Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1544

Manjusri and Samantabhadra, these are two Bodhisattvas with awkward positions. Although they are among the four Buddhas of Buddhism, their status is not as prominent as they seem to be.

Because they are the sakyamuni Buddha’s ribs. As the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni had already passed away. Nowadays, Buddhism is already the world of Amitabha, the successor. Naturally, as veterans of the previous dynasty, the identities of Manjusri and Samantabhadra would become awkward.

Although it is said that in order to show the magnanimity of own, the Tathagata will be kind to these two so-called veterans. But as long as he is not stupid, he is absolutely impossible to entrust these two guys with heavy responsibility. But this alone is deadly enough for these bodhisattvas.

Be aware that Immortal Buddha is not a mortal. It’s like mortals have encountered a cold reception, at worst is to be frustrated for a few years, waiting for the time to retire and come back to the world. But Immortal Buddha cannot do this. Because they are basically immortality, the word retirement will hardly exist in them.

And this also means that they must always be in the own position. Even sitting on a cold bench is no exception. For this kind of thing, more than ten years, several decades, is enough. If you sit down for hundreds of thousands of years, even Divine Immortal can’t hold it.

This is why Manjusri jumped out so early. It was because he had already had enough of this kind of cold bench life, and he never wanted to continue to be such a marginal person.

Look at the level of the incense of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva who is Amitabha, and then look at the level of the own incense. It is impossible to say that it is not jealous. But it’s useless to be jealous. If you want to win such an honor, the most important thing is to get trust or take action. It is precisely because of these reasons that Manjusri used such a special way to express his loyalty at such a special time.

He thinks very well. In such a time related to the future of Buddhism, as long as oneself can show enough value and ability, it may not be able to break the current embarrassing situation, so that oneself can get back into it. The order. However, he did not expect that the opportunities and risks are parallel.

The big opportunity, the big risk. Of course he can break the shackles with this opportunity now, ascending to the skies with a single leap. But it is also possible at this time to lose everything oneself has because of risks.

Probably he has no fear, he feels that oneself is backed by Buddhism, and it is impossible to encounter such a thing. But he never thought about the so-called good fortune and misfortune. The impossible things in the world were taken up by him alone. In many cases, in many cases, bad situations that you do not want to happen will inevitably occur.

As the saying goes, one move is wrong, and all games are lost. That’s the truth. And because of such a thing, it is only natural to break oneself here. It’s just that Manjusri’s fall is not only related to his own problem, his failure is more related to the interests and face of Buddhism.

In normal times, no matter where Manjusri died, how he died. The Tathagata will not be too moved. At worst is a sigh of emotion, and fate when you say it. In fact, you may also have a little joy in your heart. After all, plucking a radish makes a hole. If you can insert an own person in this key position, as long as you are a leader, you will be happy to see it happen.

But it doesn’t work now. Manjusri now represents the face of Buddhism, and his every move is related to the morale of Buddhism. He came forward to save people. If he was damaged here at this time, no matter how you look at it, it would be a huge blow to the current Buddhist camp.

So he had to make a move, in order to save Manjusri’s life, even if he had violated the coach’s principle of not being moved lightly. However, he did not expect that even if oneself had taken the shot, it would still not be able to pack Manjusri.

With someone else’s guarantee and protect, Yang Jian’s blow with no difficulty took Manjusri’s life. As soon as Manjusri died, the Tathagata was a little bit uncontrollable immediately.

As the Lord of Buddhism, even the own Bodhisattva can’t keep it. Can this be said to serve the public? Obviously it can’t. Therefore, even for the sake of own prestige, Tathagata will not allow Yang Jian to return to the Celestial Court camp safely. Yang Jian must die, this is his truest thought now. Driven by this idea, he was already outrageously facing Yang Jian.

As the master of Buddhism, the strength of Tathagata is naturally beyond doubt. Think about how Buddhism can develop to the present level under the common pressure of Celestial Court and Daomen, and you can know how terrifying the strength of this Lord of Buddhism is.

There is not enough strength as support, just merged into the sky within the realm as a loser. The Buddhist forces are afraid that they will be worn down long ago. That is to say, the terrifying characters with the strength of the Tathagata have been guaranteeing and protecting. Only then can Buddhism regain its vitality in Middle-earth, and thus become more prosperous than ever before.

From this point alone, it can be said that the strength of the Tathagata is one of the very best in the entire Heaven Realm. And his take action in this hatred immediately plunged Yang Jian into almost deadly danger.

The great hand seal connecting to heaven penetrating the earth pierced the sky almost instantly. That vast to no marginal power is even more like the overturning of Tianwei, forcibly giving birth to an unstoppable terrifying illusion.

Even though Yang Jian is strong, even the Four Bodhisattvas like Manjusri are not his opponents. However, he knew very well in his heart that it was only a person like Manjushri. The Avalokiteshvara and Jizo among the Four Bodhisattvas may not be opponents, even more how is the Tathagata that is deeper and unmeasurable?

This is a battle destined to be impossible to win. But even so, Yang Jian didn’t mean to admit defeat at all. As the saying goes, the evil sword is worn in the chest, and the hatred for peace is weak. There is a bow for saving the moon and the sun. Is there no hero in the world? Who can give me Linfeng and keep Qingning Gong for thousands of years.

From birth to the present, Yang Jian has come to this point. Whether it is killing demons and fighting demons, or fighting various powerful enemies, he has never retreated without a fight, let alone conceded defeat. He is a born brave, an unyielding warrior. You can even say that the word simply does not exist in his life dictionary.

He was like this when fighting against Zhou Yi, and he was naturally no exception when fighting against Tathagata. Even if the palm of the Tathagata is so powerful, it almost turns him into a fan at once. He is still loudly shouted, and his progress has advanced.

Nine Revolutions Profound Art is the last change, the so-called Nine Revolutions in One. Combining 81 ancient God changes into one, revealing the ultimate appearance of the origin of the ancient times. This phase is intangible and intangible, without knowing its beginning and its origin. This is Root of World, the origin of all things. In the Taoist system, this indistinguishable existence is called Yuanshi Tianwang, and he is considered to be the person who opened the Great Dao. In Chinese folk mythology, he is called Pan Gu, which is the True God that created Heaven and Earth and made everything.

No matter what kind of statement it is, it is actually only a one-sided understanding of this existence. As latecomers, they can hardly describe that kind of existence. But this does not affect the power that Nine Revolutions Profound Art can bring in the last change. This kind of world-opening power, even if it only draws a tiny bit from it, is only a power of incarnation, it is enough to make Yang Jian himself a great change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

In an instant, Yang Jian’s body, which originally had ten thousand zhang high, rose again. A moment is to raise a thousand feet, and a moment is to grow ten thousand zhang. That is, at the moment when the Tathagata great hand seal was filmed, his whole person has become able to support both heaven and earth, as if to support the world.

It is huge and incredible, even the magic armor on his body can no longer match his current figure. It’s like the real Ancient One in is legend, with hands supporting the sky and feet supporting the ground. The thunderbolt is the breath, the cloud and the breath are, the sky is high ten thousand zhang only at its feet, and the cloud deep ten thousand li is just wrapped around his waist.

At this time, the great hand seal of the Tathagata is no longer a deadly threat to him like this. To Tathagata, he is no longer an insect that can be slapped to death with a wave of his hand. It can be said that at this time, he is already qualified to break his wrist with the Tathagata. And what he thinks now is indeed the same.

What about the Tathagata, what about the Buddha? Is it possible to always aloof and remote, and yell at me casually. I am not convinced, and it is impossible to serve. If this is the so-called Tathagata Buddha must, then, let’s fight with me first.

With such thoughts, Yang Jian is already thunderbolt clamoring, clenching an immeasurably huge fist, and slamming his fist against the great hand seal of the Tathagata and even himself. Past. And this smashing, earth shattering, even if there is a Tathagata, the entire Western Heavenly Bliss World is like heaven falls and earth rends, violently turbulent.

This blow, regardless of the outcome, can be said to be a miracle. Even if he is defeated, with the strength shown by Yang Jian and his fearless courage, he will be remembered forever. And if it wins, then the Western Heavenly Bliss will always be a thing of the past, and Buddhism will never recover from this, and it will be difficult to regain today’s grand feat.

The outcome of this battle is extremely important to both sides. Whether it is Yang Jian or Tathagata, they never hope that oneself will be that summer vacation. Therefore, Yang Jian has already used full strength. Naturally, Tathagata will not stay behind.

Foguang ten thousand zhang, it is already a great hand seal once again. If Yang Jian’s this fist is a vicious fist that wants to completely smash the entire western sky, then this palm of the Tathagata is the palm of Dingding World, the palm that surrenders everything.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were already agitated.

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