Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1523

33 layer days, on Rising High to the Heavens Treasure Palace, it is already full of rain and wind.

Almost all Divine Immortal peeping at the changes have already discovered this problem, that is, the Celestial Court is now at a critical juncture. If you are a little careless, I am afraid that everything will be destroyed. Overturned.

This is not a good thing for them, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. Because from that person’s attitude, as long as they don’t put up a desperate struggle and want to live and die with this Celestial Court, they still have great hope of survival. The most, but the loss of the black hat of Celestial Court. Although this price is not small, it is a very good result compared with the situation where Celestial Court fought to fight for life.

Furthermore, they may not lose everything they have today. After all, even if there is another person on the upper throne, he still needs manpower to maintain the stability of Heaven Realm today. With only a few people around him, It’s definitely impossible to take control of Celestial Court only with those people. In this case, these veterans are the best choice.

It can be said that as long as they are smart enough to stand on the team as soon as possible, then there may not only be no loss, but also a great fortune. And this is a rare good thing for Celestial Court, which has always been a pool of stagnant water.

This is not the thought of one person, but the thought of many people. From this we can see that the so-called Divine Immortal may not be so lofty. After all, they are also human beings and have desires. The reason why people feel that they are different from the world is extraordinary. Mostly because their desires and the desires of the world are completely different.

For the overwhelming majority people in the world who are running for survival, what do they want? It’s just to eat and wear warmth while satisfying other desires. As Divine Immortal, even the lowest Divine Immortal would never worry about such trivial things. They have already gotten rid of material needs, even birth, aging, sickness and death will not. Naturally, people who are still struggling with material needs will feel envy and think that they are beyond the world. But in terms of spiritual needs, everyone is the same.

For example, power this thing is what they are pursuing.

Where did the intrigue in Celestial Court come from, and where did the sordidness between Buddhism, Taoism and the Jade Emperor come from? It’s not all power. If the Divine Immortal Bodhisattva and the Heavenly God Buddha can be as desireless as people think, and the four are empty, things will not change to where they are today.

What the immortals in Celestial Court think, the Jade Emperor sitting on Celestial Emperor Throne is very clear. After all, he is the Jade Emperor, the most powerful guy in the Celestial Court, and the person with the most power desire. For the sake of power, he was able to plot against tirelessly for 2000 years. If he couldn’t even see through such a trick, he would have been in his position long ago. And it was precisely because he saw through these that he was angry and timid.

The anger is because of the betrayal of these people right now. He already understood this from the actions of celestial troops and generals, that is, oneself has completely lost its military force support, and the whole person is going to face the most terrifying threat as if he was stripped naked.

This is something he never thought of more then 2000 years, and it was something he never dared to think about. As the Jade Emperor, he has always firmly believed that oneself aloof and remote is his destiny. There must be gods and stars guarding, you can sit back and relax. However, when all of today really appeared before his eyes, he realized how ridiculous it was.

What gods provide for the guard, sit back and relax. When things happen, these guys run faster than the animals. The loyal ministers and righteous men didn’t see it, and they were all flattering and fawning flatterers.

So and so, how can he not be angry. Thinking about the scene after his failure, how can he not be afraid?

However, although surprised and angry are overwhelming, I feel panic. But the Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor after all. He quickly corrected his mentality, and summoned Yu Yong to pat the jade case and asked loudly.

“Impudent, it is impudent. All the princes, but someone can advise me to capture this heretical path of the devils.”

He said As soon as he came out, the hall was silent. Logically speaking, the enemy has not yet landed on Rising High to the Heavens Treasure Palace. He is still the Jade Emperor, Celestial Court Paragon, with the existence of Supreme theocracy. No matter what kind of calculations he had in his heart, relying on these identities, someone should have made suggestions for him.

It’s like a dynasty on earth. Even if it is the end of the road, the day of the country’s death. There are still loyal ministers and righteous people who stand up and survive the country. But at this moment, his treatment is not as good as the emperors of the world.

The consequences of an improper position are vividly and thoroughly reflected at this time. Even your people don’t recognize that you are qualified to sit in this position. How can you expect them to work for you for your power in this position?

The cold field is affirmative, but the reaction of the cold field really makes the Jade Emperor accept it. So that at this time, he almost roared at the Divine Immortal below in a rage.

“Rebellious ministers, chaotic ministers! Normally, you all said so nicely, what you dare to do for the widow, and what you don’t want to hesitate. It turns out that it’s just your false flattery. Why? , Do you all want to watch the widow fall down like this, and then let that guy sit in this position? Or, you have already started to calculate, do you want to tie up the widow so that it can be sent to the person to claim credit? Ah! Speak. Answer the widow!”

“The minister is afraid, the minister dare not, Your Majesty calms down!”

The Divine Immortal on Celestial Court shook their heads. I dare not say it. But judging from the look in their eyes and the disdain on the corners of their mouths, they don’t think so at all.

In their view, the Jade Emperor did it just as Final Struggle. For them, Jade Imperial Capital is already a dying person, so who would argue with such a person. And let him tyrannically abuse power for a while, wait until the end, is everything going to come back?

This is also the reason why the Divine Immortal pays their respects. They would rather be useless at this time than be entangled with this big loser in the last moment. And it was precisely because of the performance of these people that a sorrow suddenly appeared in the Jade Emperor’s heart.

The feeling of being given up can be uncomfortable, especially in this case being given up by the own subordinates, it is a naked and unforgettable betrayal. It can be said that Emperor Rao was mentally prepared for a long time, and he was also an unstable figure and almost sat down.

However, not everyone is like these people, just waiting to see him perish. For example, now, there is a Divine Immortal, standing out as the inspector.

“Your Majesty, the old minister may have a plan. You can keep Your Majesty safe!”

This standing Divine Immortal white clothed white hair, holding a whisk in his hand, has a kind expression. He is a Heaven Realm Patrolling Envoy, and so is Taibai Jinxing. He has no rights or duties, but only because he is trusted by the Jade Emperor can he have a place on the Rising Firmament Palace. In the eyes of the Celestial Court, this is just a flattering and fawning generation. And even the Jade Emperor Oneself never regarded Taibai Jinxing as a great character. Despite his trust, he never entrusted Taibai Jinxing with big things. This proves his attitude.

At the moment, even if he only regards Taibai Jinxing as a jester, he is like holding a life-saving straw and hurriedly asked him.

“Aiqing has a clever plan to help me capture this enemy?”

“I dare not say about the capture, but it should be able to keep Your Majesty safe.”

Although it can be seen that the Jade Emperor is things have reached a dead end, Taibai Jinxing is different from other Divine Immortal. Because he can be regarded as the Jade Emperor pulled out with one hand.

Since becoming a god, he has always been indifferent to the world because of his lack of ability. That is to say, the Jade Emperor appreciated his talents and left him by his side as a messenger, so that he could have such a place in today’s Celestial Court. Although this status is not high, it is enough to make him grateful for the Jade Emperor.

Although he is not an influential figure, Taibai Jinxing is not a wolf-hearted guy. The so-called grace must be repaid. Even if he knew that the Jade Emperor was already in sight at this moment, it was difficult to have any chance of a comeback. He is still willing to try so much, so that he can repay this kind of encounter. So at the moment, he immediately said to the Jade Emperor.

“I implore the Jade Emperor to play, and the old minister invites the true monarch of Erlang to go to the palace. I want to come here with the ability of the true monarch of Erlang, also Your Majesty and the relationship between the true monarch of Erlang, before the enemy comes to the door, Celestial Court can’t make any trouble!”

When he said this, all around Gu was dumb. Because anyone with a discerning eye can see who is being targeted. So immediately, all the Divine Immortals in the temple were already quietly glaring at Taibai Jinxing. But after listening to his words, the Jade Emperor’s face was embarrassing.

“The heroes Zhaohuixian Sheng Renyou have always listened to the announcement, even if I speak, he may not be willing to come.”

“This is different from the past, Your Majesty. “The Jade Emperor was interrupted in one breath, and Taibai Jinxing at this time showed decisiveness and determination that was completely different from the past. “In the past, Your Majesty didn’t talk about your uncle’s nephew with Erlang Zhenjun. With the arrogance and staunchness of Erlang Zhenjun, he naturally bowed his head to Your Majesty. But now is the time of crisis, as long as Your Majesty takes the lead in admitting his mistakes and wants blood to be thicker than water. With the temperament of the true monarch of Erlang, it is also impossible to sit and watch Your Majesty in an accident. Therefore, in the end, it depends on how Your Majesty decides. In the opinion of the old minister, Your Majesty should look back.”

“Okay, just do as you say.” Clenched the teeth, Jade Emperor is still nodded. But at the same time, he also said worriedly. “But even if Erlang is there, it may not be that person’s opponent. Does Taibai have other clever tricks?”

“This is nature. This is where the veteran’s duty lies. Naturally, you must protect Your Majesty thoroughly.”

Taibai raised his hand and arched. At this moment, he actually showed a completely different, Gu Panxiong demeanor. And looking at such an old official, the Jade Emperor couldn’t help but feel sad. Really, see the truth in adversity.

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