Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1558

The King Tota died, due to a lot of talk and disagreement. This is really a ridiculous method of death, but for such a method of death, no one can laugh at it.

This aspect is because they have been scared. The fierceness of Celestial Emperor’s methods has surpassed their imagination, and they have become accustomed to the weak rule of the Jade Emperor more then 2000 years. They really can’t accept his style in a short time.

On the other hand, they really didn’t expect Yang Jian to be so murderous. They didn’t even care about the feelings of their colleagues in the past, so they raised their butchers and killed them.

This gentleman and one minister work together, it’s like Bushwacker holding a ghost knife on the neck of the owner, scared to death, where and what courage to let them go with These two are enemies! And such an effect is exactly what Zhou Yi wants to see most.

Blindly killing precepts is useless, and only by killing fights can he achieve everything he expected. The killing must be fast, fierce, and must be able to play the necessary vigilant role, this is meaningful. At this point, Yang Jian is almost perfect to do everything he needs.

This made him appreciate Yang Jian more and more. A loyal person is already brilliant, and a loyal and capable person is even more so. He intends to give Yang Jian some important tasks, but he doesn’t know what Yang Jian means. The way of emperor and minister is not just a blind drive. He needs to respect Yang Jian’s opinion properly, so at this time, he immediately asked Yang Jian.

“Yang Qing, what about my previous proposal? Are you satisfied with this marriage arrangement?”

At this time, the general situation is set, and no one is impossible to take any reason. Refute him. Guanshiyin doesn’t work, neither does the Celestial Court Divine Immortal. The only possibility is that Yang Jian oneself is not willing to accept this arrangement. Only his current status, and his weight in Zhou Yi’s mind. If he is not willing, Zhou Yi will certainly not force him.

In other words, this is the only way for Avalokitesvara to escape this tribulation. And she also looked towards Yang Jian pleadingly at this time.

She hopes that this rebellious True Monarch Erlang can come up with a point of opinion at this time, just like backing out the Celestial Court back then, and directly reject the Celestial Emperor’s order. However, her idea is obviously impossible. Because after glancing at her, Yang Jian already clasped his fists and said without hesitation.

“Yang Jian dare not follow his fate. But, after all, a monk can’t tell me that he is marrying, so I am afraid I will wrong the Bodhisattva and become a small one.”

Yang Jian is not what will People who are obsessed with sex. Although he can’t be like a monkey, no matter what appearance you are, you can’t compare to a peach. But it is not the faint person who can desperate for beauty. Therefore, he agreed to Zhou Yi’s matchup at the risk of being hated by Avalokitesvara in the bones, not because he liked the beauty of Avalokitesvara. It’s because he knows Zhou Yi’s plan very well and wants to cooperate with him with full strength.

Zhou Yi wants to sweep away the stale atmosphere of Celestial Court in the shortest possible time, the most important thing is to hold enough power in his hand to control and decide. And on this issue, his personal strength does not play a big role.

Although he can use his own formidable strength to suppress all opposition, and let these Divine Immortal behave according to his wishes. However, he is impossible to do it every time. After all, personal energy is limited, and blindly suppressing is not advisable. If things go on like this, not only Zhou Yi will be dragged here, but even those Divine Immortal will have a rebellious mentality because of his strong suppression.

And once they carried the burden, not to mention the Celestial Court chaos, but more or less, Zhou Yi’s plan is impossible to proceed safely.

As the saying goes, the lord is worried about the humiliation of his ministers. As a courtier, Yang Jian is naturally impossible to make the lord owner suffer such troubles. And the only way to open this dilemma is to increase the power of the master oneself. The Celestial Court has made great efforts from three parties over the years, and it is unceremonious to say that the Celestial Court in the hands of the Jade Emperor is definitely the weakest party in the entire Celestial Court. Not to mention how many people treat him as harbor ulterior motives, with Cao Ying’s heart in the heart. Even if all these people are counted, the power in his hand plus the entire Buddhism is just barely higher than the Dao Sect.

Celestial Court has the most power in the Daomen, but compared with Buddhism, which has been on the rise, it is just a little bit higher than it. And with the influence of the Jade Emperor, Buddhism is so much higher than the Dao Sect. What this means, this clearly means that the power of the Jade Emperor is just such a lost value.

Such a lost thing fell on Zhou Yi’s hand, and he cut off a member of General with a click. It can be said that there are simply very few things left. In this case, how to pull up a team loyal to the new Celestial Emperor as soon as possible has become the most important thing at the moment.

The so-called growth and elimination, the only way to increase the power in Zhou Yi’s hands is to cut the flesh from the power of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. And compared with the deep-rooted, unshakable door. It has become like a stray dog, and Buddhism, which does not even have a leader, has become the best object to be cut.

But Buddhism is an Outsider force after all. Even if Yang Jian sits on Mount Meru and is in charge of these monks and nuns in name, he is also impossible to say that the power of Buddhism is completely in the hands of the owner. Because in the end, Yang Jian is just an outsider to them. After all, he is not the core figure of Buddhism, and wanting to intervene is not something that can be done solely by external forces.

However, after agreeing to Zhou Yi’s crooked idea, the situation is different when Guan Shiyin is received in his back home. From a robber from outside to a son-in-law, the situation will of course be different. At the very least, he has the qualifications to intervene in the decision-making process of Buddhism.

Don’t underestimate Guanyin’s position in Buddhism. In this era when the Tathagata has passed away, she also Kṣitigarbha, is definitely the only two people in Buddhism who can support the door. So from this perspective, Buddhism is almost impossible to bypass the two of them, no matter what it does.

At this point, Avalokiteshvara and Kṣitigarbha occupy a natural advantage. After all, it is she, not Kṣitigarbha, who acts as the left and right hands of the Tathagata until now. Kṣitigarbha, who sits in hell in order to own Buddha’s ambition, even if he wants to get in touch with the main internal affairs of Buddhism, it is not so easy.

In contrast, almost all the internal affairs of Buddhism have to be done from the hands of Guan Shiyin. This is a judgement, everything is very clear. From this point of view, Avalokitesvara can be said to be the best candidate for the Buddhist ruler.

It’s just that people in Buddhism control Buddhism, Zhou Yi would only do such a thing unless he is stupid. This is no different from letting a habitual offender guard the vault. In order to ensure that the current Buddhism can be in the hands of the owner, Zhou Yi thought of such a way.

Since Yang Jian is the nominal owner of Mount Meru. Then it is better to go one step further and turn him into the true ruler of Buddhism. And such a change must require some kind of identity change. From this point of view, as the head of the Bodhisattva and the Avalokitesvara of a woman, it is obvious that he has become a victim in Zhou Yi’s eyes.

Use her own power and status to perfect Yang Jian, so that Yang Jian has a more thorough reason to take over the entire Buddhism. This is his plan. And this plan is clear to both Yang Jian and Guan Shiyin.

Yang Jian intends to follow Zhou Yi’s arrangement. After all, he is loyal to Zhou Yi. Naturally, it is impossible to sing against him in this matter. As for Guan Shiyin, even if she had intentions to oppose it, in the face of power, she was actually helpless.

No one cares about the voice of a loser. Similarly, the feeling of a disadvantaged female stream in front of the coldest plot against plot is also an insignificant thing. Although not reconciled to being treated as a plaything like this, being so uttered will determine the future destination. But in the face of such an irreversible reality, besides accepting it, she seems to have no other better choice.

And seeing the facts have become like this, oneself is only in vain to object. Avalokitesvara, who has always known that it is a great trade-off, has already calculated it from another angle.

In all fairness, if not for her, she pointed out any other female fairy to Yang Jian and entered his family. I am afraid that the female fairies of the overwhelming majority are willing to accept, even ecstatic.

Who is Yang Jian, the rich and handsome Heaven Realm famous. Not only is he born noble, he is also a hero who has made a big piece of Heaven and Earth. Now it has become the confidant of the Celestial Emperor, one of the very best ministers in the Celestial Court-True Martial. Such an achievement, no matter who it is placed in front of, is probably the best match.

Furthermore, Yang Jian himself is still a magnificent and handsome man, with a handsome eyebrow, far beyond what those crooked melons can compare. Even if you don’t look at his achievements and speak with this face alone, there will be no girls who are tempted by him.

Although Avalokitesvara is a bodhisattva, she is essentially a woman. If she put aside all the mixed thoughts and just talked about the personal relationship between men and women, she would not be sure that oneself would not be tempted by men like Yang Jian. However, even if she was originally moved. When Yang Jian said that she could only be a child, her heartbeat was probably already disappeared.

In terms of identity and status, she is much higher than Yang Jian. Even if Celestial Emperor refers to marriage and matchmaking, she is definitely married to Yang Jian. And now Yang Jian dared to say this to her, making it clear that he wanted to humiliate her. If you think about it further, he clearly doesn’t mean this, but just wants to use her as a pedal to reach into Buddhism.

For this fact, she naturally became unhappy in her heart. And when the general situation could not be changed, she could only resist so much.

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