Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1680

Randkiel is the Seven Archangel. He and Messiah have never dealt with each other more than once. And it is precisely because he deeply realized the stupidity and incompetence of the Messiah that he resolutely fell from heaven in the body of Archangel.

For him, following Lucifer is the true glory. Kneeling under the so-called Son, Christ, is nothing but dusting the own honor. The contradiction between him and the Messiah has already reached the point of irreconcilability. Even now, he still thinks about counterattacking heaven and letting the so-called Christ the Son kneel down in front of oneself.

Of course, although he despised the Messiah, he had to admit that everything God carefully arranged for the Messiah did have its own uniqueness.

The ceremony of the cross can kill the spirit, and the attributes that guide the descending are indeed a great help to him. Otherwise, he really has no way to get past the contract he signed with Ancient One under the testimony of hell and descend on this world.

You must know that even existences like Mephisto and Satan can be threatened by Ancient One, signing a contract of inviolability, even more how is his even worse.

He also had an agreement with Ancient One, and even said that the agreement between him and Ancient One was even harsher.

Don’t say that your true body descends on this World, even if you are involved in the world by casting Shadow Clone, it is not allowed. On this issue, Ancient One might have some scruples about Satan and Helllords like Mephisto, and offer them some milder terms. But to him, to a guy like him who is unworthy of being an enemy of her, Paragon sorcerer is not so easy to talk about.

Either sign a contract, or disappear forever. The Paragon sorcerer, who was at the peak of life at the beginning, had the most domineering style but would not give them more conditions. For overwhelming majority people, how to choose is actually simply an obvious thing. Although some humiliation is inevitable, humiliation and so on is also acceptable compared to living, isn’t it?

Randkire accepted this humiliation back then, and it also left him with a huge problem.

He wants to set foot in the world, he must bypass this contract. And how to bypass this contract, the cross ceremony is the only way he can imagine.

And the cross ceremony cannot be opened casually. Just like when the Messiah came, he must use the body of Jesus. If he wants to truly descend on this World, he must find a carrier that can carry him. On this World, in front of one’s eyes of Paragon sorcerer, such a carrier can be said to simply not exist.

Ordinary people simply cannot bear his terrifying power. As the former Seven Archangel, the attribute of his power also led to the existence of a close relationship with the source of angel power to become the medium of his coming. From this point of view, the saints who once belonged to the Vatican might be a good choice. But after all, they are just mortal bodies, even if he descends in the past, the final result is likely to be a blast and death.

He hasn’t been crazy enough to take oneself’s life just to get a breath in the world. So although he had known this method for a long time, it was not until today that he had the intention to take it out of the box. In such a process, the right time, the right place and the right people are indispensable. Fortunately, everything is on his side.

The disappearance of Paragon sorcerer created the best time for him. At the same time, as King of Hell Satan’s most important left and right hands, Randekiel can make the entire world’s lurking Evil Spirit become the own eyeliner.

And most importantly, that old bastard Mephisto also died. Without his constraints, he is fully capable of reaching out to the former Hell Guard Army, the Ghost Riders. After a period of careful selection, he selected Dan Cage as the carrier of own arrival.

Nothing is more suitable for the existence of his coming carrier than Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance. You know, Ghost Rider itself is a mixture of angel power and hell power. And Dark Angel, in essence, is similar to Ghost Rider.

As pure elemental beings born in heaven, they are inevitably contaminated with the power of hell in the process of falling to heaven. Although the power of hell is strong, it is still not enough to completely reverse their essence. Therefore, every fallen angel is actually a mixture of angelic power and defensive power. There is only one exception, and that is Lucifer.

It’s as if he abandoned oneself’s past name and called oneself Satan. When Lucifer fell into hell, he had completely abandoned his own past, and was completely destroyed in the embrace of hell along with his own angel core.

Such effort as it should be by rights was rewarded. He was favored by hell and recognized by hell. Became the only one unnaturally born hell lord for thousands of years. And under the buff of hell power, he took his own angel army invincible and conquered almost every corner of oneself hell. Satan’s prestige has also resonated throughout the entire world at this time, so that veteran demons like Mephisto have to recognize his equal status.

Of course, Satan is special. Apart from him, there is no second such special case. The remaining angels, including Randekiel, can only maintain the shape of their mixture.

He is the most powerful of them, so naturally, when he chooses the carrier, he will also choose the most powerful one.

Perhaps before, Johnny Blazer, who lives with the soul of Zatanos, would be a better choice. But if it meant he had to face the oldest existence among the devil of hell, he would rather give up this opportunity. Mephisto is not something he can afford. So he would rather wait until now, when both Mephisto and Johnny Blazer have passed away.

Although he lost his best choice at this time, he also has more possibilities. So there is nothing to be a pity. Dan Cage may be a little bit late, but by comparison, he is actually qualified.

Furthermore, compared to the dangerous spirit of Zatanos. The spirit of Norbert Kane is obviously much easier to deal with. There is no need to fight, just carry on the ceremony of the cross, and he can take its place and become the new vengeful spirit occupying Dan Cage’s body. With his personality and strength, coupled with the essence of Zatanos power possessed by Dan Cage, he can completely break the shackles of the past and raise his own power to an unprecedented level.

This is an extremely huge temptation, and he cannot tolerate him not being tempted. In addition, all this was related to a huge conspiracy they had planned, and he naturally had no reason to give up all this.

So, although Dan Cage called tragically, he still couldn’t draw his sympathy at all. He was like a ruthless judge who convicted him of a crime, ruthlessly continuing to order to his subordinates.

“Go on, carry on with this ceremony!”

The angel listened to the order and continued to hammer. Under his movement, Dan Cage’s left and right hands palms, the left and right soles of the feet were penetrated by wooden wedges successively, and they were nailed to the cross. This allowed bright red blood to flow from his wound. First blood, then fluid like lava.

That is the blood of the spirit of vengeance. By this step, it means that the ceremony of the cross has officially begun, and the victims have been completely tied to it. Unless he can have the same level of power as God or Satan, he will break away from this ceremony.

It’s a pity that even with the power of Zatanos, the spirit of vengeance named Norbert Kyle is still impossible to reach this point. So he can only be bound obediently and honestly, waiting for oneself’s next fate like a lamb on a chopping board.

Next, Dark Angel took out a crown woven from thorns and fastened it to Dan Cage’s head.

The thorns of the thorns cut off Dan Kane’s forehead without a doubt, allowing the lava-like fluid to flow directly from his forehead. The howling of the Vengeful Spirit became extremely clear at this moment, because he could no longer escape from Dan Cage.

This is the second step of ceremony. The buff of the crown of thorns means the complete unity of spirit and flesh. No matter who your soul belongs to, no matter how special you are inside, when the soul and the flesh are completely merged into one, the physical life and death will also be transformed to the soul level. if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

At this time, Dan Cage can no longer maintain the appearance of a human being. The unity of spirit and flesh made him a Ghost Rider, the burning skeleton messenger. And even though he had completely regained his own power at this moment, he still couldn’t break free from such a bondage because of the ceremony of the cross.

At this time, the angel responsible for the ceremony had already picked up an old bronze dagger from the tray behind oneself.

It is actually an inaccurate statement to say that it is a dagger. Its true shape should be a spear tip. To be more precise, it should also have a louder name, which is the Gun of Longinus.

The long spear used to run through Jesus is now the best to perform this ceremony. So in the first moment of picking up this gun, the angel was already without the slightest hesitation, penetrating it through Dan Cage’s side ribs.

Lonkinus’ spear pierced and pulled out, and the lava gushing out was like a lake of fire pouring out, which was the outflow of divine nature. The spirit of vengeance was also wailing in pain, because it was killed at this moment and began to die gradually.

So far, the ceremony has entered the final stage, and Dekiel’s sigh rang at this time.

“Finally, it’s done. The long-lost world, I’m finally back!”

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