Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1553

What did Yang Jian look like in the past? There is a vivid description in Journey to the West.

The appearance is dignified and his earlobe and shoulder are bright. He wears a three-mountain flying phoenix hat and a pale yellow collar. Golden boots lined with panlong socks, jade belt and eight-treasure makeup. Waist and hip slingshot crescent-like, holding a three-pointed two-edged gun.

Although it is not completely in line with reality, it is almost like this in general. Of course, because of the previous battle with Tathagata, Yang Jian’s situation must be a bit embarrassing. What Sanshan Feifeng hat also had that light yellow collar was basically completely destroyed when he became Pangu. Even the iconic three-pointed two-bladed gun also shot the Phoenix Golden Bow, but it was gone.

When the Sidulong Shen found him, he was lying like a newborn baby in a deep valley hit by him. If it hadn’t been for the four old dragons to tune the treasures in oneself’s treasury, he might not have a concealed item by now. And even if the four old dragons took out the Purple Gold glazed armor of Hundred Blossoms to dress him up, he failed to restore his previous 50% style.

In the final analysis, he has lost mana too much. And you know, mana itself is the product of the three treasures of the human body, Essence, Qi, and Spirit. The loss of mana can’t be made up by a simple sleep. That was a major event that hurt the fundamental, otherwise there would be no setbacks for the Golden Core or even the Conferred God.

Of course, this is a blessing in disguise for Yang Jian. Because if it weren’t like that, he might not be able to get such a great benefit from Fengshen. And because of the Conferred God, his whole person has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The original demeanor of less than five points has been changed to twelve points. The bright divine light has been involuntarily radiated from his body within the body.

He himself is a born Demi-God body, aptitude is so extraordinary that it can almost match those born sacred. It was only limited to picking up the favors, and I have not been able to gain the position of God. I can only support the ability of the oneself Heavenspan. Now that he has the position of God, with the divine nature and divine force, it is really a tiger with wings, and the Flood Dragon is just like wings. Directly shedding body, exchanging bones, evolves infinite luck.

From within, it is the divine force of True Martial that fills his body little by little, filling in the vacancies in his body, so that every meridian and every key in his body begins to trend. Yu deification. From the outside, his whole person began to transform to the image of True Martial, the Great Sovereign.

This transformation is not physical. True Martial is a god, not a God itself. If one inherits this position of God and becomes like this God, then it is not a confiscated god, but possessed. Therefore, Yang Jian’s appearance has not changed at all. He is still the real monarch of Erlang, the great man with dignified appearance. The only difference is that the flowing divine light and divinity on his body make his whole person more and more The tendency to become majestic, heavy and mighty.

True Martial, the god of the north, commander of Wanshui, his color is black, so his name is Xuan. The shape of turtles and snakes meet each other, which is called Wu. The god of water has always been thick, immersed in changes, and has the way to goodness. The shape of the tortoise and snake implies the phenomenon of dynamic and static changes. It is the most condensed deity of divine military force, and it is also the most holy of Taoism. This kind of power was born within the body of Yang Jian, which naturally gave him all the prestige that a True Martial emperor should have.

The divine force circulated around him, causing the space around him to begin to solidify, as if suppressed by something. And when this divine light, which has the power of Demon God, flowed onto the drape on his body, it quickly consumed this purple gold armor into invisible. She turned into a black armor condensed by divine force.

Xuanjia black crown, divine force ripples like the ocean, shocking people. This is what Yang Jian looked like when he was in a coma, and when his divine force penetrated the keyhole and awakened him, he immediately had three eyes, releasing ten thousand zhang divine light. Then the divine force became agitated like a roaring ocean, the sea of ​​anger hit the sky.

He was still in his consciousness when he was fighting against the Tathagata. He was obviously fighting intent agitated and murderous. This kind of will is matched with the divine force of True Martial Great Sovereign Slayer, which is fierce and mighty so that almost all Immortal Gods feel the majestic pressure of incomparable.

It can be said that Yang Jian at this time has already come to the fore and has the qualification to look down on these Celestial Court Divine Immortal. If he wants to think about it, there are few people in the entire Celestial Court that can be his enemy.

Of course, Yang Jian is not a monkey. The monkey is a heart ape, a typical wayward and reckless. But Yang Jian is not. He is lonely and tall, but he is not as willful as a monkey. If monkeys in the bones are also a bit animalistic, then Yang Jian is completely human and divine. There is still a big difference between the two.

So Yang Jian not at all at this time started frantically. Instead, after gradually converging Sky’s Eye divine light between the foreheads, and after opening his eyes to restore clarity, he was already directly half kneeling in front of Zhou Yi.

“Many thanks Celestial Emperor’s reinvention, Yang Jian is grateful!”

Although Yang Jian was in a coma before, it doesn’t mean that he is just right for everything. I don’t know anymore. The full divine force within the body clearly told him what happened to him. And as long as you think about it, you can know who can give him such a powerful divine force in today’s Celestial Court.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the grace of reconstruction, so even with his arrogance, at this time, he knelt down in front of Zhou Yi willingly.

Benefit and prestige. If Zhou Yi only suppressed Yang Jian before, he had to acknowledge allegiance to his own words. So what he has done now is undoubtedly an irreparable favor given to him, so that he can completely concentrate on oneself.

Although the technique is old-fashioned, the effect is absolutely remarkable. Especially for people with high temperament like Yang Jian, the effect that grace can play is absolutely above any other means. Just the favor of this conferred god is enough to make her desperate to devote herself to Zhou Yi’s command and become an existence that can be trusted by him as a confidant.

Zhou Yi can see this from Yang Jian’s words and deeds. And this naturally made him happy in his heart.

In all fairness, the entire Celestial Court is crowded with Divine Immortal, and Taibai Jinxing and Yang Jian are the two who can see him most.

The former is because of his loyalty to the Jade Emperor. This loyalty that accompanies death to death is not something anyone can get. And it is precisely because of this that Zhou Yi is only envious in his heart. Because Taibai Jinxing is already loyal to the Jade Emperor, it is naturally impossible to be loyal to him again.

And Yang Jian, although he does not have the loyalty of Taibai Jinxing, his loyalty is enough to make him valued by Zhou Yi.

In this Celestial Court, capable people may not be loyal, while loyal people may not be capable. Yang Jian has both, and this alone makes him commendable. It can be said that regaining Yang Jian is no less than returning to the Three Kingdoms and receiving Zhao Yun under his command. That sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to express.

Of course, contentment is contentment, Zhou Yi will not forget the original intention of oneself to subdue Yang Jian. So immediately, he smiled and said to Yang Jian.

“Get up, Yang Qing. From today on, you are the True Martial Emperor, and you don’t need to give me these customary courtesies. In addition, you just woke up. I’m afraid you will still have some things. not quite clear. I’ll tell you a little bit here. Western Buddhism has surrendered to Celestial Court, and Buddhism’s Tathagata has passed away. Now Buddhism has come under the control of my Celestial Court. And I’m dealing with it. The handling is that you will take care of them.”

“Mount Meru Holy Land where Western Buddhism is located will be your Taoist place from now on. These Buddhas and Arhats of Buddhism, Jialan Protector are also under your command. .I only have one request for you, that is, I don’t want to see any unruly religions exist. Buddhism can survive, but it must be a Celestial Court that is submissive to the Celestial Court and dare not disobey the slightest. . If from now on, these dísciples of Buddhism dare to have any rebellious heart, I think you should know what to do.”

“Yang Jian understands.” Hold your fist, Yang Jian’s forehead divine eyes opened and closed, and the divine light was already shining on the remaining bodhisattvas and arhats of Buddhism. The man who had beaten Manjushri with his hand, and had fought against Tathagata, is definitely a hated existence for the current Buddhism like killing a god. And because of this relationship, he is naturally impossible to have any good senses for Buddhism. Zhou Yi’s arrangement can be said to be in his arms, so immediately, he sneered and squinted at the Guanshiyin Bodhisattva beside him.

“Yang Jian can issue military orders. If these Buddhist dísciples dare to have any rebellious intentions, Yang Jian can immediately present them to Your Majesty. There is one kill and one in vain. . Even if the blood of Buddhism is exhausted, it will be no hesitate.”

“It is naturally great for you to have this determination.”

Looking at Guanyin next to Yang Jian His complexion changed several times, but Zhou Yi suddenly became interested, haha ​​laughed.

“Since this is the case, then I will give you another great gift. Didn’t you be smashed in the head by the Bodhisattva Guanshiyin with the Clean Jade Bottle? Buddhism people always like to talk about cause and effect, so since She planted this cause today, and I will directly pay her a fruit today. Yang Jian, how do you think Guanshiyin’s appearance can still be in your eyes?”

The words are so clear, Even if he didn’t say it thoroughly, the people around him could still understand his meaning clearly. And once I understood what he meant, even if he had accepted Yang Jian’s admission to Mount Meru before face doesn’t change, his expression changed drastically.

Because this time, she was really shocked by Zhou Yi.

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