Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1673

Kill a back and forth from hell and take away the soul of a little girl who was stolen by Evil Spirit. This kind of thing just sounds incredible and full of hardships. But in fact, the old Morgan had to admit that things were much simpler than oneself imagined.

This is not the first time he has traveled to hell. After Lincoln was assassinated, he made a special trip to visit him. It can be said that the impression of hell in his mind has long been frozen.

The scorched earth, hiding the sky and covering the earth’s dust, billowing lava, also everywhere Evil Spirit and the devil. This is his impression of hell. But now, except for the scenery there is no change, everything else is completely the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

When did these evil spirits in hell show such indifference to living things? It is strange that the soul of a little girl has not been coveted. Now even his Witch Doctor who ran down with fanfare has been coldly treated, is it possible that these bastards in hell should collectively be vegetarian?

I still remember the old Morgan, who was hiding the sky and covering the earth when he came to hell last time, and was very uncomfortable with this situation. But he also has to admit that this really makes his job a lot easier. It didn’t take much effort to find the soul of the girl left in hell, and then returned to the past safely. The process is as easy as traveling.

Of course, although the process is easy, it does not mean that he feels ashamed of the 15,000 yuan earned by oneself. There are only so many people in the world who can run back and forth in hell, and it’s quite interesting to charge you such a small amount of money.

This is what even the father of the victim, Rey, thinks. After seeing that many supernatural events in person, it is estimated that only idiots would argue with such a dangerous person for 15,000 yuan. He also wanted to live a few more years in peace, so after paying the money happily, he took his daughter and fled here almost without looking back.

This is normal, or the old Morgan has seen a lot. Human beings have always stayed away from this power that cannot be controlled and understood. Moreover, it is true that few people will be bad luck enough to become his repeat customers again. Therefore, in the end, this often only becomes a one-off sale. And since it was a one-off deal, then naturally there was no need for him to pay more attention to this aspect.

I didn’t even bother to give it away. Old Morgan was going to close the door and go out of business, and had a good time for two days. And just as he did this, the voice of an uninvited guest suddenly rang in his ears.

“We meet again, Mr. Morgan.”

Old Morgan was taken aback by the sudden voice, he almost immediately stopped oneself’s hand movement, and Own pulled out a bone dagger from behind.

This is a very alert action, but when he saw Ancient One and Peter appearing behind oneself, he simply put away the weapon. And said directly to Ancient One.

“I didn’t expect it to be you, Paragon sorcerer. Didn’t you leave Earth?”

“This is a little hard to say, can we sit down and have a chat? Maybe I can introduce you to a new friend.”

Ancient One’s attitude is difficult to refuse. Of course, the most important factor is her identity. No spellcaster wants to offend an existence like Paragon sorcerer. So after hesitating for a while, Old Morgan took out a bottle of wine and poured a glass for each of them. Then he got drunk with a grin.

“Please feel free. Although I do not welcome guests like you. But since you have found the door, I am afraid I will be impossible to shut you out. So, let’s talk . What are you looking for me for?”

“First of all, I would like to ask you a question, do you know the gate of Hell was opened?”

Facing the old Morgan Asked, Ancient One went straight to the topic. And when she said that, Old Morgan was immediately frowned, and then couldn’t help knocking on the table.

“I have heard this news. The Holy See in Europe has indeed made announcements in this regard. However, I at first only thought it was their exaggeration. After all, we all know. The faith in the Vatican is broken. Now, Italian impatients want to take this country of the country as their own. Under such circumstances, in order to highlight the importance of owning, it is understandable that they released some false news to increase the value of owning. However. …..”

“But what?”

Ancient One profound mystery’s smile made Old Morgan feel a little uncertain. Anyway, this matter wasn’t an important matter, so he told directly and frankly.

“I have just been to hell. From my personal senses, the changes in hell are indeed huge. If you insist, it is that the hell now looks very empty. The Evil Spirit and the devil that are everywhere are completely gone. If it weren’t for the fact that I had been to hell before, I would even wonder if I had found the wrong place. So, from these perspectives, I’m afraid the Vatican is true this time. Are they cracking a joke with us?”

“Yes. They really don’t crack a joke. In fact, things are much more serious than they describe.”


Ancient One sighed, also began to speak truthfully. But her words immediately attracted the interest of Old Morgan. You know, in order to broaden own income channels, he will not only do things like exorcism. In fact, selling intelligence about the mysterious world is his main business.

For those sorcerers or dark creatures who are often isolated from the world, getting the information they want through a familiar and trusted person is better than oneself blindly diving into a New World and messing around. Groping and so on is much stronger. On this issue, the old Morgan can definitely be regarded as a trustworthy guy.

He has a fixed point of operation, and he has own information channels no matter in the secular world or in the mysterious world. Paying a small amount of money to get what oneself wants from him is very cost-effective for people like them. For the old Morgan Oneself, this is also a huge business.

After all, even if these Old Guys take out a chamber pot, they can still be sold as antiques at the flea market. If you sell it, you get a huge income. He certainly has no reason to refuse such a good thing. Naturally, if you want to continue this good thing, the collection of information becomes indispensable.

In the past, when he received a message, he always had to go through repeated verifications before it could be sold. That is because the authenticity of a message must go through authoritative judgments to produce value. And now, with the Paragon sorcerer of Ancient One, this news can completely omit such a big step. In other words, this is the wealth sent to the front, he will be interested as it should be by rights.

Ancient One knows this and will start the dialogue between them in this way. She needs to tell the news to Old Morgan, and then pass the news to more people’s ears through him. Of course, this is her careful thought, and she must not let Old Morgan know. So when Old Morgan pricked up her ears to make money, she smiled slightly and said to him.

“Mr. Morgan. I know that you are a famous intelligence dealer in our world. And I can be sure that this news of mine is definitely very valuable intelligence. There is an old saying that there is no Free bread. Since you want to know such a secret from my mouth, shouldn’t you give it back?”

“I thought Paragon sorcerer It shouldn’t be care about these teeny Small profits are right.”

When making money, the old Morgan can do everything. But when spending money, he was completely miserly, Grandet’s appearance. For him, the news that he can not have money is good news. If there is a price to be paid, then he will consider it carefully.

Whether the price he paid and the return can be proportional, this is his most concerned issue. However, thinking of the identity of Paragon sorcerer and the value of the news she might reveal, he soon made up his mind.

“Well, because you are Paragon sorcerer. We should be able to make a deal. What return do you want?”

“It’s very simple. I’ll tell you What I know. Then, you also tell me something I want to know. How?”

This proposal is fair, so Old Morgan stretched out his hand without much hesitation.

“Sounds good, so…the deal?”

“The deal.” After shaking his hand, Ancient One smiled and said to Old Morgan. “I contacted the Lord of Hell through the original contract. I got a positive answer from his mouth. The Gate of Hell was indeed opened. Countless demons and undead have entered our world within the realm. , And lurked in the dark. They peeped around, waiting for an order from their master to completely occupy our world. From the current situation, the situation of the human world is very critical.”

“That’s it? That’s all you want to say?” Such a news is indeed a blockbuster news, but to the old Morgan, it seems a little unworthy. Because he had almost reached this conclusion, even if Paragon sorcerer came to the final word, it couldn’t surprise him too much. He also needs more valuable content, and at this point, Ancient One as it should be by rights satisfies him.

“Of course it’s more than that. You know, I won’t allow this to happen. Because of the contract, I can stop this kind of thing. But things are not at all as I expected It develops like that. Because the worst thing has happened.”

“The hell we are familiar with, the world ruled by the Lord of Deception has changed its owner. Mephisto already not in, now In charge of hell, and opened the Gate of Hell, the guy who released these demons is someone else. And what plot he has, this is what we need to worry about.”

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