Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1591

“The Druidic Order is a matriarchal social structure. My mother is the Pope of the Order, so on the premise of enjoying the best education, I can almost say that I am the next The inevitable candidate for the pope.”

“As a pope candidate, I have to give my faith to nature. Learn the ancient druid magic, the power to balance nature. And control medicine. , Astronomy also the necessary knowledge of divination, these all are things I have to do. However, although I have to learn a lot, my mother still feels that this is far from enough.”

“Druid’s Inheritance is very old, but it is not strong enough. This was already manifested when the Romans entered the mysterious forest and slaughtered us Druids. So in my mother’s opinion, holding this Druid magic that will gradually be eliminated has no future. To protect oneself and preserve the inheritance of the entire sect, the druid sect must break the shackles of the past and introduce new blood. At this point, learning is even more important. Advanced and powerful magic power is the best choice.”

“Very far-sighted idea.” Hearing this, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but praise. Kenneth I, that was the ninth century AD. It is indeed remarkable that a woman of the ninth century had such insight.

For his praise, Ancient One first smiled and thanked him, and then sighed.

“From the current point of view, my mother is indeed very farsighted. But in that era, things were not said so. Druid sect is a very traditional sect. For the druid sect, it is everything. Therefore, when something apostasy happens, even if my mother is the pope of sect and my father is the lord of the king, I can’t stop the anger of those foolish people. “

“My mother was erected on a bonfire made of oak trees, and my father was assassinated by fanatical followers. I thought I would follow in their footsteps, but thankfully, Kenny Si I is a benevolent king. After he learned about my father, he protected me and let me inherit my father’s property. And that’s it, I lived safely to adulthood.”

Really, the story ends here, Zhou Yi really has some surprises. He originally thought it would be a story in which a certain girl met the magician and then unfolded like a third-rate Knight novel. I just didn’t expect that it would start like this.

Then the question is, what should we do next? Princess Revenge?

Zhou Yi’s heart still couldn’t help thinking wildly. At this time, Ancient One continued to tell the story of own.

“When I became an adult, I decided to study abroad in continental Europe. As you know, Great Britain is not a good place to live for me. Those fanatical Druids are not like Christian lunatics. Any difference, they can resist me as a weak female stream. So after selling off my father’s inheritance and leaving behind his territory that hadn’t produced much, I came to Europa, which was the most prosperous at the time. Kingdom of France.”

“With the herbalism I learned from Druid Sect, I can still make a living in France with a certain amount of healing ability. However, I need to be careful in normal times. Because it is very likely to be caught by those fanatical Christians and put on the torture frame as a witch. To be honest, that era was really not very friendly to us women.”

” However, it also has some good points. For example, magic. Because of the low social status, as long as you are willing to pay the price, then many sorcerers will be willing to teach you. And it just so happens that as a druid sect cast Those who know how to make many kinds of potions, I’m just someone who can afford it.”

“I wandered the Europa continent for seven years, learned a lot of new things, and also had The name of Demoness. Years of wandering made me take learning as the only fun, and when I thought that the fun was over, a special commission came to the door. But it made me open New The gate of the World.”

“This commission comes from the King of East Franconia, the future emperor of the Holy Roman Empire-Otto III. He hoped that I could refine him a potion to extend his lifespan It’s a little funny to say, I thought these kings bathed in God’s glory would choose something less reliable like the Holy Grail, they didn’t expect that they were so rational, they actually asked me for Demoness to survive. .”

“The ruler’s consistent habits. There is nothing to be surprised about? If there is, I am even more surprised at this point. You said he asked for you?”

I also know the history of Europe. Zhou Yi doesn’t think that the so-called East Frank will be so polite when doing this kind of thing. as expected.

“Of course it was a requesting attitude. More than 30 Knights and nearly a hundred Archers surrounded my place. He even said that in order to make me compromise, he also asked people I grabbed all the people in that village and threatened me with a knife on their necks. This is the biggest scene I have seen in my 20 years of life. To describe it with a request, it should be nothing. Pass it.”

“You like it.”

I can’t tell that Ancient One is still a cracking a joke. Zhou Yi can only shrug his shoulders and signal her to continue. .

“At that time, I didn’t have the ability to fight against kingship. I was impossible to beat those Knights, and I was also impossible to watch that many innocent farmers die in front of me. So I could only compromise. However, although it is a compromise, I can only tell the truth to Otto III. That is that I will not make such a potion. In fact, I am more curious about where he heard about it and it can be extended. The potion of human life exists.”

“Otto III not at all concealed me in this matter. After all, as the only Demoness proficient in potions in Europe, I should be regarded as his only I hope. In addition to me, he is impossible to count on other people, so he can only tell me that he heard this thing from a businessman from the East.”

“As Smith . Son of Zhou, I think you still know something about Europe before a thousand years. When the Roman Great Empire was still alive, it was glorious, like a pearl. But when the Roman Empire fell, it was It is like falling into a pit, becoming ignorant and unsmelling. In their eyes, there is nothing but the glory of God. They will notice the civilization from the East. This is simply God’s mercy and opened up their minds. Head.”

“Oh, you can’t say that. After all, it is the result of the most original desire of mankind. In order to live longer, even a pig knows to work hard, right?”

It can be seen that Ancient One is grieving, otherwise it would be impossible to say such a bad thing at this time. However, Zhou Yi did not make a special trip to listen to her complaints. So, after drinking the tea in the cup in one sip, he reminded Ancient One.

“Ancient One sorcerer, I need to remind you. Your story seems a bit off the main line. What I want to know is Smith Zhou. It’s not your past history, so I can speed it up a bit Would you like to see the progress?”

“Men are too impatient, but they are annoying to women. As Senior Sister, I think I should remind you of this. In addition…”shook the head , Ancient One grinned suddenly. “Moreover, I don’t think it’s an irrelevant thing. It’s like a role-playing game, where a lot of side stories are needed to promote the main storyline. You don’t think it’s like me to put the story background and so on. To clarify, will it have a sense of substitution?”

“not at all.” After a moment of silence, Zhou Yi still thinks that oneself speak frankly is good. And such an evaluation naturally ushered in the Mai Tai of Ancient One sorcerer.

“Really a man with no sense of humor. But forget it, the background of the story is almost here, it’s almost time to get to the topic.”

“Otto III thought The desire to extend the lifespan is urgent. In order to achieve this goal, he even arranged a weak spot. He let the five knights that oneself trusted the most to take me to the east. I hope to use my knowledge, I found the mystery of the elixir in the East.”

“Unfortunately, the five Knights of trifling are basically impossible opponents of Mamluk under the Bouvet dynasty. They just left Jerusalem. , They had already died in the hands of those Mamluk Knights one after another. And I, because of magic protection, was lucky to escape. And with the gold gifted by Otto III, I came all the way to the time. The destination, Baghdad’s Wisdom Palace.”

“As the most complete academic institution in the world at that time, I mean, without considering the Taixue of Eastern China. Wisdom Palace is definitely every intention Scholar’s ​​paradise. It contains manuscripts of Persia, India, and Greece, involving many subjects such as astronomy, mathematics, natural sciences, and medicine. You can even find the isolated copy from the Alexander library here. Even some papyrus recordings of magic and divine technique in ancient Egypt. I wanted to go there for a long time, but I didn’t expect that because of Otto III, I was able to realize this wish. So from In some ways, I am very grateful to him.”

“Although the Bouvet dynasty is a usurper, they still respect Scholar enough. So even if I am a woman, I am still wise I have enjoyed high treatment in the palace, and right there, I have seen more knowledge and secrets belonging to this World itself. For a person who seeks knowledge as a hobby, you should understand how enjoyable it is. Of course, while enjoying this kind of happiness, I did not forget my own job. After all, I have to be worthy of the gold bestowed by Otto III.”

“In that case, I started to inquire About the secret of elixir. And just after such inquiries and contact, I got to know your father, the most mysterious sorcerer in the Middle East.”

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