Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1556

Zhou Yi’s words gave these Divine Immortals a huge impact, and the most important sense of this impact is that at this moment they felt that the Celestial Emperor must be crazy.

Because such a small matter extends to the development of the world, what is this not crazy? Moreover, the development of the world is not as simple as it is said. As the main members of the new generation of Celestial Court, although none of the overwhelming majority Divine Immortal present has experienced such a thing, they themselves are not unfamiliar with the meaning of world development.

God war! This is a word that is enough to make them awe and fear. Since the Celestial Court is now firmly established, the battle they have experienced can be counted. In addition to the initial battle with Buddhism during the eastward crossing, the other overwhelming majority battles are only small tribal-style mountain fur gods.

They have never fought the real big battle. So although they are longing for the gods block then kill gods of Ancient Era, the invincible awe-inspiring and domineering, but when it is their turn to own, they may not be willing to do so.

God wars will kill people, and many people will die. This is different from fighting with those monsters and demons. Fighting with Demon, no matter how many heavenly soldiers lose, as long as these Divine Immortal are all right, they can definitely return in a swirl of dust. But once the battle of God started, it was not so easy to stop.

They will be forced to get involved, life and death are not controlled by oneself. It is possible to live at any time, and to die at any time. Everything is controlled by unpredictable fate, which is simply the worst situation for them. It took thousands of hardships to become the Divine Immortal of life as long as heaven. As a result, you have to lose everything that oneself has now for a battle that may not be too rewarding. Is it also something more nonsense than this?

It can be said that when Zhou Yi’s intention could not be more obvious than to be exposed, most of their hearts had already given birth to the deepest resentment and rejection.

At this time, even if Zhou Yi used a powerful force to coerce them, it would be useless. They are already one after another and have to appeal.

“Think twice about Your Majesty!”

“Your Majesty absolutely cannot be used.”

Think twice about what you cannot use! Zhou Yi’s heart is naturally like a mirror. And he has never been interested in the struggle and wailing of such cowards, so immediately, he shouted at these Divine Immortal.

“I have no time to spend time with you here. Yang Jian! Where’s your knife? If anyone has any objections, move his head down to me.”

” With this small official knife in your hand, you can serve Your Majesty at any time.”

As a God of Heavenspan, Yang Jian never fears fighting, let alone fighting. Now that Zhou Yi has completely cast the effect, he will naturally stand on the same line as Zhou Yi. Moreover, even without this prerequisite, he still wouldn’t go with these Divine Immortals.

Because in his opinion, the reaction of the Divine Immortal in Celestial Court is really ridiculous and disgusting. Standing in a high position, but not having the ability and courage that a high position should have, such a person is just a waste of resources even if he stands there. Therefore, instead of letting such a person continue to steal high positions, it is better to switch to a more courageous and capable person.

One, for those who are afraid of death, they don’t have to work hard. Both, for those who dare to fight, this is also a key to opening up the road to prosperity. In Yang Jian’s view, this will be the best result for either party. But obviously, some people don’t think so.

The King Tota didn’t want to talk. Because his current position is really embarrassing. As the old minister of the Jade Emperor, Buddhism dísciple, he once held a high position. Even in the entire Rising Firmament Palace, he was the one standing in the front. It can be said to be prestigious and indispensable. However, this is not something earned by ability, but power gained by background. Because, when the Jade Emperor’s inferior position and the downfall of the Buddhism forces came one after another, the biggest support behind him had already completely collapsed.

Under such circumstances, his identity immediately did not match his status. In terms of strength, Celestial Court is not in his turn to take the top few seats. Regarding the background, it would be difficult for him to continue sitting in this position after losing everything. That is, Zhou Yi didn’t have time to deal with him, so he could barely maintain the respect he had in the past. However, in fact, he was already sitting on pins and needles in this Celestial Court.

Even he himself knows that although he is still in this position, it is difficult to guarantee that oneself will always be in this position. glare like a tiger watching his prey There are not one or two people watching his prey. People who are more qualified to get this position than him are more plentiful and easily available.

His status is in jeopardy, but let him just give up his current status, his heart is impossible and willing.

The King of Tota, who is in charge of the 100,000 Celestial Soldiers, sounds so majestic and incredible. It can be said that the dream of a big man in his life is to wake up the power of the world and drunk lying on the knees of a beauty. He can be obtained through this position now. And after sitting in this position for more than a thousand years, he had already regarded him as an own existence. Let him give up now, how is it possible!

However, he himself also knows that not giving up is not what he said. It’s what the Celestial Emperor said. He can make oneself lose everything with a single word, and with his ability, even if oneself’s business power over a thousand years is combined, it is basically impossible to be his opponent.

Man is a knife, I am a fish. It’s really helpless. He had already given up in the first place, and he had already begun to figure out how to get out of his body. However, the sudden change and development of things gave him the illusion of seeing a turning point.

The Celestial Emperor’s words of conquest, in his opinion, are really timely news. You know, besides him, many people in Celestial Court today have expressed opinions on what he said. Only due to his strength and power, the overwhelming majority only objected verbally, but did not dare to take any actions in action.

No one knows how big his determination is, whether he is big enough to kill. Of course, the more important thing is that they are still a mess, and no one with enough rank and status has come forward to unify them so as to form a loud enough voice.

They lack leadership, and oneself lacks support. This is really a match made in heaven, and each one gets the good things he needs. King Tota felt that as long as oneself at this time stepped up to win the support of these people, let them gather under the owner. Not only can he stabilize his current status, but also allow the Celestial Emperor to see their determination and hear their voices, so that they can reconsider oneself’s previous decision.

For one idea, let more than half of the Divine Immortal in the Celestial Court oppose oneself, is it worth it? I believe that any emperor will think twice when facing this situation. And as long as you can know the emotions and move them, the Celestial Emperor will be taken back to life. Then more than half of the people in Celestial Court will remember oneself a favor. At this time, his position will be more stable, as unshakable as Mount Tai.

As the saying goes, the heart is not as good as the action. After all the joints have been figured out, King Tota just stood up without hesitation and said to Zhou Yi in front of the gods in Celestial Court.

“Your Majesty, grandson has a cloud, soldiers, national events, the place of death and life, the way of survival and death, must not be ignored. Your Majesty wants to take this topic, take advantage of the opportunity to open the barriers of the past, ideas It’s good, but it’s a bit too eager. You know, Celestial Court more then 2000 years is not easy to be stable. Such a move must be endless fighting and loss of life. It is inconsistent with Heavenly Dao’s good morals. So, please think twice about Your Majesty, even if it is for the sake of the world’s thousands of people, you should not go into such a big fight.”

Move the ancient teachings before, and then pull the people. Standard dogma. But since it is dogmatic, it means that he has a firm foothold in justice. With just this kind of rhetoric, King Tota can have a three-point confidence no matter who he says this to.

It is precisely because of his rhetoric and mannerism that the Divine Immortal who had something in their hearts but did not dare to speak, also echoed by fans, and made it clear that he was regarded as The leader. Began to be proud of him at this time.

This is a smart move, but unfortunately, he was right to Zhou Yi. And Zhou Yi at this time, simply don’t want to say any morals to you.

In his opinion, all the rhetoric of these people, including Tota Heavenly King, can only be summarized in a stale term. That is shutting down the country. And as long as it is a Chinese, it is impossible to forget the devastating consequences of such foolish behavior to their race.

The shame of the year was impossible and forgotten. And it is precisely because he always keeps this lesson in mind, so at this time, he is even more impossible to let such a stupid thing happen again. If you don’t want to die in the silence of stagnant water, then you can only survive in competition. As for the guy who doesn’t even have the courage to compete, it would be better to be eliminated here cleanly.

I want to provoke the main beam and usher in a turning point for oneself. This idea is good, but apparently, King Tota has forgotten a lesson from ancient times, that is, shooting a bird. It is not only warriors who dare to jump out first, but also may become martyrs. As for the martyrs, all were sacrificed.

He wants to be a martyr, and Zhou Yi is naturally willing to fulfill him. So immediately, Zhou Yi already gave an order to Yang Jian.

“Yang Jian, let’s do it.”

The decisive Yang Jian of temperament naturally knows what Zhou Yi’s intention is, so immediately, he is already an expression, looking towards Tota. The king walked over.

“You heard the Celestial Emperor’s decree, so, are you obediently surrender, or let me do it myself? Tota!”

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