Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1654

Faced with Paragon sorcerer, Victor’s first thought was that the true identity of the owner must not be exposed to her. The best case is that he can keep this guy in the dark under the guise of Mephisto.

Of course, he himself knows that this is an unlikely thing. Because anyway, there is still a huge gap between him and Mephisto. The contact of one or two times may not leak the stuffing. But after a long time, she will definitely find something wrong.

Don’t say anything else, as long as she just picks up a high-ranking devil from hell, she can almost know what the truth is.

This is a huge hidden danger. He didn’t plan to save this hidden danger until later, waiting for it to erupt. Therefore, the best way for the present plan is to solve this so-called Paragon sorcerer.

This is a once and for all solution, but it is not something that can be done casually. At the very least, he is not sure whether oneself has the ability to eat Paragon sorcerer steadily.

Although he has inherited everything from Mephisto, has become the Ruler of hell, and possesses almost Supreme power and might, he is after all a sorcerer, a calm and intelligent Scholar. He hadn’t been dazzled by all this, he knew one thing very well, and that was that Paragon sorcerer was not that easy to deal with.

Even Mephisto can only sign this slightly humiliating contract. He doesn’t think that oneself, as his successor, can surpass Mephisto in an all-round way. He directly relies on strength to make Paragon sorcerer. It was crushed to dust.

If you have a problem, think of solving it with your fist. That’s what Barbarian can do. Victor, who has always regarded himself as a civilized man and Scholar, does not regard oneself as a Barbarian. So naturally, under such circumstances, he as it should be by rights regards wisdom and strategy as oneself’s first option to solve the problem.

And what should I do? Looking back and forth, he had already thought of a brilliant idea in just a moment.

“Explanation, what kind of explanation do you want?”

With the special contract in his hand, Victor stretched his voice and issued harboring malicious The laughter of intentions comes.

“Paragon sorcerer. Don’t forget, what is the prerequisite for this contract to take effect? ​​You have to be on this World, so that I can keep my heads and tails at bay, and can’t fight. But once You left this World, what I do is something that this contract can’t control at all. Open the Gate of Hell and release my devil in hell. This is what you did when you left this World. So from Essentially, I don’t at all violate the contract between us. Naturally, the account you want and the so-called price are also not valid at all. Do you know what I mean?”

“Do you want to fool around like this? Mephisto.”

Ancient One oneself also knows the loopholes in the contract. However, since the other party can use this loophole to do some tricks, she can also use this loophole to counter him. Just like now, after hearing such sophistry, she immediately retorted.

“Well, since you said this was something I did when I was not in Earth, it was something outside the contract. Now, I am back. So according to the contract, you are It’s not time to retract oneself’s outstretched paw, and then obediently and honestly roll me back to hell, struggling on whilst at death’s door!”

“Ha, this is really a naive Thoughts. Paragon sorcerer!”

Of course Victor couldn’t accept such a request. Not to mention that this is Smith Zhou’s order to him. Does he have the qualification and courage to disobey him. But his interests and status related to this matter are absolutely impossible for him to do this kind of self-destructive foundation because of such a request. So right now, he just opened his mouth unceremoniously, and mocked Ancient One.

“Say a bad thing. Keep the wolf in a cage and eat shit for it. It may become a dog one day. But when you open the cage, let it be late with fresh flesh Later, can you expect it to be a dog willingly?”

“Do you mean you don’t want to eat shit anymore?”

It’s very difficult to hold back With such a sentence, Ancient One feels that oneself is a bit too far from the basic aesthetics of the people. In only 30 years, the taste of Earth people has changed so much. Can even the words like eating shit be used as an analogy with oneself?

Of course, Victor Oneself certainly does not mean that. When he said this, he originally thought about Mephisto, not at all substituting for own. It’s the old bastard Mephisto who wants to eat shit. If this kind of thing really happens, I’m afraid he will be eager. It’s just that he didn’t expect that if oneself was impulsive, he would be directly put on the head of own by Ancient One. This made him unbearable immediately.

“This is just an analogy, for example, do you understand? Paragon sorcerer, I’m talking to you well, so your attitude should be correct for me.”

His tone was obviously flustered and exasperated, and Ancient One didn’t mean to annoy him with such trivial matters. So she can only shrug her shoulders and say innocently.

“Okay, I understand, for example? So what you mean is obvious. You don’t plan to stop at this time, right?”

“What should I do? What do you say? I don’t care about this kind of thing. But these demons under my hands, also Evil Spirits, will certainly not be willing to go back to hell obediently and honestly. The environment there is so bad, you should also It’s clear. The dry scorching wind, the disgusting smell of sulfur, and no fresh flesh and blood, it’s as beautiful as the world. They have been used to the things in the world, and they want to return to hell. Go, isn’t it the same as forcing wolves that are accustomed to eating meat to eat shit? Do you think this is possible?”

Victor blamed the devil and Evil Spirit for the problem, of course , Anyone with a discerning eye can see, this is just his evasive words. However, even if it knew he was shirking, Ancient One could not do anything to him. After all, she has an equal relationship with the other party, and she does not have the right to force the other party to do something. Therefore, she can only look at the other side and be angry with a rogue.

If this is an ordinary trivial matter, forget it if you say “to have no shame”. But this is obviously not a trivial matter. A hell opened his mouth and continuously sent Evil Spirit and the devil to Earth. This is simply a terrifying invasion war. Wang was right. This is a terrifying disaster and something that must be stopped. And how to stop this kind of thing? The only way Ancient One could think of was to start with the Mephisto in front of him.

This hand is not good. Because Victor has the scruples of Ancient One, too. She also didn’t have full confidence in taking Victor down, so she was also hesitating in her heart as to what means to use to achieve the own goal.

In theory, ignoring this is actually a best practice. Because after all, the current situation is not in the eyes, and it has not infringed on her interests. She can be treated as a okay person, and a matter of no concern to oneself is raised high.

However, mission is mission after all, and she is not such a short-sighted person. The immediate indulgence will only cause endless troubles. After that, the forces of hell will completely intervene on Earth, and the entire mankind may face the threat of extinction.

Furthermore, even Mephisto does not intend to do this. His approach has also broken the precedent and gave others a reason to intervene in Earth.

Most people don’t know, but Ancient One is very clear in his heart, how many existences are peeping at Earth, the home of humanity. In the past, due to the reputation of Paragon sorcerer and the agreement between them, these people would tacitly maintain a bystander attitude. However, if Mephisto is the first to break this tacit understanding, then everything will develop in the worst direction.

Ancient One can stop one, but not all. In the end, it is likely that Earth will become a paradise for these gods and demons, and humans will become their playthings.

Ancient One consciously cannot afford this responsibility. So at this time there is only one choice he can make, and that is at all costs, to defeat Mephisto’s conspiracy.

And if it is based on this goal, what should we do? She only thought of one way. That is to make things happen by contract.

Just like our current contract, it acts on both parties, so naturally, both parties have the right to trigger the conditions in the contract. Like now, Ancient One has determined that Mephisto has violated the content of the contract, so as long as she is cruel and triggers this condition with the idea of ​​cutting off one’s means of retreat, then the contract will naturally make a judgment to determine whether Mephisto should do it. own behavior pays a price.

This kind of behavior is very risky, because once this method fails, she will not only lose a means to restrict Mephisto, but may even say that she receives a little backlash from the contract. But at this time, she couldn’t control so much. So, almost decisively, she was already using the own authority to trigger the contract.

“In the name of Paragon sorcerer Ancient One, I request the start of the devil contract between me and Mephisto. In the name of breaching the contract, I apply for severe sanctions against Mephisto. The existence of the contract represents justice , The authority of the Devil’s Contract does not allow anyone to overstep it. Mephisto, you should pay the price for your actions!”

Ancient One reached out and pointed to the Devil’s Contract in Victor’s hand. Suddenly, the flames representing hell began to blaze on the contract. The will of the universe intervened at this moment, and as an impartial third party began to make judgments on both sides. And soon, the raging fire of hell was already spreading.

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