Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1560

The appearance of Zhou Yi can be said to be the biggest variable in the entire Heaven Realm since 2000 years.

He not only broke the situation that has not changed since the establishment of Celestial Court, more then 2000 years, but also completely subverted the impression of Heaven Realm creatures on the Celestial Emperor, and made people remember his exist.

Although it is said that he did not rely on killing a sea of ​​blood to ascend the Celestial Emperor. However, his feat of driving the Tathagata to death and sending the Jade Emperor to the Behead Immortal stage was enough to make everyone fear him.

Counter-attack on Celestial Court is not an unprecedented thing. Since ancient times, there will always be some great gods and demons who will declare war on Celestial Court because they are not angry in their hearts, and want to fight. Go up Celestial Court. And among them, by the strength of oneself, the heaven falls and earth rends are not few.

However, Celestial Court has only undergone one change since Ancient Era, which has already explained their fate. Millions of celestial troops and generals have never been the last layer of the Celestial Court. Those immortal Buddhas entrenched behind Celestial Court are the key to ensuring that Celestial Court is not lost.

Maybe you can break through the siege of millions of heavenly soldiers, by the strength of oneself, kill them to pieces, and hit them directly in front of South Heaven Gate. However, when you face the Divine Immortal in the Celestial Court and the gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas behind the Celestial Court, you may not be able to have this ability.

365 and other righteous gods, one is more powerful than the other, the Buddha and Bodhisattva of the Western Heaven, and the Heavenly Venerate emperor of the Taoist monarch are also more brutal. Facing them and facing those celestial troops and generals simply are two different things. You may be fierce in front of celestial troops and generals. But in front of these people, you are probably no better than an ant that can slap to death.

The monkey of the year is the best example. The Celestial Court, he is also considered famous in the entire Heaven Realm. For those who don’t know the truth, this is simply an Unparalleled Ominous Demon, the prestigious image of an unworldly hero. But what did he look like when Tathagata made his move? It’s not like the insect in the palm of the hand, the backhand is suppressed.

Powerhouse is respected has always been the law of Heaven Realm. As the Celestial Court ruling Heaven Realm, how could it be without powerhouse? Only an idiot would think that Heaven Realm is full of Divine Immortal with corpse positions, and they are all old, weak, sick and disabled. Anyone who is truly knowledgeable understands that what lies behind Celestial Court is the most powerful force in this World.

Now, it seems that this cognition has become a joke. Overnight, the Celestial Court had already changed hands. Without any movement, the new Celestial Emperor took the throne and took control of the entire Celestial Court. Even Tathagata’s kisses were driven to the point of death. This kind of change called Heaven and Earth turning upside down is beyond the imagination of many people.

After seeing the Heavenspan great hand seal of the Tathagata fighting with the giant connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, no one will be naive in the entire Heaven Realm, whether it is Divine Immortal Demon or mortals in the world. I thought Celestial Court was so weak that it couldn’t stop even the intentions of usurping the throne.

The Heavenspan’s image, also the movement caused by the battle, are all manifested. The changes in Celestial Court were completed only under a series of forces. Obviously, since even the even Celestial Emperor had changed candidates, and the Tathagata would have died of Nirvana, it was naturally the side of the original Celestial Court that failed. And the calmer and calmer this process is, the more it proves the power gap between the two warring parties.

People who are very old cannot help but think of that year. In that era when the Eight Lords of the ancient times were still in power, a similar incident happened.

That was the event of War God Xingtian’s counterattack at Celestial Court. As a War God in ancient times, Heavenly God is so powerful that it is unmatched. Even if it is the Heavenly Gods in Ancient Era, no one can stop him from getting onto the Heavenly Palace.

In the end, they deceived the less by more and beaten the widow by the crowd, and finally they barely defeated him and cut off his head. However, when this ancient War God used breasts as his eyes and umbilicals as his mouth, and danced for grief, the Heaven Realm gods could no longer stop him.

He looked like a Ghost God, and step by step he killed the Heavenly Palace where the Celestial Emperor was located. However, there is no movement, as if it does not exist, he has disappeared between Heaven and Earth.

This is a big mystery of Heaven Realm. Many people think that War God Xingtian is not dead, but fleeing, hiding, and being exiled. They don’t believe that if the status is Ghost God, the invincible War God will die like this. But after so many years, no amount of delusions should be sober.

Xingtian might have died long ago. He died on the Heavenly Palace in front of the Celestial Emperor. And the reason why there is no heaven-shaking, earth-shattering movement that can make heaven falls and earth rends battle, I’m afraid the only explanation is that the gap between War God Xingtian and Celestial Emperor is too big to be able to Anything that caused any movement, he had already died in the hands of Celestial Emperor.

This is exactly the same as today. So no matter how you look at it, I am afraid that the guy who replaced the Jade Emperor on the Celestial Emperor Throne will be an immeasurable terrifying existence.

In the face of such a situation, with the exception of those who are arrogant and conceited to the point where they can’t see the situation at all, the other overwhelming majority are forced to take the imperial decree of the Celestial Court seriously. stand up.

Among them, there are many ancient Divine Demon who have been hidden since Ancient Era. On the premise that they are impossible to be stronger than the Tathagata Buddha who suppressed the heavens, for the sake of the safety of their lives, they also had to show their heads, obey the orders of the Celestial Emperor, and in just three days, they faced Celestial. Court’s position rushed past.

No matter what this Celestial Emperor is going to do? It doesn’t matter if he has deployed feast at hongmen or not. In such an uncertain situation, no one dare to just put the truth in his hands.

And what is Zhou Yi doing at this time? Now he is in the bedroom of Miró Palace, with Serena.

Of course, the two of them are not doing anything special together. Immortals, the men and women serving as guards and servants in Miró Palace, can testify to this. Because from the Celestial Emperor to the present, they have been executing a character. That is, they were sending all the files recorded in Celestial Court to the Celestial Emperor and the concubine beside him, for their reference.

Since Ancient Era was breached by the First Emperor, almost all the files in Celestial Court have been lost. Only a small part of the archives stored in Heavenly Palace are from ancient times. Among them, the overwhelming majority was refilled after the Celestial Court was re-established. However, even so, Celestial Court more then 2000 years, the remaining text is by no means a minority. Even just mobilizing the part of the eternal separation between heaven and man is enough to fill this vast palace.

Although it is said that a large part of the factor is that Celestial Court still maintains the ancient record method based on bamboo slips and seal cutting. But in any case, this is a huge amount. From the time the order was issued to the present, Zhou Yi has been in the bedroom for two whole days, trying to find what oneself wants by browsing these volumes, but what he got is really Very few.

Celestial Court has recorded many things over the years, but there are not many records about the eternal separation of heaven and man. It’s as if you are avoiding something. Many things are recorded in vague terms, or even full of errors and omissions. For Zhou Yi, who is anxious to find a way home, it is really unacceptable. So immediately, he was thunderbolt calling out angrily.

“Asgardian guards, bring me the heavenly officials who are in charge of the records of these volumes, and I have something to ask them!”

The Celestial Emperor is accompanied by Asgardian guards and rolling heavenly generals . After hearing his order, the celestial troops and generals who had been in awe of the Celestial Emperor did not dare to hesitate at all, so they immediately drew out their hands and took the celestial official who was guarding the scroll.

And when a trembling fairy was escorted by two Asgardian Heavenly Gods, Zhou Yi directly threw the bamboo slips in front of him, and he was already sternly at him Questioned.

“Are you the immortal officer who takes care of the records of Heavenly Palace? Tell me, what are these files? Why are there so few records about the separation of heaven and man? Here, also here, why should we record in detail All of the things have been taken in a stroke. Is this your attitude as a clerical officer? Or do you think that you are tired of sitting in this position and want to sit in another position?”

Take Celestial The Emperor Zhizun asked a little fairy officer like this. No matter how he looked at it, it was impossible to express his attitude. So immediately, the Celestial Court officer was frightened to his knees, and then said trembling with fear.

“Your Majesty is forgiving, Your Majesty is forgiving. This is not the matter of ministers. It was the Jade Emperor who gave the order that I should not wait to record these things at will. The Jade Emperor’s order, We dare not listen.”

“The Jade Emperor’s orders? Why did the Jade Emperor want you to do this?”

“Reporting back to Your Majesty. The Jade Emperor did not give me I have said the reason. But according to Xiaochen, it should be the Jade Emperor who felt that this matter lost the face of Celestial Court, so he didn’t want to write down the matter in detail. Celestial Emperor Mingjian, the minister really just acted according to orders, this It really doesn’t have anything to do with the minister.”

Zhou Yi not at all investigates in detail who is responsible for this. He just wants to know more details. Since there is no such document, he can only ask questions individually. As the immortal official in charge of the records, he was obviously a good target for questioning. So immediately, Zhou Yi asked him.

“Then let me ask you, do you know some of these barriers. For example, how is the eternal separation between heaven and man formed? Does Heaven Realm also lead to the secret path of Divine State? “

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