Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1678

The situation has been reversed. Watching the flames of hell pass over the bodies of these angels, ignite their bodies, and transform them from birdmen with wings to roast chickens with a pair of grilled arms. Almost anyone with eyes can do it. Can recognize this.

And Dan Cage is no exception. Don’t forget, he is Ghost Rider, the spirit of vengeance. Everyone with such an identity will be a terrifying warrior, a terrifying hunter. This is the credit of the spirit of vengeance, condensing the efforts of God and Mephisto, each of them is a perfect killing machine. And it is precisely because of this that they will never miss any good opportunities on the battlefield, let the opponent of the own escape from the hand of the owner with a little luck.

The hellfire giant began to stride forward, and his primary goal is the angels closest to oneself. The huge fist greeted an angel with a raging flame, almost ruthlessly. Faced with such a situation, the angel who had completely lost mobility due to the loss of wings could only gritted his teeth and raised the sharp blade in oneself’s hand.

Use a toothpick to fight a fist, and it is still a fist wrapped in hellfire and rocks. This is definitely a bad choice. So, even if this angel showed amazing courage, courage is not armor after all, it is impossible to protect his integrity. Naturally, his fate is predictable.

From three-dimensional to Infinity, which is close to two-dimensional, this is the final destiny of this angel. And the death that this means is also undoubtedly a matter.

Although in theory, angels can be resurrected. As long as the core of heaven is still there, their souls can be revived there. However, this is an example under normal circumstances, and such an example does not apply to them.

Let’s not say that today’s paradise is not the same paradise it was. The choice made by these fallen Dark Angels at the beginning has completely cut off their hope.

Falling to heaven, this is not a matter without cost. These angels who chose to follow Lucifer to fall into hell, the biggest price they have to pay is that they can no longer enjoy the glory from heaven. Heaven will refuse their entry, whether it is soul or body. And this also means that when they face Death as they do now, they are no longer impossible to be reborn in heaven.

Half of the angels sound like a lot, but Satan has to stand in hell and face the conquest of the angel Legion. The sum of all this is enough to make the originally incomparable Dark Angel Legion wither.

This is also the reason why Satan is already the most powerful lord of hell, but he still dare not attack the other lord of hell lightly. His sharpest blade, Dark Angel Legion, uses one and one less. Of course, be more cautious and stingy. However, no matter how cautious you are, there will be no less losses.

As it is now, the hellfire giant has started one after another and has to increase the number of casualties of Dark Angel Legion.

The power of Ghost Rider is unreasonable. This is also why the trifling Ghost Rider can become the most powerful army under Mephisto, coercing the demons of the entire hell under his command, making them breathless. And precisely because of this, Dan Cage quickly completed the massacre of those who besieged own Dark Angel.

Without wings, they can’t even run away. So it’s really hard to say whether they are pushing Dan Cage into this situation, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. As far as the current situation is concerned, this is by no means a good thing for the angels, because in the end, they did not even stay a survivor. For Dan Cage, this is also not a good thing. Because from his vision, he can clearly see that more and more Dark Angels have surrounded him.

Desperate, this is his most obvious encounter at the moment. No beast can survive the hunting of wolves. Even elephants will be swallowed up bit by bit by enough wolves. Dan Cage has clearly realized this.

If there are only a dozen Dark Angels, he thinks that oneself may work hard and have a good break through. But a hundred and ten Dark Angels, this is simply beyond the scope of what he can handle. Even if they didn’t use any other means, just one person grabbed his two or three bones, they could all tear him apart and clean. Therefore, at this time, I still put up a desperate struggle, which is simply futile and will not have any effect.

Dan Cage is not a stupid fool after all, he can clearly judge the situation. Therefore, even if you know that surrendering is a bit humiliating, there will be no good end. He was still sighed, turning oneself back into a human appearance.

This is tantamount to giving up all resistance, and naturally, he will get the treatment oneself deserves. Dark Angels are not polite to this person who just killed oneself compatriot. A guy with a hammer hit his head casually, and when he opened the scoop, he stunned him directly.

And then, a group of Dark Angels moved quickly. Within two minutes, all traces had been erased, and they took Dan Cage and his motorcycle far away. Left here. No one can use any means to discover that they have been there, have been. Except for a wasteland left by the explosion, they will not find anything else.

Obviously, Randekiel and his angel Legion did not want anyone to discover their movements. And this, Dan Cage didn’t know, the only thing he knew was that oneself was going to be extremely unlucky.

Oneself is tied to the cross like Jesus in the Bible, and around oneself, on a hexagram of David, a dozen Dark Angels are each occupying a node. Surrounded him round and round. This gave him a very bad feeling, as if oneself was becoming the sacrifice of a strange religious ceremony. This is different from what he had previously imagined.

He thought that oneself was caught here because the bastard named Randekiel planned to use oneself to do something. Regardless of what he intends to do, he should talk to oneself face to face and negotiate. With good luck, he might even give himself a choice. Even if it was a little too close, he should give oneself some time. However, he never thought that things would go straight to the worst.

They didn’t give oneself a chance at all, so they put oneself here. Let alone Randekiel, he didn’t even see anyone who could speak. From their performance, Dan Cage doesn’t think they will give oneself a chance to speak.

This made him a little unacceptable, and at the same time he couldn’t help but regret it. Knowing that things would be like this, he should fight hard to the end. A fluke has harmed him, and the worst thing is that now he has no Regret Medicine to eat. However, as a guy with enough desire to survive, he didn’t want to just slaughter his neck and let oneself be like meat on a chopping board, letting these angels abuse him. So immediately, he started calling for the power in oneself’s body, intending to transform into a Ghost Rider, so as to get out of such a terrible situation.

But what embarrassed him was that no matter how he called for this power, he did not reach the point he expected. He could feel the agitation of Ghost Rider’s power in oneself’s body. They were indeed responding to own thoughts, but he didn’t know why, as if there was a cage separating the connection between them. There is no way to make this kind of power emerge completely. And this also means that he can only maintain the appearance of an ordinary person. From the perspective of an ordinary person, he might really die.

Death, this is definitely an unbearable blow to Dan Cage, who has never experienced a cruel battle. It took him more than thirty years to obtain the power that belongs to his own, and he has the possibility of surpassing mortals. He didn’t want to have time to do anything, to enjoy nothing, and just fell on this kind of ghost place.

So immediately, he pulled out his throat and yelled at the angels around him.

“Randekiel, where is Randekiel? I want to talk to him, I want to talk to him. Damn, you can’t do this to me. I have human rights, and the government won’t Let you mess around like this!”

“Humans can’t control our heads, Dan Cage! It’s all time, don’t you know what you are facing? “

A familiar voice rang in Dan Cage’s ear, which made him immediately start searching for the source of the sound. But no matter how he searched, he couldn’t find the person he was looking for, so he could only continue to shout frantically.

“Randkiel! I heard your voice, come out. What do you want to do to me? Why do you tie me here? Answer me, answer me quickly!”

“Do you want to find me? Dan Cage? It’s been so long, haven’t you found out? I’ve always been by your side, I’ve always been by your side! I Just on your body, I’m in your shadow, in your soul!”

The deep voice made Dan Cage’s in the bones tremble. He didn’t dare to listen anymore, but He had to listen to these words completely. Because Randekiel whispered in the depth of one’s soul, telling him all this.

“You are going to be a sacrifice, Dan Cage. I will replace your existence and appear in this world as the spirit of vengeance. This is something that cannot be changed. So, cherish you well Time, this is the last thing you can enjoy in your life!”

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