Sun God Marvel

Chapter 152

“There is a lot of nonsense, if I were you, I would have gone away. Trust me, I can solve these things. You will only get in the way if you stay here.” Zhou Yi lightly tipped his shoulders Stopping Jill for a moment, staggered her.

Jill looked at him suspiciously, but he never took his own footsteps. Until as a last resort, she really doesn’t want to abandon her companions and run away alone. She has lost her own companion once and does not want to lose a second time.

“Go! Do you want to die here? Don’t forget what you have to do.” Zhou Yi yelled, this thunderbolt-like voice Jill trembled all over his body, In love, she finally made a choice.

Staggering, she ran toward the side of the street. Although her back looks wobbly and weak. But she never looked back.

Watching Jill’s back gradually disappeared from sight, Zhou Yi’s face showed a weird smile. No one will see the deep marks under the huge claws of those hunters, it is no longer the marks they can cause. It is the trace left by a stronger force oppressing their bodies.

This is also the reason why those hunters will allow a food in their eyes to go away like this. Zhou Yi’s telekinesis keeps pressing on their bodies, making them impossible to move even a little bit. Naturally, there is no ability to hunt their prey.

And when Jill left, it was hard to say who the prey was.

Let go of the restraints on several hunters, Zhou Yi looked at these restless monsters, also the guy who walked with Fire God Artillery step by step, smiled slightly and shook his hands. Dagger.

Nanominium immediately stretched out, and in an instant, a long-length gun appeared in his hand.

“I also have some time, come to play with you!”

tone barely fell, a few hunters rushed towards him from all directions, Chi Chang The sharp claw, sharp fangs, and tongue that flicks like a snake. Nothing is a deadly weapon, and now there is only one target of these weapons, which is Zhou Yi standing among them.

The long spear waved instantly, like a flying dragon, spear tip Blink, instantly turned into a Fire Tree Silver Flower. You can’t even see where the spear tip is, all you can see is a bunch of fluorescent lights.

The bodies of the hunters froze in the air, and after a while, straight lines of blood appeared on their bodies. Zhou Yi tested his body a little, and let these cumbersome guys aside. When they fell on the ground, they immediately fell into countless fragments.

The cut pieces are like pieces of meat. Both the hands and feet and the ferocious head were cut down, and together with the empty torso, they covered every piece of land around Zhou Yi.

Shaking the long spear in his hand, dirty blood spilled from the spear tip. But it can’t be contaminated by long spear. Adamantium’s spear tip is the real weapon, there is no doubt about it.

“It’s really unbeatable. You fell down before I exerted my strength. So, can you surprise me? Big guy!” Zhou Yi looked towards the other side and held it flatly. The monster of weapons, through its eyes, he clearly conveyed the disdain and joking of own to the guy behind it. And this is obviously very useful.

“Kill him, get rid of him. Give me something right now, even if he dies, it’s the same for me, kill him right away!” Raymond roared angrily, he no longer wanted to Tolerate anything like Zhou Yi.

The order that the board member will give him is that it is best to catch him alive, but it does not rule out the situation of killing him. They just want to take away his wealth, and the stocks that depreciate after his death can also be taken away by them. The board member will think of good reasons to solve many problems. When the nuclear power plant explodes, within this range, even the richest cannot escape death, right?

His subordinates faithfully executed his order, and a message was sent to the tracker T103 in front of Zhou Yi. The tracker T103 who received this message immediately raised the Fire God Artillery in his hand.

The Fire God Artillery with a firing rate of 5,000 per minute can shred a lot of things in theory, such as light armor, not so thick walls, and so on. As for the human body, it is not much harder than a piece of paper in front of such a brutal weapon.

But even if Zhou Yi’s body is harder than steel, the long spear in his hand cannot be penetrated by this weapon.

The long spear immediately waved into a thick and airtight ball, protecting Zhou Yi’s whole body tightly. Fire God Artillery’s bullets splashed in this ball of silver light and shadow, except for spattering dense sparks, it has no use.

Raymond looked at everything in front of him incredible, he felt that his own worldview was being subverted. Not only him, but even the men around him have this expression. They were dumbfounded, and even their minds were blank.

Until the red message of Blink appeared on the screen, they called their consciousness back. That was the message that the Fire God Artillery bullets on the tracker were exhausted. Seeing this message, Raymond seemed to swallow, and then gnashing teeth yelled.

“With rockets, I don’t believe he can even stop the explosion!”

The tracker faithfully carried out his order, and carried the rocket without saying anything. The bullet was directly given to Zhou Yi. The rigorously danced long spear really can’t stop the shock wave and high temperature generated by the rocket explosion, but who says must stop it.

Long spear picks directly and catches the flying rocket out of thin air. Once again, the rocket was thrown back along the same path. Before landing, it exploded directly on the tracker’s head. The flames and high temperatures instantly enveloped the tracker’s body, although it could not destroy it, but it also made it wailing painful enough.

After all, it is still a living body, not a cold weapon. He will be in pain and naturally scream. But the scream didn’t last long and stopped abruptly. A light and shadow pulled away the raging fire and slammed directly on the tracker. With the heavy gun body and Zhou Yi’s strength, even if he is the monster that Umbrella is proud of, he has no hope of surviving. In an instant, the bones were broken and the tendons shattered, and the awe-inspiring, biological weapons described as hungry ghosts immediately turned into a pool of mud that no one could recognize, and stuck to the ground. The flames were still spreading, perhaps the reason for igniting the rest of the smashed ammunition, for an instant. The fire swallowed all of this completely, and violent explosions continued to sound.

Nothing will survive this situation. Zhou Yi can see clearly, but Raymond and the others have a hard time trying to understand.

They still don’t know what happened, they only saw the rocket flying back unfathomable mystery. Then there was an explosion in the tracker. Apart from the raging fire, there was only a vague silver light and shadow. The light and shadow came over, no more images came. There is only one such situation, and that is that the tracker has been completely destroyed.

They don’t believe this situation will happen, but the real situation is that it did happen. Instruments will not deceive people, and they are also guys who trust instruments very much.

“Damn, damn! What the hell is that damned thing?” Raymond angrily beat the thing in front of him, the silver light and shadow made him not knowing what to do, and his heart was scared. He felt a huge conspiracy, not only against him, but also against Umbrella behind him.

This is the last thing he wants to see, because it is very likely that he will lose everything.

“What the hell is that? Are you not experts? Are you not the best scientific researchers? Tell me what it is, otherwise you will have no value.”

Thoroughly angry, he began to threaten the group of subordinates around oneself, who are the operators of the tracker and the best scientific researchers. But now, they were just quail shivering under his gun.

“Maybe it is the weapon in his hand, that high-tech weapon that looks like a cold weapon.” Under Raymond’s intimidation, some of them began to guess, and then someone immediately said to me. Supplement and perfect it in one word.

“Stark’s energy system, this thing might use this thing. The thing just now is very similar to a high-energy force field.”

“Osborn industry has been studying external skeletons. Maybe he has a set of armor technology. Otherwise, he won’t have such a powerful force.”

“The Super Soldier project. The two companies have been working on this project a long time ago. Maybe they already have it. Results.”

“Has results?” This sentence immediately touched Raymond’s heart. He stopped paying attention to these nonsense guys, but muttered to himself. “No less than our research results, this is a good thing. With this, maybe it will be a good opportunity.”

“Go on the order, modify the order of the tracker T02, and modify the first target to Jill. Valentine. Since that gentleman cares about this beautiful female police officer so much, then we might as well use her to make a deal, a profitable deal.”

In Raymond, we fell into oneself crazy When delusional, something like this happened on the edge of the city of Laken.

A black steel fence firmly blocked the roads of all urban residents, stopping them completely. Facing this huge wall, the citizens are desperate. The UBCS mercenaries who escorted these citizens are desperate. Even the police are desperate. They have no way out.

The low growl from a distance reached their ears clearly, making them completely mad. Some people have begun to want to climb out of the wall, but the steel wall has nowhere to borrow. Also some people want to threaten the people on the wall to open the wall, but no one cares about them.

The soldiers in Umbrella on the fence just silently set up their guns and aim them below. They don’t care if the own target is a human or a zombie. They only care about the orders oneself receives.

The broadcast of “Go back and go back to the city. Otherwise we are about to open fire” has been echoing, and it clearly tells all the survivors below.

You are abandoned, abandoned by Umbrella. There is only one destiny for you, which is to perish with this city.

Umbrella, who has lifted the mask of hypocrisy, revealed a hideous face, for those who must die. They no longer have to pretend.

The cry of crying began to sound in the crowd, one after another. Faced with the fate of Death, many people completely collapsed.

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