Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1617

If Zhu Gang’s cleansing energy is the most glamorous image in his life. Then his filthy incarnation is the most unbearable to look at.

What is the most unbearable aspect of Zhu Gang, that is the image of this terrifying Demon. Moreover, the image of Demon is different from what he showed before. Because before, he was at best wearing a Demon skin and carrying a cunning human heart to pretend to be crazy. Although it looks like a wild animal, it is actually the difference between Heaven and Earth.

His real Demon image is a terrifying appearance that completely discards all reason and is completely animalistic to dominate all oneself. And this appearance, when he reborn in this World as a pig, has already begun to emerge.

Journey to the West contains a self-introduction by Zhu Ganglu to Guanyin. He said, I am not a wild pig, nor an old man, I am the marshal of the canopy in Tianhe. Just because I brought wine to tease Chang’e, the Jade Emperor beat me two thousand hammers and demoted me to the world. With spiritual authenticity, he came to reincarnation with body possession, unexpectedly went the wrong way, cast it in a sow’s fetus, and became like this. It was I who bit and killed the sow, killed the group, and occupied the mountain field here, and cannibalized. Unexpectedly, bumping into the Bodhisattva, hope for rescue.

You know, anyway, since the pig fetus was cast, the sow is his biological mother, and the herd is his brother. Since he dared to do this, the first thing is that he absolutely does not recognize such a blood relationship. And since he doesn’t recognize this relationship, he is naturally impossible to do such a frenzied thing after being suckled by a sow. It can be said that it is most likely that he committed such a murder directly as soon as he crawled out of his intestines.

Imagine a newly born piglet who killed an adult wild boar without a word, and then killed a litter of piglets. Even wild animals are naturally strong and have good teeth. Wanting to bite through the thick skin of an adult wild boar that is mingled with mud and pine resin is basically impossible. To achieve this level, there is only one possibility. That is in the belly of the sow, the pig has already awakened the so-called Monster Race inheritance, and has already had the identity of a monster since birth.

This is not a problem for him, who is originally the Marshal Canopy and possesses spiritual wisdom, and if this is the case, then everything is explained.

After all, monsters are different from ordinary wild beasts. No matter how weak they are, they are not comparable to ordinary wild beasts. So it is understandable for him to do this kind of thing. However, there is such a reason. Judging from the general situation of monsters, Zhu Gang’s Demon nature can definitely be regarded as fierce. Even to say that he is one of the very best in Demon in the world is not an exaggeration.

After all, the nature of mother and child, monsters are also inevitable. Except for exceptional cases, few people dare to be so frantic. Zhu Gang’s awakened monster nature is such a special case. And it is precisely because of this that he appears more threatening.

It’s like facing a beast-like, ordinary and sensible, wild beast that knows the interests is not terrifying. Terrifying is the kind of bloodthirsty mania, completely irrational and only animalistic. This incarnation of Zhu Gang Hyena is almost like this. Adhering to the foul air in his mana, he deliberately infused his own Demon nature. He was mad almost as soon as he appeared, wanting to rush to Yang Jian’s side desperately, and tear him to pieces with his own fangs and sharp claw.

Looking at such a fierce and cruel, pig-headed human body, sharp fangs in his mouth, his sharp claw is better than a sword, Monster Qi is so violent that it can break through the sky, Demon just came to oneself. Even with Yang Jian’s ability to possess great magical power, he felt threatened.

He didn’t want to be brought in front of him by such two incarnations, and then dragged oneself into a bitter battle. So he immediately propped the three-pointed two-edged spear in his hand and pushed it away from the deity of Zhu Gangju in front of him, and then changed his body to reveal the form of Three Heads Six Arms.

Three Heads Six Arms, although this Magical Powers has always been the secret of Buddhism, it is their patent. But as long as you have the intention and the ability to discover the secrets, it will never be a big problem. As early as a thousand years ago, Daomen had already figured out the details, and developed the own Technique of Three Heads and Six Arms, which was popularized among Daomen’s protector gods. And Yang Jian, although he is not a student of Taoism, but it is not difficult to learn this from Taoism.

Anyway, the Patent Office can’t control their Divine Immortal gods. Based on the principle of pragmatic fetching, he just uses it, and no one can say anything about it. And at this time, the appearance of Three Heads Six Arms immediately made Yang Jian withstand this killer move of Zhu Ganglu.

I only saw him Three Heads Six Arms and all directions. He was holding a three-pointed two-bladed spear on his current side, and it was still inseparable to kill the deity of Zhu Gang. On the left side, it holds the True Martial Divine Sword, and fights swords with Zhu Gang’s canopy.

As for the last side, he was holding a golden phoenix bow, sitting on the knife with the back of the bow, and the bowstring as the blade. It was the Demon incarnation who screamed again and again. There was no way to fight back.

As the True Martial Emperor, his majestic divine force is the most restrained for such an incarnation of Demon. If the other two opponents can barely parry in front of oneself, then for this Demon incarnation, he doesn’t even have the ability to parry. It’s okay if Yang Jian doesn’t take action to deal with him. Once he frees up his hands like this, he wants to be an enemy of Yang Jian, and simply doesn’t have that qualification.

At this point, Zhu Ganglu in the chaos can also understand. He saw that the incarnation of own Demon was so crushed by Yang Jian that he couldn’t lift his head, and he was about to be killed on the spot, knowing that it would definitely not be a good thing to continue like this. So he immediately swung a rake with brute force, forcing Yang Jian to step back. Only then took advantage of the situation to withdraw from the circle of war and shouted at him.

“The three-eyed kid, Hugh has to do it again, it’s my magic weapon!”

What he said really shocked Yang Jian, and he started to stand up . You know, although he relied on own Nine Revolutions Profound Art, except for the weapons in his hand, he has never practiced other magic weapons, but this does not mean that he will underestimate these things.

As the housekeeping skills of many Divine Immortal, the magic weapon has always been known for its unpredictable and mysterious and varied. Some magic weapons may be a trifle for him, not as good as his breath. But there are some magic weapons that even he sees it and has to think of a strategic withdrawal.

Such as Laojun’s apricot and yellow flags, Taiyi’s sacred fire cover, Maitreya’s pedigree, etc., are all things that are not easy to deal with. However, it is just not easy to deal with. The magic weapon is only a foreign object after all. Just like the old Tathagata, you see what magic weapon he used, he still sits on the throne of Buddhist Number One Person. In the final analysis, one’s own strength is the foundation of one’s body, the key to ignoring everything. Yang Jian has already touched this threshold, so he just waited, and not at all, did something else.

And this is actually enough for Zhu Gang. He also didn’t expect oneself to greet him casually, and he could scare Yang Jian covered head and sneaked away like a rat. As long as Yang Jian is a little wary, it is enough not to chase him hard. Because in such a time, he had already freed his hand, patted the back of the head at the owner, and then spit out a round thing.

It looks like this is a Relic, but it does not have the brilliance and brilliance that sarira should have at all. On the contrary, it was the appearance of a smoky miasma, a demon flame-ridden evil thing. This is unusual, but it is normal to think of Zhu Gang’s personality.

sarira was originally the method of Buddhism. Those who can cultivate sarira are the eminent monks who have obtained them, and become the true Arhats and Buddhas. However, if you want to cultivate an authentic sarira, the most critical meditation and precepts are absolutely indispensable. Although Zhu Ganglu entered Buddhism and knew the practice of sarira, but with his lecherous and greedy nature, he wanted to build an authentic sarira, it was absolutely impossible.

He himself knew this too, so he didn’t force it, but took a different approach and turned to Seven Emotions and Six Desires, which Buddhism has always rejected. Many obsessive practices have come out with such a magic Relic. This magic Relic is exactly similar to the ordinary Relic. In addition to the lack of the ordinary Relic’s function of reducing demons, on the contrary, there are more manipulations of Seven Emotions and Six Desires to show the power of magic.

Now, as soon as this demon Relic vacated, it immediately whirled around Yang Jian, and then directly manifested a new form.

That is a Buddha and Bodhisattva’s Dharma image, standing high on the lotus platform, holding a lotus pestle, a crown of heavenly robe, and decoration. However, from his face, there is no trace of the compassion that the Bodhisattva and Buddha should have, but rather angry and vicious, cunning and vicious. The facial features are extremely hideous, and people can feel a sense of fear at a glance. If this is the Bodhisattva Buddha, then at best it can only be an evil Bodhisattva, an evil Buddha.

It was such an evil Buddha image, but it immediately became a straw that crushed and occupied, completely subverting the entire battle situation.

Three Heads Six Arms, dealing with these three pigs is already at the limit, and now adding such an evil Buddha is really beyond its limit.

It can be said that just as soon as they played against each other, Yang Jian already had a feeling that it was difficult to resist. The evil Buddha simply doesn’t need to be completely on the court, just need to help him out to cause enough trouble. And if it goes on for a long time, the situation will only be dragged into a more unfavorable place.

Yang Jian realized this, so he immediately shook his wrist and called for foreign aid.

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