this did not stop the determination of the King of Growth to kill him. He flew up and stretched his arms, and Wu Bi Hui Jian immediately turned his sharp edge, like a Heavenly God front, and once again beheaded Meng Zhang.

This time, it really made God Lord Meng Zhang angry. So at the moment, he just shouted “Junior Dare!” and he was already in a thunderbolt, and Feiteng turned into a ten thousand zhang.

Cao Mengde once said about the changes in the dragon. Can be big and small, can save energy and hide. The big one is happy, the small one hides the form. Rising is flying in the universe, while hiding is lurking in the waves. The god Meng Zhang had hidden his form before, in order to let the growth king retreat.

He is not the kind of person who is ignorant of current affairs. As the leader of the four-party gods, he knew very well that if the eight masters wanted to return to Celestial Court, it would be better not to fight. It doesn’t matter if you offend Celestial Court, because the Jade Emperor’s position is not right, no one will be willing to support him with all his might. But to offend Taoism and Buddhism, it is a matter of endless trouble.

more then 2000 years, Taoist Buddhism has risen one after another, and it has already reached a point where people can sigh. Even these ancient gods, they sometimes have to admit that the power of Taoism Buddhism is no longer comparable to their ancient legacy.

Although the eight masters are strong, they are only personal strength after all. In the face of the general trend, it is difficult for personal strength to play a decisive role. Before they rebelled, they actually offended Dao Sect. If you are having a breakdown with Buddhism at this time, it will be really hard to regain control of Celestial Court.

At this time, the best way is actually to show strength so that the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism can default to the return of the eight masters. As long as they can acquiesce in this fact, the rest will be easier to say. However, Shenjun Meng Zhang never thought of it. Buddhism would actually be so merciless at this time, desperately to safeguard the interests of the Jade Emperor. In particular, the act of fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness like the King of Growth directly eliminated all his thoughts of relaxation.

He is not the role of submit to humiliation. As the ancient god, he is also sacred in the dragon. His temper and arrogance are counted even in ancient times. Seeing the growth king fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, and desperately want to kill oneself. He immediately turned into a ten thousand zhang real body, and then vomited his head and swept over the Zhengzheng Heavenly King who had cut off oneself several sideburns with the wisdom sword at the thunderbolt divine light.

This divine light is the Supreme divine force derived from the condense of Divine Thunder born by the god Meng Zhang with his own Dragon Ball. Good use can lead to life and death, flesh and bones, rebirth, and many good things. The evil use is to destroy the Divine Soul of flesh and blood, and eliminate the magical powers of all kinds of nihilism.

Ordinary Divine Immortal, if it touches a little, it will disappear in ashes. And God of the level of the Four Heavenly Kings may not be able to stop such Divine Ability.

The growth of the heavenly king knows so much that he retreats quickly. But Azure Dragon God Lord is already violent and impermanent, how could he let him retreat like this. So when he saw his dragon head sway, the thunderbolt divine light was already in the shadows, and seeing the growth of the heavenly king was about to be swallowed by this divine light, he heard loudly immediately.

“Brother, don’t panic, I’ll help you!”

After saying this, he is already wearing the Divine Wind of White Tiger and forcibly handing the umbrella to Set up here. And just after he met the divine light on the front of his umbrella, he heard a loud bang, and the world in the umbrella was Heaven and Earth turning upside down immediately, obscure and disillusioned. Then, a fire rose, and the entire Eight Treasure Yingluo Umbrella fell to pieces at once, and went down in despair.

The magic weapon is broken, and when I heard that the king of heaven immediately changed his expression. He didn’t care about the distress, he already looked towards the oncoming thunderbolt divine light in amazement. Seeing that the four of them were about to be swallowed by this divine light, suddenly, a large colored glaze cover broke through the air, and directly protected the four heavenly kings in it.

Thunderbolt divine light hits this big cover, it is like hitting a big clock to make it keep banging loudly. And in this loud noise, one after another fire light is like a real dragon-like, rising from the glass cover, and completely blocking the divine light from the outside.

The strongest and strongest. This magic weapon was already divine might at this time, and looking at this magic weapon entangled in dragon and fire, God Lord Meng Zhang was already ugly and roar towards the sky.

“Taiyi daoist, do you even have to fight against me?”

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