Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1518

Zhou Yi’s remarks sounded clear, but they were vague when they thought of it. At the very least, none of the overwhelming majority present could understand what he meant by this statement. However, there are always a few people who can think about it and understand it clearly. So immediately, someone said to Zhou Yi.

“What is the relationship between you and that big demon?”

It was Taiyi Heavenly Venerate who said this, and when he said this, his face was early The smile of serene is no longer the same. In fact, his face is very nervous now, it can be said that his eyes are staring at Zhou Yi like electricity. And what is the reason for his nervousness, can’t be seen from that question.

Magic! It’s just an adjective full of negative emotions. Who is his true identity, everyone present is actually very clear.

The head of Ancient Immortal, Chi Songzi, the emperor’s teacher. This is the identity of that great demon on the surface, and also his most positive identity. As far as this identity is concerned, he is already a high mountain and he is worthy of the admiration of these latecomers. And he planned for thousands of years to overthrow the Ancient Celestial Court with the general trend of Human Sovereign. It can be regarded as a great feat, enough to be grateful for the younger generations of these cultivators to remember for a lifetime.

Because without his actions, they would have to be God’s lackeys obediently and honestly all their lives. How can Celestial Court be established today to take charge of the scenery of Heaven Realm. From this point of view, almost all immortals, whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, have to accept his love. If he did not do something like that.

Chi Songzi can be said to be outstanding, but he will be called a great demon by these Immortals of Heaven Realm, and he is not even willing to mention his name. There is a reason for this. And the main reason is that the catastrophe called the Heaven and Earth catastrophe.

As an ancient First Immortal person and a counselor around Human Sovereign for many generations, Chi Songzi can be said to have seen Great Power of the World clearly. He knew in his heart that sealing the eight masters and breaking through Celestial Court was just the beginning. The power of Heaven Realm is there, and so is the background. Just give it a certain amount of time, and sooner or later there will be a second and even third Celestial Court.

This is an undisputed fact, and it is also a matter of impossible change. Therefore, at the beginning, he did not intend to treat Heaven Realm. At that time, his idea was to let the first emperor immortality, then re-establish the Celestial Court as Human Sovereign, and become above heaven under earth, the true Supreme in the Central Land of the Divine Province That exists.

However, with the villain making trouble, the first emperor returns to heaven. All his layout has fallen into the empty space. In that situation, of course he is impossible to continue to let Heaven Realm exist. After all, after Qin II, the Great Qin Empire of the past has become chaotic. The strength in his hands is simply unable to suppress the heritage of Heaven Realm. If he keeps on doing this, he will only give Heaven Realm struggling on whilst at death’s door and regain power. Only chance. For Chi Songzi, who spent thousands of years in the layout to cause all of this, this is certainly unacceptable.

So since then, he has already made a very special decision. And this decision is that he wants to exile Heaven Realm and completely exile this world that symbolizes the majesty of Celestial Court and God from the Central Land of the Divine Province.

Heaven Realm, in the final analysis, is just like Asgard, it is just a void alien world that has a certain connection with Earth. However, it is different from the foreign world that Asgard is based on World Tree, and is related to Earth because of its connection with World Tree. Heaven Realm can be said to be a void conglomeration born from Heaven and Earth on the basis of Earth. It is a flat shadow of Earth.

The laws of physics that do not agree with the secular, it exists in the void world within the realm in a supernatural form. And because of its connection with the Central Land of the Divine Province on Earth. Regardless of the local customs or the cultural customs, it is almost the same as the Central Land of the Divine Province of common origins.

This special world wants to expel easier said than done. But if it is placed on a fierce person like Chi Songzi, it is not difficult at all.

He who holds the twelve golden men in his hand and holds the seal of the eight masters is fully capable of doing this. And he didn’t have the slightest scruples about doing so. After all, for him, immortals are immortals, and people are people. He planned for thousands of years in order to make Human Race a protagonist in the world. Without reason, he finally knocked down Heavenly God and put the fairy on oneself. I’m sorry for his years of hard work, and I’m sorry for the Human Sovereigns who sacrificed because of his multi-year plan.

So he let go of his hands and feet, and directly used the great magic force and Great Divine Ability, and through the connection between the Eight Lords and Heaven Realm, he completely connected Heaven Realm and Central Land of the Divine Province. All involvement was cut off. And this also makes Heaven Realm like a kite with a broken line, continuously going deep inside the Void.

Heaven and man are forever separated, this is no joke. The years after Qin and Han were fine, the Heaven Realm at that time had not yet flown too far. Therefore, the immortals of the Central Land of the Divine Province can still ascend, and the Divine Immortals of Heaven Realm can also manifest their spirits in the Middle Earth through their own Magical Powers.

But since the Song Dynasty, this only connection has been almost severed. The deeper into the void, the thinner the Divine Immortal’s methods. And those practitioners above the Divine State, the more difficult it is to ascend. It’s not something a nobody who just became a fairy can do. Without the help of Heaven Realm, nine out of ten of them will be destroyed inside the Void. And Heaven Realm access? It is already an impossible thing when going deep into the void.

How many dangers are in the void, this is something that all Divine Immortal knows. It is their ability to ensure that Heaven Realm is in the sky. To cross over the void, it takes a huge amount of effort to get a newcomer to the lower bounds, which is impossible from any perspective. Everyone is not stupid, can’t do business, can’t even add and subtract algorithms?

Therefore, one trades and the other grows. If this goes on for a long time, the power in Celestial Court will naturally shrink. This is the body obtained by Immortals through practice that can achieve a God-like effect that is close to longevity. A veteran immortal can afford the scene in this situation. Otherwise, if they still don’t live as long as those ordinary persons, those so-called Celestial Court may have already been wiped out in the torrent of time.

And this is actually just a small matter for the Celestial Court today. Only immortals, how can they be cultivated, even these mortals of Heaven Realm can become Divine Immortal. At most, the choice is a little less. It’s really not a big problem.

However, the loss of Middle-earth cannot be regarded as a trivial matter for them. You know, since ancient times, Divine State Middle-earth has always been a refusal from Heaven Realm. The Eight Lords have never put down Middle-earth while ruling Heaven Realm. But when they arrived at this generation Celestial Court, they lost the Middle-Earth. This is no different from losing power and humiliating the country and losing a large area.

And half of the country is ceded to others, which is intolerable to any ambitious force. Although in today’s Heaven Realm, they can still build small dynasties from the Sifang State soil, but compared with the original Central Land of the Divine Province, which is simply not worth mentioning . And it is precisely for these reasons that the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court can be said to completely hate Chi Songzi in the bones. Even if their positions of power today are all based on Chi Songzi’s plans, this can’t be changed at all.

To call him a great demon, even if his name is not left in any dictionary, it can show their hatred. Now, this hatred has spread to Zhou Yi’s body.

When Zhou Yi said that oneself was related to Chi Songzi, these Divine Immortals were already alerting him. And when Taiyi Heavenly Venerate asked about his identity, many Divine Immortals, even the ancient gods who showed die-hard attitude like Sifang Gods, couldn’t help tightening their bodies.

This is related to whether they show loyalty or recognize the thief as the father. They can’t help but face their caution. Although Zhou Yi was full of emotion, he was also generous and said naturally.

“If the person you are talking about is Chi Songzi, it is Xu Fu. Then I can only tell you that, I am his opponent. But at the same time, if you really want to care about it, I am also him The son of Zhou Yi. He was born after he did not know how many generations of reincarnations. I don’t deny that, even if he is a bastard, I don’t deny it!”

Zhou Yi is in one sentence The relationship between oneself and Smith Zhou is clear and clear, and even people who are confused can feel the disagreement between him and Smith Zhou. But for these people present, things are not calculated like this.

Because the Divine Immortal here still inherited the old idea of ​​father as son. Father and son monarchs, this is an impossible relationship. As the son of Chi Songzi, even if he doesn’t deal with what he says, he naturally has an inseparable connection with Chi Songzi. And because of this connection, almost immediately, Taiyi Heavenly Venerate could not help but shouted at Zhou Yi.

“Enough, since you are his son. Naturally you should pay the debt. Take it to death, little thief. You can only blame you for casting the wrong baby and admitting your mistake. Dad!”

He said that, the magic weapon that used to protect the four heavenly kings, the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover, had already soared into the sky and turned into a big cover facing Zhou Yi as the cover.

You must know that this Nine Dragon God Fire Cover is not only a treasure of body protection, but also a divine tool. Relying on such a magic weapon back then, Taiyi Heavenly Venerate made Shiji, also Ancient Immortal, to die in his hands. But now that he takes action with anger, he is naturally pressing and shows no mercy at all.

To completely kill this big demon afterwards. This is his only thought now. Is this idea possible? The result is actually very clear.

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