Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1638

The fake Guan Gong shook his head faster than a rattle. From his expression alone, it can be seen that he really has no courage to be an enemy. And looking at his performance, the fake Jade Emperor really smashed his heart.

As the leader of the Celestial Court in this grass platform, the head of all immortals in name. The false Jade Emperor’s background is much higher than the others. He was the son of the Dog Emperor Qianlong and the minister’s concubine in the Manchu dynasty. He was really a royal descendant, but unfortunately, he didn’t even have the qualification to grab that position.

However, because he was not qualified to grab that position, he actually won the love of Qianlong old thief. After all, there is no father and son in the Heavenly Family, and the princes underneath are thinking about the position of their own, wishing that oneself would die early. A son who can only be called oneself dad secretly, but is basically impossible to touch oneself’s position underneath, is the real heart.

Qianlong can be said that he loved him very much. Not only did he not allow anything, but after he became an adult, he cleared the checkpoints all the way for him, so that he became a big man with the military power at his young age. Handsome.

Long is so pampered, he holds great power. As far as he is concerned, at a young age, he has almost reached the limit of being a minister, and it is indeed commendable. It’s just a pity that Qianlong could protect him for a while, but couldn’t protect him for the rest of his life. When Qianlong kicked his legs and belched directly, when the fifteenth son Jiajing was the emperor. He, the emperor’s illegal child brother, is an eye-catcher regardless of how he looks.

In the style of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty as the master, and everyone else is a slave, no matter how much power he holds in his hand, he has been favored by Qianlong elders before. As long as the emperor sees him not satisfied, he Don’t even think about staying in this position.

No, a few imperial edicts were mixed, and then a few confidants were sent to deliberately target and attack. Rao is that he has been in the local business for decades, and he has no power to fight back. In the end, another charge of rebellion and rebellion was charged, the whole family young and old, except that he escaped by chance, all the others were killed by Bushwacker.

This blow was absolutely fatal to the fake Jade Emperor at that time. Of course, if this is a man of ambition, maybe he will make a determination about it and make a poisonous oath. If he doesn’t report his blood feud, he will not be a human being. However, it is a pity that China under the Manchu Qing rule has everything except blood energy and backbone.

This fake jade emperor simply did not dare to avenge oneself’s dead blood relatives, so he could only escape into the mountains in a hurry, and changed his face. The temple there was struggling on whilst at death’s door.

But it should be his luck. Because what he drilled was not an ordinary Taoist temple, but the ruins of the Shenxiao School that had fallen in the Song Dynasty. The “Shenxiao Jinhuo Tianding Method” and “Spirit Treasure High Grade High Grade” left by the Shenxiao School are recorded here. And that is, relying on these recorded copies, the fake Jade Emperor’s cultivation all the way, but it is also getting better. I came to the juncture of the soaring Heaven Realm, the evacuation of the immortal.

When Divine Immortal, let alone the barbarians who walked through the white mountains and black waters, even the Han Chinese who are dignified in the country of Chinese etiquette, rarely are not moved by this kind of thing. A fool does not want to be a fairy if he can become a fairy. So of course, this fake Jade Emperor took a leap and fell into the awkward position of Kunlun Hill.

Others can’t tell what the palace looks like. He used to be Qianlong’s illegal child, Lord Guibi, who even drilled through the Forbidden City? Regardless of the format and scale, the palace here can only be regarded as a separate palace at best, about the same as the Chengde Mountain Resort. To talk about the difference, at best, it means that the land area is much larger, with a gap of a hundred or ten times.

However, no matter how large the area is, the problem of its incorrect layout cannot be changed. The ancients have always been careful in building houses. First, they talk about feng shui, and then the layout, but also look at the shapes, forests, and various forms. It is absolutely impossible to go wrong in this kind of thing. So just at the first glance, he almost knew that this was definitely not the legendary Heavenly Palace. At best, it’s just another palace in Heavenly Palace where the emperor went to rest.

This is the truth, he saw it. But seeing it doesn’t mean he has to speak out. The so-called see through is not just for the sake of being a friend. The most important thing is that this will also allow you to grasp the benefits under your hands.

He knows very well what oneself will end up if they break open the place they thought it was Heavenly Palace. At first, everyone was a group of people who failed to ascend. Strictly speaking, they can only sit and wait for death. But with this Heavenly Palace, the situation is quite different. At the very least, everyone can enjoy the longevity undying treatment that Divine Immortal in Celestial Court has.

However, treatment is just treatment, it does not mean that you really become Divine Immortal. As long as he broke this kind of thing, everyone would understand that Heaven Realm is still there, but they were out of luck and couldn’t touch it. They are stuck in the gate and owe the first half of a step to truly become Divine Immortal. There is still a huge gap between them and the Divine Immortal of Heaven and Earth immortality.

If there is a gap, there will be contrast, and if there is a contrast, there will be dissatisfaction. As the saying goes, there is not enough human heart to swallow the elephant. No one would be willing to oneself after half a step away, and can only be a fake Divine Immortal for a lifetime. At that time, maybe they will have something to try again.

Regardless of success or failure, this is a loss for him.

Because he can see clearly. No, it is death. And there were only ten less than ten grass-roots teams, if one or two were dying, it would really be a heavy loss. It was made, even if they could fly to the real Immortal World, they would just be someone else. To build such a magical palace, it can only be said that Immortal World is more beautiful and powerful than they thought. And under this premise, the ability of these people is simply not worth mentioning. I am afraid that they will only serve as slaves if they go.

In the face of the option of being a slave to others and claiming oneself on a hill, he will of course choose the latter. As for what other people would think, no, just make up some lie in a few words, won’t you be steady while pulling it?

In terms of means and tactics, the fake Jade Emperor, who was a carnivorous person back then, was much more powerful than the other fake Divine Immortal. Do whatever you want, the remaining few people just can’t eat, they have to go around. And it is precisely because of such means and such insight that he is even more reluctant to see a God like an Ancient One on their heads.

The King of the Mountain Regardless of the law and of natural morality is so carefree. Although there are only a few of them, it is good to be able to hold the immortality here. Who would want a great god who doesn’t know where to come out, to give orders to oneself, and treat oneself as a slave at will.

For this reason, the fake Jade Emperor directly regarded the giant god in front of him as a great enemy, and tried his best to slander him.

“Stupid! Simply stupid! You say he is Pangu, what evidence do you have to prove that he is Pangu? Maybe he may be some other existence, maybe he is the one mentioned in the Buddhism story What about Celestial Demon King!”

“You said he was the Lord of His Transformation into the Sky, Celestial Demon King Bo Xun? How could this be possible? I think this great god divine might be brilliant, bright, and big. Sun. I don’t have any demonic energy on my body, how could it be the incarnation of a heavenly demon?”

The fake leader who was also an old scholar, and even the top prize, began to cite the classics and study it. However, after all, he was not the kind of truly knowledgeable and talented champion in the Tang and Song Dynasties. It’s a false Taoism from the Eight-Part Essays practice of the Qing Dynasty. If you ask him about the stereotypes of Taoism, he can give you a clear and logical explanation. But if you ask him about these allusions, he guesses he can only give you a bit of a corner.

There are too many fake jade emperors of this kind, so immediately, he said with a straight face.

“Quixing! Heavenly demon can transform everything, how do you know that what we see before our eyes is not transformed by him and showed us on purpose?”

“This. .. It doesn’t seem impossible.” The fake Kuixing originally didn’t have much confidence in his heart. Coupled with his rotten and cynic rickets, how dare he go against a powerful figure like the fake jade emperor, so he didn’t realize it. In time, his words softened.

And this also made the fake Jade Emperor even worse, and he said this directly to the other fake Divine Immortal.

“Everyone, the Celestial Court is broken and the fairyland is withered. This is something that is obvious to all. I have taken over the burden of Celestial Court, and originally had the mission of maintaining the Celestial Court. Now the threat of aliens, I can’t wait. Work together to fight against foreign demons. Do you have to repeat the mistakes of the past and turn into powder with this broken Celestial Court?”

In a few words, the fake Jade Emperor is already stealing The concept was changed, and the appearance of Zhou Yi was connected with the broken palace they discovered. In addition, what they believed before was the fact of Celestial Court. This clearly means that Zhou Yi is the culprit that their Celestial Court originally collapsed and was abandoned. And now he reappears, even more so with the idea of ​​cutting weeds and eliminating the roots, he wants to bring them to the Celestial Court and completely turn them away.

Be aware that the comfort and happiness of their fakes are now bestowed by these palaces. Among other things, as long as these palaces are passed away, they will soon run out of life and die. This is a situation that is more serious than anything else, so even the fake Guan Gong who yelled about not daring to dare before, at this time also raised the knife and clamored.

“I will vowed to live and die with Celestial Court, Jade Emperor, you order. What should we do!”

It’s not a million army, how can there be What military Formation Linghao said. After all, it’s just one sentence, shoulder to shoulder. Knowing this in my heart, this fake Jade Emperor immediately gave the order.

“No matter what else, the big guy takes out the ability of the trump card, and must let this outsider come and go!”

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