Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1664

Such a question made Peter couldn’t help being frowned. Although he didn’t have the almost crazy desire to punish evil like the previous Ghost Riders, he also had that feeling.

I can’t help myself when I see the evil, and I can’t help but want to burn them with flames and send them to hell. Although he can restrain this feeling with his reason, he has to admit that this feeling It does exist.

He thought it was natural. But now it seems that there are also many hidden things he doesn’t know. And why is it like this? It seems that the Paragon sorcerer in front of him can give He has a very good answer.

“The spirit of vengeance does not serve one master. They need to serve two masters at the same time. On the one hand, as the descendants of angels, they can be in that form To perform the so-called justice in the right way. On the other hand, they can also collect the souls of the hell for Mephisto, and contribute to his hell. This is the result of the agreement between the two parties and the result that can satisfy both parties.”

“Of course, on this issue. Mephisto plays more sophisticated tricks and makes fuller use of the conditions. He as it should be by rights gives God a hand and let the spirit of revenge He is more biased towards him. He even said that he can take out the own treasure, the soul of Zatanos, to create the most powerful spirit of revenge in history, Ghost Rider. Let him be enslaved by oneself forever.”

“I don’t know how you gained the power of Zatanos before being turned into an own slave by Mephisto. I think it must be very magical, or even a very lucky fluke. A miracle, a real miracle. Because it brings you not only power, but also opportunity.”

“Chance? What opportunity?”

The sudden change in topic made Peter I don’t understand the intention of Ancient One at all. In this matter, he has been completely led by the nose by Ancient One.

“A special opportunity, an opportunity to thwart that guy’s conspiracy Mr. Parker.”

Ancient One laughed, and wiped out what was in oneself’s hands. Then in front of Peter, he said his own idea.

“Do you know? Mr. Parker. Zatanos is the former lord of hell. He was born at the junction of Earth and hell. He is the evil Demon Lord bred in the earth. He is born to control the elements and he is born to be stronger than other demons. So, he is a natural king. He is also Mephisto’s most powerful competitor. Mephisto is anxious to join God to kill him for a reason. There is a reason why he wants to always treat him as a slave.”

“Kill him, Mephisto can guarantee that no one will compete with him for the position of the lord in the hell he is in. Only by enslaving him can Mephisto guarantee that he will not resurrect and that he will not be born again in the depths of hell. Come out the second evil Demon Lord. Very interesting behavior, isn’t it?”

Peter felt like oneself understood what he meant, but he still couldn’t figure out what oneself understood. Up to now, he didn’t want to guess any dumb riddles, so immediately, he asked Ancient One like this.

“What are you trying to say? Your Excellency Paragon sorcerer.”

“What I want to say is that you can become the master of hell, Mr. Parker.”

Smiling and saying such things, Ancient One doesn’t care how much the own words sound like. It’s shocking. She already has an idea and thinks that it has practical feasibility. So of course she won’t have any dread to say her own idea.

“The ruler of hell is talent Power. In the past countless years, only a few people have such authority. Mephisto, Lucifer, etc.. Not many people, but there is Zatanos’s name in the middle. Now, you inherited the name of Zatano Everything about Tannos, so naturally, you also have his authority and qualifications.”

“Just imagine, Mr. Parker. When you hold the authority of Zatanos , Enter the hell, and assign those demons and Evil Spirits to the owner. Then our enemy, the conspirator, what is his ability to drive these demons to invade our world?”

“Even Mr. Parker. You can drive away tigers and devour wolves and use their lance to conquer their shields. Let these demons fall into a situation where they are fighting each other. The demons are not endless, they and mortals The same will be lost and perished in wars. Maybe millions of demons can make waves in our world. But if we reduce this number to hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands or even thousands. They also have this ability Isn’t it? Mr. Parker, this is not an unrealistic lie. As long as we can help you get the position of the Lord of Hell, everything will become logical.”

“Damn…you actually Do you think so?”

Even though he has seen a lot of bold ideas, Peter is still shocked by the idea of ​​Ancient One. She actually wants to make oneself, the evil discipliner, become the Ruler of hell, to manage and rule the evil devil. Is she Isn’t it afraid that own anger will burn those demons to ashes?

Oh, of course, she really doesn’t have to worry about this issue. Because no matter how many or how these demons die, I’m afraid they will only make her wish. That’s it. But anyway, this idea is really too outrageous. It’s simply beyond his imagination. Although he doesn’t want to admit it, but at this time, he has to admit it.

” Your Excellency Paragon sorcerer. I admit that your ideas are amazing. It’s just shocking. But to be honest, I don’t think I have such ability. You let me be a thug to fight those evils. It’s very easy. But, what hell do you want me to be? Sorry, I don’t think this is what I did. I have never had this experience before.”

“this There has never been a king in the world who is born to rule others. Everyone has to learn when facing this problem, and you are no exception, Mr. Parker. So don’t undervalue oneself, you may have this ability, but You have not discovered it. Besides, hell is not like the world. As a monarch of the world, you have to consider the life and death of your people, and consider things such as national interests and the interests of the people. But as the lord of hell, you are fundamentally Don’t think about it. No matter how cruel, it will not detract from your justice and kindness. It’s easier to be a tyrant than to be a prince, isn’t it? Besides, the devil and the Evil Spirit like to kill. Maybe you do it and it will happen. Did they mean it?”

patted Peter’s shoulder, Ancient One enthusiastically encouraged him. Obviously, she is very satisfied with the idea of ​​own, otherwise she would not use such a tone Come to make such a joke.

But Peter, Peter still has some concerns about her statement. He is not thinking about the demons and also Evil Spirits. For him, as long as it is sinful In the past, death cannot wipe out the crimes. As for the method of death, he doesn’t care. There is no difference between dying under a conspiracy or dying in his hellfire. He is worried about other things, and Things related to strength.

“Your Excellency. Your idea may be very good, with a high success rate. But, again, I don’t think I have such a Ability. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about the ability to govern. I know exactly how chaos there is in hell. As you said, it’s easier to be a faint lord there than to be a bright lord. Because the demons need He is also a faint lord, not a wise lord. But, sir. Even though you say that, you should also know what the rules of hell are. Strength is the key to determining all problems, and I, I I don’t think I can conquer all the demons and let them recognize me as your Lord’s strength. This is the most critical issue we have to face.”

“Of course, Mr. Parker. This issue I also thought about it for you. Believe me, since I can give you such a suggestion, it must also mean that I have figured out all the solutions for you.”

“You have Is there a way to solve this problem?”

“Of course, Mr. Parker. Otherwise you think I told you what is the purpose of those spirits of vengeance?”

One sentence interrupted Peter’s In doubt, Ancient One said to him very confidently.

“Vengeful spirits, they and your power are the same existence. Every existence of revenge spirit can grow. The power in you. As long as you can find them and persuade them to give you their own power, you can become stronger. And as long as you gather a sufficient number of vengeful spirits. Then, believe me, Mr. Parker. You It will become an incomparable powerful existence. The whole hell will no longer be able to threaten you, and there will no longer be any devil to stop you. You will inevitably become the lord of hell. And then…”

“Vengeful Spirit?”

Although Ancient One’s advice is very beautiful and very promising. But for Peter, this is still something that is impossible to achieve.

“Your Excellency. Even if what you say is true. Then how do you think I can make the spirits of vengeance willing to give their power to me? By the mouth? I don’t think I have Such a great persuasive power. Besides, where can I find them? I don’t even know where they are, let alone borrowing their power from them!”

“The Spirit of Vengeance There will be this mutual induction. As long as you want to, you can definitely feel their presence. As for how to get them to agree and lend you power. Trust me, Mr. Parker. On this issue, I will do my best I do my best to help you!”

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