Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1645

This is a question that makes Ancient One very curious. Because he really can’t think of the reason why the king can keep oneself youth. Did he learn any special spells, or borrow the power of black magic. These are all things she needs to figure out.

If it is the former, then everything is easy to say. oneself The old friend can get such a gift, she will only be happy for him. But if it is the latter, then I am afraid I will be sorry.

As the Paragon sorcerer of Guardian God’s Secret World Order, Ancient One is impossible anyway to allow oneself to use evil black witchcraft to recover one’s youthful vigor and keep youth forever. This is a matter that breaks the sorcerer principle and bottom line, and is an absolutely unacceptable mistake. Even if it was Wang, the apprentice she had trusted the most had committed this kind of mistake, and she would not easily forgive him.

Of course, this is only the worst case. She didn’t think that Wang would make such a choice in order to survive. Again, she had faith in Wang. Just out of principle, she has to figure this out.

Wang didn’t know what Ancient One thought. In other words, he never figured out the idea of ​​Ancient One. Paragon sorcerer has always been aloof and remote for them, an unpredictable existence. He was used to following orders without asking why, so after hearing Ancient One’s question, he said without thinking.

“Are you asking why I have become younger, sir?”

“Of course. Your changes now are a little bit beyond my expectations, so I’m very curious, Why did you look like this. Is it because you learned a certain spell that can change lifespan?”

“Spell? no no no. You know me, I haven’t studied this kind of magic. Talent. The knowledge of plants and physiology is too profound for me. With the time to study them, I might as well think about how to further strengthen the role of spells in close combat. So this question should be How do you say it? This should be regarded as the credit of technology.”

“The credit of technology?” Upon hearing this answer, Ancient One immediately became frowned, revealing an expression of surprise and disbelief.

This is not what she means to belittle technology. In fact, she values ​​the power of technology very much.

Since Tesla came up with alternating current and Einstein played with the theory of relativity, after humans began to have the ability to grow mushrooms all over the world, she firmly believed that the power of science and technology is definitely the direction of human future discovery. Because the benefits it can bring to all mankind will exceed the sum of all previous forces that can benefit mankind. In the past few thousand years, there has never been a kind of power that can benefit all mankind like technology.

Neither loses relatives, the threshold is low enough to allow all humans with normal IQ to participate. There is no shortage of the destructive power of the Peak level as the ultimate means of the Protector class. No matter how you look at it, technology can be considered perfect. It can be said that if it weren’t for the fact that oneself has no talent in scientific research, even she herself would have the plan to change the door.

Although she doesn’t have any talents in scientific research, she has a good vision because of her emphasis on science and technology. This can be seen from the fact that she still holds a portion of the original shares of Microsoft and Stark. And it is precisely because of this outstanding vision that she has become more aware of how difficult it is for technology to develop to this level that can restore youth.

30 years? Until a huge leap in life sciences, this is impossible. Recover one’s youthful vigor, eternal youth, this kind of thing has always been a huge problem in life sciences. Because once this proposition is completed, it also means that opening the door to immortality with the capabilities of science and technology is within easy reach. And immortality, is that different from evolving into a god?

No matter how powerful technology is, it is impossible to achieve such an amazing level in a few decades. According to her original inference, human science and technology must develop at least 200-300 years to reach the threshold in this regard. But now, Wang actually said to her that human technology has been able to do this. How could she not be surprised, how could she not be surprised?

Ancient One put own astonishment and surprise on his face, and looking at the expression on her face, Wang knew and understood in his heart. Just like Ancient One, after learning that human technology has reached such an exaggerated level, the first reaction in his heart was not to believe it. If it weren’t for the old friend who owns those old friends to solemnly vowed to oneself, and he specifically took oneself as an example, he might regard this as a marketing method for the sale of goods by a health care company.

Of course, after personally experiencing the effect of the special customized version of the second-generation health care product named Nano Guardian, Wang would not have such thoughts anymore.

The effect is obvious. He was able to change from an old man who was dying down to such a strong man today. This cross-age technology product is really indispensable. Although the cost of two thousand euros a week is a bit expensive. But for someone like him, it is definitely worth the money.

No one does not want oneself to live long and healthy, and Wang is no exception. For the changes that happened to him, his heart was definitely Infinity’s joy. And just like that, he is also very supportive of this product. Seeing Ancient One still doubt the probability. He immediately explained this to Ancient One with an injustice mentality.

“Your Excellency. Maybe you don’t quite understand it, but in the 30 years since you disappeared, the changes on Earth have far exceeded your imagination. Any aspect, you are possible I can’t look at it with my old eyes. Especially in science and technology.”

“Let’s take the second-generation Nanoguard I used. As a large consortium, it is a joint research and development and A promoted product. This health care product can free all human beings from diseases and health problems. Even old man like me can rely on this technology health care product to regain the feeling of youth. This in the past But it’s all things that you can’t imagine, right?”

Wang’s talk aroused the interest of Ancient One. She found that the changes in this world are probably far inferior to those she observed on the surface. This gave her a strong interest and doubts. Anyway, there is nothing to do now, she just did it. First made a cup of tea like the owner. Then he said to Wang with interest.

“Let’s talk about it, we still have a lot of time. Starting with you, I am now more and more interested in what has happened in the past 30 years.”

“Of course, sir.” After taking care of oneself’s clothes, the king also sat down. Then with a reminiscence expression on his face, little by little made a statement to the Ancient One.

“If you start from us, we still have to start from the very beginning. At that time, the destruction of Kamar-Taj made all of us uneasy. Hidden in Hong Kong, we only I dare to pretend to be an ordinary person and dare not show a little magic. You must be aware of how much pressure it is to open your mouth to feed. In a few years, our savings are already spent It’s almost there. In this case, I can only find a way to take a risk and use our ability to eat in this land.”

“It’s a fluke. In Sanctum, Hong Kong There are a lot of feng shui collections. Using these collections to reveal the ability to contain ghosts and monsters with one or two hands, I am also regarded as a guest of honor by the big businessmen in this area, and I also gave a Grandmaster Wang the name Number.”

“Hong Kong people are superstitious and respect Feng Shui. In addition, some big businessmen were born in the underworld in their early years, and their hands are not clean. It is inevitable that there will be some Resentful Souls. So I am here. Money is also easy. After you have money, many things are easy to say. While supporting the apprentices of the year, let them live their own lives. At the same time, invest money in the stock market and real estate, so that money can generate money, so as to support The cost of this Sanctum. Although there are some small twists and turns in the middle, in general, our life is still perfect. However, the only surprise to me is that you will come back. I thought that I will be in my lifetime. I will never see you again!”

“I was also quite surprised. After all, in order to avoid the enemy, I fled to the depths of the void. Even all the escape routes were cut off. Now.” With a sigh of emotion, Ancient One took a sip of hot tea, and then changed the subject. “Okay, let’s not talk about this. Let’s talk about you. Since you have lived well in the past 30 years, then I’m relieved. But what about the others? How about New York and London Sanctum? “

“Sorry, sir. I’m afraid I can’t give you any good news.”

Hearing this question, Wang’s face first showed a bitter look, and then he sighed Angrily, said to Ancient One like this.

“What the hell is going on? What happened to them, was it my old adversary who came to the door?”

After all, it was an apprentice taught by oneself , There is a very emotional existence. So when they heard something went wrong, even if it was Ancient One’s temperament, they inevitably became anxious.

Of course, anxiety is not enough to make her lose her mind. She knew very well that it was not easy to deal with such a large group of sorcerers. Unless it is those powerhouse take action. But, who among those powerhouses would be hostile to her apprentices? She thought about it, and only thought of Chi Songzi. In the face of her guess, Wang shook the head. Then said to her with emotion.

“The era is different, sir. Sorcerer can no longer be aloof and remote, omnipotent like before. This is not our era anymore, this is the era of Superhero.”

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