Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1535

The Jade Emperor is not a fool. When Zhou Yi said this, he immediately understood what Zhou Yi said. This is mocking him for his narrow-mindedness and lack of tolerance. At the same time, he is also smart and self-esteem.

What’s the point here, Jade Imperial Capital impossible admits. So immediately, he yelled at Zhou Yi.

“yellow mouth child, dare to deceive me! What do you know. Celestial Emperor Throne is not what you think it is, you can do it casually. If you don’t take a little more thought, A bit of a plan. You think you can fight the guys of these harbor ulterior motives, and I’m afraid they will be chewed long ago so that there are no bones left. Trust, this thing simply does not exist. Since you sit on this From the first day of your position, you can only be a lonely person. Do you understand that a lonely person? That is the kind of person who can be betrayed at any time, just like I am now. Therefore, I would rather take the world away than the world. People bear me!”

“This is what you think, it’s ridiculous.”

Looking at the emotionally hysterical Jade Emperor, then looking at the surrounding people because of his this Divine Immortal who remarked silently. Zhou Yi knocked on the armrest of the throne under oneself, and gave him a mocking smile.

“Why would I rather let the people of the world take over me? It’s just that you, a brave gangster who sits on top of the golden pavilion, gives oneself an excuse because of anxiety. Conspiracy, betrayal? You have such things in your mind, and of course you get such things. You dare not give even the most basic trust, and you expect others to give you your life. Do you still say that oneself is not stupid enough “

“And I am different from you. Sitting in this position, I can tell anyone, as long as you are capable and willing to surrender to me. Then I can give you what you deserve Everything. Ambition, it doesn’t matter. As long as you have the ability to match your ambition, I can give you no matter how big the position is. As a Celestial Emperor, if you don’t even have this courage, you will be a Celestial Emperor. I am here. The land god seen by the Eastern Sea is quite suitable for you.”

Although he was forced to be sent to the position of Celestial Emperor, Zhou Yi himself did not reject this position. This is partly related to his thoughts, but more because of the influence of this World itself on him. A world is crying and shouting to post upside down, as long as he is not stupid, there really is no reason to refuse.

Since he has accepted such an identity, he naturally wants to speak from this angle. And it seems to be the reason why he has been enshrined by countless light messengers in Divine Realm. His words were completely filled with a Ruler’s incredible domineering.

The king’s courage is not lacking at all. With such a rank and status, there is no difficulty in turning into a king. Coupled with his special relationship with this World, the position of this Celestial Emperor is justified, and he feels at ease. No one can pick a thorn.

If there is, then probably only the Jade Emperor and his diehards that’s all. But for these guys, Zhou Yi has only one attitude, that is, a weak chicken, which is not worth mentioning.

Think about it, the Jade Emperor has done more then 2000 years Celestial Emperor anyway. Logically speaking, there should be a lot of fans. However, it is a pity that very few of them can serve him at this time through the entire Celestial Court. Except for one Erlang Shen, there are only monkeys and Taibai these two people. The others didn’t make the wall grass early and fell to his side. Just staying out of the matter, put on a posture that has nothing to do with me.

All this has to be said, it is really pathetic to the limit. But it is precisely because of the extreme gap between this and the assumption that Zhou Yi dare to make such a rhetoric.

Your old-fashioned show is useless, do I want to go to your death path. Do you think you are stupid, or am I stupid?

This meaning is obvious, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it. Regarding this, except that the Jade Emperor was so angry that his flame hair did not come out. The other overwhelming majority Divine Immortal all showed surprise expressions, and then bowed and saluted Zhou Yi on the throne.

“Meet the Celestial Emperor! Celestial Emperor Wanfu Jinan!”

This is not a simple compliment, but an acknowledge allegiance in the true sense. On the surface, Zhou Yi meant to hit the Jade Emperor in the face, but in reality, he was clearly showing everyone his measure and courage.

I don’t care what you have done before, or how much thoughts you have in your heart. As long as you are willing to acknowledge allegiance, then he dare to take you under his command. This is a great courage, but also a great courage. But I have to say that none of the many Divine Immortal present would have an opinion on this approach.

As Divine Immortal, they also know that they are afraid. When facing Zhou Yi, the new Celestial Emperor, the thing they fear most is that this Celestial Emperor will be merciless and directly rob them of their priesthood.

This is not an impossible thing. In fact, for the Celestial Emperor, this is simply his own power. Celestial Emperor sealed the gods, so that the gods can control the power of Heaven and Earth. Without the edict of the Celestial Emperor, these so-called Divine Immortal are no different from the immortals on the side. For the Divine Immortal who controlled the operation of Heaven and Earth for 2000 years, this was simply unacceptable.

It is precisely because of this that when Zhou Yi sat on the throne of Celestial Emperor, many people were unavoidable that they would feel a little nervous.

What they did oneself, oneself knows that, in terms of self-saving, if they are Celestial Emperor, they are absolutely impossible to let these once enemies with oneself, also the guys who stayed in In this position. There is no other reason, but the heart is uneasy.

Just like what the Jade Emperor said, since you already know the unpredictable intentions of these guys, then instead of leaving them by their side to give them a chance to betray their own, it is better to take advantage of this Celestial Court to shuffle the cards Opportunity, immediately before they lose their tail, clean them out thoroughly.

This is the idea of ​​the overwhelming majority, and it is also the way they most agree. But obviously, Zhou Yi not at all intends to do as they want. He used oneself’s unique way to solve this problem. And his way is even more pleasing to acknowledge allegiance.

A Celestial Emperor who forgets the blame is always better than a caretaker, and it is open and bright from the Celestial Emperor who is always worried. And a courageous Celestial Emperor with a broad mind is naturally more respectable than a narrow-minded guy. It can be said that just based on these words, Zhou Yi has already bought a lot of people’s hearts and made them feel happy about their own identity.

Of course, this kind of acknowledgement allegiance must be limited. After all, he had just taken this position, and impossible said that he would immediately let these Divine Immortals die. Some of them will definitely be thinking of owning. But anyway, this is a good start. A pretty good start. In the face of such a situation, the Jade Emperor was somewhat unable to accept it.

When he is almost doomed to fail, what he hopes most is to bury Zhou Yi in front of him with a hidden danger that can kill him. And this kind of suspicion of the superior to the inferior is the most terrible bane of his choice. He thought that this would achieve the result he wanted, but he didn’t expect that the development of things was unexpectedly rapid. With just a few simple words, Zhou Yi has roughly gathered people’s hearts. It is conceivable that once time passes, these people who cannot be guaranteed will not become stubborn towards him.

The Jade Emperor could not imagine that situation, and he could not accept that situation. So immediately, he roared at Zhou Yi.

“Don’t think you can buy them by doing this. Will of the people is vicious, they are absolutely impossible to acknowledge allegiance to you. All you see are illusions, they are just performances of these people. Sooner or later, once you lose power, they will immediately turn around the spear tip, just like they did to me, knocking you off from this position. You can’t sit in this position, you’re absolutely sitting Unsteady.”

will of the people is vicious, that’s good. Even at this time, the Jade Emperor was still unwilling to give up the idea of ​​oneself to sow discord. His vicious remarks were nothing to Zhou Yi, but to those Divine Immortal who had already expressed their acknowledge allegiance, they were the most terrible words of condemnation.

Oneself is about to escape, but this bastard still has to drag oneself to the consigned to eternal damnation death place. No matter who it is put on, it is absolutely impossible to tolerate. So immediately, a few Divine Immortal stood up from the two columns and reported to Zhou Yi on the throne.

“Celestial Emperor is here, please allow your ministers to report. Since ancient times, the struggle for kingship is based on life and death. This is not only because the two sides are fighting, but full strength is required. More Most of it is because only by completely eliminating the opponent can the impossible resurrection of the opponent be ensured. The same is true right now. If the Jade Emperor is not eliminated, Your Majesty Celestial Emperor will definitely be unstable. Instead of allowing this narrow and sinister generation to survive in the world, let him It’s better to give him a good time to provoke the discord here. It can be considered as a conclusion for the change of ownership of Celestial Court. This is the words from the bottom of the bottom of the minister, and I hope Your Majesty will give him permission.”

“Celestial Emperor, please!”

These words can be said to many people’s hearts. So suddenly, a large group of people stood up and began to conform to this proposal.

The dead Jade Emperor is the best Jade Emperor. This is the truest thought of these Celestial Court Divine Immortal. It can be said that as long as Zhou Yi is willing to be nodded, many of them will be willing to recommend themselves to complete this glorious mission.

This is the opinion of the masses. Even Zhou Yi, it is impossible to easily ignore the ideas of so many people. And while he was still considering whether oneself would do this, a voice rang like a thunderbolt.

“With me, I see you who dares to attack Your Majesty are a hair!”

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