Sun God Marvel

Chapter 157

In the rescue camp under the defense line, Coulson took out the best coffee in oneself’s hand and entertained Zhou Yi also his new assistant. For Zhou Yi, he showed 12 points of enthusiasm. As for the new assistant, Young Lady, he was on guard for twelve points.

“Wang Young Lady, please take the liberty. Who did you work for before?”

“I usually only work for oneself, Mr. Coulson. You know, commercial espionage It’s not like you people, who can have a stable income channel.” Ada Wang responded to Coulson with a light smile. She has been hired by Zhou Yi but she doesn’t care about these SHIELD temptations. A reliable background can make her ignore many things, the most important thing is the means of these official organizations.

“Does she know who you are?” Coulson shrugged, turning to Zhou Yi.

“It is not time to say this, she will know in the future.” Zhou Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at Coulson with a weird smile.

Seeing this smile, Ada Wang instinctively noticed something wrong. She looked at Natasha who was sitting on the side and still holding the child. From her eyes, she saw a pity expression.

It is not fun to be an assistant to a Superhero. The enemies he faces are often terrifying. Terrifying to the point that even people like them would be afraid. Therefore, Ada Wang’s future work is destined to be fearful.

Of course, Natasha would not be so kind enough to tell her this. She still remembers the account of being shot twice with a sniper rifle. As a woman of a small mind’s eye, she said the word will not before the account was clear.

Zhou Yi and Coulson were chatting about the situation in the camp, but they were actually concerned about other issues. Even Natasha is the same, her eyes are always involuntarily looked towards the entrance of the tent. It seems to be waiting for who to come in.

Only Ida Wang was indifferent to this. She sat there with her chest closed and her eyes closed, as if still wondering what the smile just meant.

The scene was a bit weird, and it didn’t change until someone opened the tent and walked in. When he walked in, both Zhou Yi and Coulson stared at him, or at the little medicament in his hand.

“Did you succeed?” Coulson stood up eagerly.

“Yes, sir.” The guy who walked in put the medicament in his hand on the table. “The information is very complete. We reversed the formula to understand the medicine based on the information. And after experiments, it was confirmed that it is effective against the virus. As long as it has not been completely corroded by the virus, this antidote will work.”

“It’s effective, it’s effective!” Coulson rubbed his hands and stood up. “How about the production efficiency, can we guarantee a share of our soldiers besides saving people!”

“We have prepared very well, give me two hours to ensure that the mission is completed!”


“Then give you two hours. After two hours, all the planes and special forces will set off to rescue the citizens who are still trapped in the shelter. I want you to equip everyone with an antidote, understand Do you?”

“Understood, sir. Two hours later, these medicaments will appear on the plane on time!” the researcher solemnly vowed assured.

“Let’s do it!” A word dismissed the researcher, and Coulson finally took a breath and sat down. “This time Umbrella never has any chance to turn over again. It looks like we can celebrate with champagne in advance.”

“The rest is your business, I will wait for your last It’s a blow.”

At this time, Zhou Yi also stretched lazily. For this place, he has been busy for a while, and now he can finally put the trouble into SHIELD’s hands.

He just needs to sit here and wait until SHIELD clears Umbrella’s high-level officials, and then makes all Umbrella’s actions public.

With a person from the city testifying, Umbrella will not have any chance to survive. Their stocks will drop to the point of exploding, and then it is time for the funds he has hoarded to show formidable power.

At this time, Ada Wang also smiled and narrowed her eyes. She already learned the reason why her boss is here. The moment nearly 100 billion of funds said it made her desperate. Can be a subordinate to such a rich boss, and is the closest subordinate. Everyone laughs.

This is a banquet where big capitalists can only pick the fruit, but Zhou Yi is the only one who can enter this banquet venue on time. So don’t talk about others, even Coulson, who is a friend, is a little jealous.

“Are you really planning to acquire Umbrela wholly?” Coulson pulled his chair and sat next to Zhou Yi. There was a flattering smile on his face.

“Phil, your expression is so disgusting.” Glancing at Coulson, Zhou Yi moved his butt out, trying to stay away from this guy. “Why, don’t you think I don’t want to put that many income, hoarding these funds just for fun? Or does SHIELD take care of normal stock trading?”

“We just The espionage agency, regardless of this kind of capital transaction. In fact, what I want to ask is, you still lack funds, I think I can provide a little.”

This time is not just Zhou Yi, even Natasha. His expressions all became strange. Who could have imagined that a good old man who is usually famous is playing this kind of ghost mind at this time. What is lack of funds? People put 100,000,000,000 in there, how can they lack funds. Even if there is a lack of funds, you cannot be filled by a civil servant. At the very least, it should be the kind of rich talent like Tony Stark.

“Why, do you want to make a fortune?” However, Zhou Yi can understand Coulson’s thoughts. Since Zhou Yi’s methods cannot be prevented, it is better to take this ride to make a fortune. They are also human beings and they also need to live. Naturally, there will be a yearning for money this thing. In a word, it is a fool to have money and not make money.

“You know, I’m a poor man who only depends on salary. So sometimes I have to think of a way to pay off the loan.”

Coulson is not a fool, Natasha Nor is it. As soon as she rolled her eyes, she coughed twice and agreed.

“I can also help you, although it won’t be too much. But it’s a little bit of heart.”

They are not stupid, naturally know that following the big head can achieve the highest profit Buy and sell. How to keep up with the big head’s footsteps depends on whether you can get first-hand information. So both of them looked towards Zhou Yi eagerly. They wanted to see how this big head responded to them.

“Okay, okay. I will give you news when you buy the bottom, but no matter how much you buy, I will eventually eat it. This is the cornerstone of my oneself business empire, I I don’t want to have two bricks in it belong to someone else.”

Speaking of which, he looked at Ada Wang who was eager to have a try, and said clearly.

“You do the same, understand?”

“Don’t worry, Boss. I’m not someone who can’t see the situation clearly.” Ada Wang saluteed and promised. , Looks serious. But she had already wondered in her heart how much savings oneself could use.

This is an opportunity for everyone to make a fortune. Zhou Yi will not and has no reason to stop them. This thing is often the best thing that can unite the surrounding forces. If the loss is not big, Zhou Yi would naturally not care too much about this little thing.

These people are still discussing the future of the stock market, but Laken City has already Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

One after another, seemingly very advanced aircraft, appeared in the city of Laken, which delighted the survivors of the sanctuary and made Umbrella’s people sink their hearts to the bottom.

These planes of unknown origin not only did not accept any Umbrella’s inquiry, but also launched a fierce attack on Umbrella and all the zombies as soon as they appeared. The offensive violently like a fire made Umbrella retreat steadily, and at the same time the tide of corpses raging in the city was rapidly reduced.

And when they attacked, also shards of transport helicopters came into the city, they hovered over some buildings purposefully, and loaded survivors into the city. Got off the plane and flew out of the city.

This scene has been seen by many people, and everyone who saw this scene knows that Umbrella’s end is coming. But among these people, Raymond is not included.

At this moment, he is still working on his own small plan, wanting to capture Jill Valentine, threatening Zhou Yi to hand over everything about the Super Soldier plan in his hands.

However, he did not expect that such a problem that seemed to be of little difficulty would be so difficult to implement. He finally found out Jill’s location, but he didn’t expect that the tracker he was proud of was repeatedly frustrated.

Jill escaped continuously from the tracker’s hand like a slippery loach, and even caused a lot of damage to it. And when they finally let the tracker push her into a desperate situation, a variable disrupted their plan again.

The apple that rolled onto the chessboard was a huge black jaguar, and the figure was as huge as a bull, so Raymond had no doubt that it was a modified product of a biochemical virus.

But compared to monsters who have lost their minds and only know about eating, this huge black jaguar not only retains its own nature, but also does not seem to have any biochemical infections.

Even its behavior is very strange. When Jill was forced into a desperate situation, the tracker was seriously injured. The huge black jaguar suddenly rushed in and launched a fierce attack on the tracker.

This is a situation that should not exist for Raymond and the others. Trackers are High Rank T virus modified creatures. In the virus world, those low-level infected people are naturally afraid of the existence of High Rank. In the face of the tracker, any infected creature will stay away, let alone launch an attack.

But now, exceptions have appeared. The black jaguar is not only not afraid of trackers, but even fights with it evenly. In that case, it is impossible for the tracker to complete the own mission without using weapons.

Raymond also had some patience, and wanted to see how much this wild beast can do. But when his subordinates reported to him the current situation in Laken, he was completely unable to sit still.

The Umbrella ship is about to sink. This is his only thought now.

(Forget this Black Panther against the Africa Black Panther, anyway, I’m not familiar with that Black Panther! Also, today I will update it.)

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