Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1634

This change is nothing else, it is the Yang Jian deity who just returned from the sky.

After finally getting rid of the Demon of Zhu Gang, Yang Jian just rushed back to the front to see if there was a fish that escaped the net. But just after a while, it happened to meet such a big fish.

The Nine Spirit Yuansheng also hit the knife edge. If this is normal, even if he encounters Yang Jian, Yang Jian may not be able to take him off immediately. But the problem is that this is not the usual time, because at this time, Yang Jian still maintains the incarnation of Pangu, completely in the image of a giant connecting to heaven penetrating the earth.

trifling a Nine-Headed Lion the size of a mosquito, wanting to run away from him, it is a bit too overestimate one’s capabilities. Right now, he didn’t think too much, he just waved Splitting Heaven Ax in his hand. Relying on the exquisite martial arts he developed in the last ages practice, he directly performed a stunt of stubbornness.

Splitting Heaven Ax is unmatched, and it passes directly on the body of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng. And with the abilities of the Nine Spirits Yuansheng, how could it be possible to survive this move and Divine Ability? So immediately, his whole body has disappeared under the edge of Splitting Heaven Ax.

The body turns into muddy air, and Divine Soul turns into clear air. In order to open up Heaven and Earth’s ability to differentiate turbid yin and yang, and die under it, except for the fate of feeding Heaven and Earth back, that is even a piece of hair that is impossible.

While solving the Nine Spirit Yuansheng casually, Yang Jian also saw Zhou Yi on the heavenly ascension stage below. So he quickly retracted his avatar, descended to Zhou Yi, and knelt on one knee to him, just saying nervously.

“The incompetence of the ministers caused these rebels to disturb Your Majesty. Please also ask Your Majesty to forgive you!”

“It’s no problem, these rebels are also a meticulous plot against. It’s normal to get to this step. Yang Qing, you don’t need to worry about it. As long as you can catch everything in one net with this group of rebels, it’s great.”

Wave your hand, Zhou Yi aside Reassured, usually the Kṣitigarbha who were just now thrown in front of Yang Jian.

“These people are left to you, Yang Qing. Just as you promised me before, I don’t want to see some rebellious people. Do you understand what I mean? “

“The minister promised with his head that he would never let Your Majesty down again for the second time.”

Zhou Yi’s affection for kidding is impossible to see, so even if it is a reward Yes, he also immediately made a guarantee. And such a guarantee is sufficient for Zhou Yi.

“Okay, go ahead. Remember what you said. Also you, don’t be frustrated here, give me help. You also have part of the responsibility for this disaster, don’t give a copy at this time Power, when do you plan to contribute?”

Even Zhang Daoling sent away with the truth, and Zhou Yi put his own eyes on Ancient One sorcerer again.

I have to say that the methods of Ancient One sorcerer are amazing. Before the battle started, she had completely escaped into the void under the ruins of Kunlun in order to ensure that the owner was not affected, where she was performing all the operations of oneself.

There was a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering outside, but she was completely still, serene. This was originally a kind of ability, but as she found the trace of Kunlun Tianwei’s connection from the vastness in the sky, her ability was more and more manifested.

The Paragon sorcerer is a Paragon sorcerer, and it is definitely not a name. Acknowledging this, Zhou Yi stepped forward, already in the void, and looked towards the depths of the void side by side with Ancient One sorcerer.

“It looks like you have found what I was looking for, right?”

The sudden appearance of Zhou Yi made Ancient One sorcerer really startled. After all, in order to work here steadily, she arranged a lot of methods in advance. Not to mention those defensive measures, just a means of early warning, there are enough seventeen-eighteen species. But none of these methods can work, which makes Ancient One sorcerer have to be wary of the Junior Brother own.

The Celestial Emperor who can sit on Heaven Realm is really not a general generation. This kind of strength is probably not worse than some Divine Kings of God World. The Ancient One sorcerer, who is also experienced and knowledgeable, made a basic evaluation of Zhou Yi’s strength. For her, this is already a very high evaluation. So as it should be by rights, she had to show her attitude towards powerhouse, and answered Zhou Yi seriously.

“Yes, it is finally fulfilling the mission. I have already sensed the half of Kunlun Hill. Follow my spell guidance, and you can return to the half of Kunlun Hill. And As long as I get there, go back to Earth, which is where water flows, a canal is formed.”

“Oh? It’s that simple? Then, if I want to connect the Heavenspan realm and there, so The entire Heaven Realm can connect with Earth again, what should we do?”

Although Zhou Yi wants to go home, he doesn’t want to be just a few of them. In Heaven Realm, that many kung fu was abolished, and finally took the entire Celestial Court in oneself’s hands. He didn’t want to just go back so lightly. This is not only sorry for his efforts for so long, but also for the plan he has worked hard to come up with. So he must connect these two worlds. No matter how bad it is, it is necessary to construct a bridge of the world like Asgard.

This is Zhou Yi’s idea, but such an idea was not thought of by Ancient One sorcerer.

No one knows the situation better than she is today. If the dimension of the sky is still like it was at the beginning, it has the grandeur of the pillar of heaven. So let alone a channel that allows Divine Immortal to come and go freely, it won’t be difficult even for a million heavenly soldiers to descend.

But the Sky Dimension today is no better than before. If you want them to follow this connection and return to Earth, they all need to transit again and again, and abandon the ten successful husbands. It can even be said that if it weren’t for people like Zhou Yi who possess great magical power, even if they wanted to kill them back singlehandedly, it would be unlikely.

Voids are the biggest obstacle. It limits the connection between Heaven Realm and Earth, turning the original broad and open road into a single-plank bridge. And this is exactly what Ancient One sorcerer hopes to see most.

Don’t forget her name, Paragon sorcerer. In the hundreds of years after inheriting this name, she has been carrying on a great mission. That is, she has been using the spells learned by oneself to maintain the peace of the entire Earth.

This kind of peace is not the peace on the real world side, but the peace on the mysterious side. With the efforts of Ancient One sorcerer and Kamar-Taj she led, the mysterious of the entire world has been suppressed in the shadows that humans can’t see. Not only the magic, but even the werewolves also Vampire, and even the more powerful God and the devil, are suppressed by the sorcerers and dare not appear under the broad daylight.

Of course, Paragon sorcerer may not all be credited here, but it is undeniable that she did play an extremely important role here. Even to say that you mean they dominate all this is not an exaggeration.

And for such a long time to do such sacred and just things, Ancient One sorcerer already has the doctrine of own in his heart.

She doesn’t want those so-called Gods to return to Earth again, re-appearing in the mortal world. One or two is okay, like Zhou Yi, she can use her own ability and tongue to prevent them from interfering with the normal life of human beings.

But if, like thousands of years ago, the world of humans and gods becomes unimpeded, and a powerful God can descend on the human world at will, then this situation is completely unacceptable to her. Of it.

I have experienced countless wars, especially after seeing two world wars. Ancient One sorcerer knows very well where human beings are now strong and Only I Am Supreme. They had already regarded oneself as the overlord of this world, and they were so arrogant that they would not accept the existence of any other opponent at all.

This is not a good thing, but Ancient One sorcerer does not think it is a wrong thing. Because she is a human. From the standpoint of a human, her thoughts are definitely more human. And if there is something wrong with this, then there is a problem with her brain.

She didn’t think this was a problem, and even said that she thought it should be right. As for whether this reason is tenable, is it authoritative? This will never be the problem. Because of their hard work and maintenance, all truth will stand on the side of mankind.

Ancient One sorcerer and her sorcerer will be powerful. In modern society where God is no longer visible and magic is already dimmed, their existence is sufficient to deter the power of overwhelming majority mysterious. Even the existence of the gods and demons must consider their opinions.

However, despite being so powerful, Ancient One sorcerer will not deny one thing. That is the power that human beings have now, and it is basically impossible to be an opponent of God World.

God, as the highest-ranking existence in the life hierarchy, is itself a symbol of incomparable power. A God, the sponsors may be able to deal with the past with wisdom and unity, but a group of Gods, or even an army composed of Gods, are simply not able to deal with the sponsors. Sorcerers can’t do it, nor can mortals. Even if the power of the two is superimposed, it is fundamentally impossible.

Human beings are still too weak after all, facing God, they have nothing to do. And it is for this reason that Ancient One sorcerer is more and more unwilling to let Heaven Realm and Earth have a closer connection.

In all fairness, Heaven Realm may be the most peaceful for humans in the God World she knows. They rarely interfere with human life. They are aloof from God who wantonly spread their belief in oneself, or God who always has to offer sacrifices or even blood. But they are gods after all, and they are the gods of the Celestial Court with millions.

If they have any wrong thoughts, no one can stop them. Therefore, she really didn’t want to open the door to them.

However, is this the thing she can tell?

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