Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1690

“I’m sorry, Ancient One sorcerer. I’m afraid I can’t agree with your idea!”

The choice Stark made after careful consideration is a bit beyond The imagination of Ancient One. Even if she herself is experienced and knowledgeable, she has a lot of experience. At this time, it was unavoidable to be shocked, and even the smile on his face became stiff.

“You say no to me? Can I know the reason why you said no to me?”

“In general, I rarely say no to women. But facing I’m sorry for your request. I really can’t do anything about it.”

“Madam, maybe for you, this matter can only be decided by patting your head. But for me That said, things are definitely not the case. I am the president of this country and the leader of all American citizens. Every decision I make must be for their benefit and safety. From this perspective, I can only regretfully I can’t tell you.”

“I don’t understand, Mr. Stark.”

Ancient One is not someone who can be easily moved, even if Stark moved out of the People’s Qi, she still stubbornly insisted on oneself’s original idea.

“If it is from the perspective of ordinary people, shouldn’t my suggestion be more valuable? You know, where ordinary people can’t see, the devil and Evil Spirit are already It’s begin to stir. You can’t be sure when these secretly lurking guys will initiate a riot and hurt those innocents. Instead of mourning the sacrifices of these innocents after the incident, it’s better to deal with it before everything happens. How to teach them. In this way, at the very least, they can still have a protective own power. It is much better than nothing but meat on the cutting board.”

” That’s right, but some things are not as simple as you think.”

Raised his hand and interrupted the ancient One sorcerer’s endless talk, Stark made no secret of So I told oneself’s inner worry.

“Yes, this will give the people the means to fight evil spirits and save themselves. However, I don’t think you can fully guarantee that they will be able to save themselves successfully according to your methods. .Anything has the possibility of failure, even more how is this kind of life-or-death event. Those Evil Spirits and demons are not little sheep, watching you move a knife to them and still indifferent, let you kill them. They must There will be resistance, and resistance will inevitably result in casualties. One or two, I can still call him an accident. But with a huge population base, once this number of casualties exceeds 10%, tell me, How can I call this an accident?”

“You let the government spread your thoughts, but have you ever thought about the people who lost their relatives and friends because of this incident? Because of this, all this will be blamed on the government. The government will be blamed and shocked, and even the order that the country has finally stabilized will fall into crisis. Once the order is gone, it will be caught by chaos. There are many terrifying countries in the shrouded country, you should know.”

“This is just one of the many reasons why I reject you. Also other, for example, I do not intend to let the public know about these evils The existence of Spirit and the devil. This in itself is a secret, even in the governments of other countries, only some real high-level officials can know. Every one of us knows what kind of turmoil will be caused by the spread of such news. At this time now, no country can withstand such turmoil. I cannot start this, let alone let United States become the target of public criticism because of this incident.”

“So, I You must be rejected, Ancient One sorcerer. If you really intend to cooperate, you should understand my reasons. My burden is heavier than you think, and I must consider this country.”

Stark’s words are loud and sound, and the words are at the extreme. This not only proves his idea, but also shows his attitude. He is the kind of true patriot, and the principle based on national interests is the only criterion for him to judge their cooperation methods. Faced with this principle, although Ancient One hates gnash the teeth a bit, it does not dislike him too much.

Because in essence, the two of them are a pair of talents. If you insist on making any difference, the principle category that Stark adheres to is the entire United States of America, and she has expanded this scope to the entire Earth.

Just as Stark can ignore personal honor for the national interest, even his own friends can betrayed and used. Ancient One sorcerer will also be willing to do things that have no lower limit for the people of Earth. People like them don’t care about own reputation and so on anymore. Even personal interests will not be put in their eyes.

They only care about the collective interests, and the gains and losses of the collective interests are the only reason they insist and contribute.

It sounds ridiculous, but Ancient One does understand Stark’s feelings. Moreover, she also made a compromise choice because of this.

“Well, because you have so many concerns and our partnership has just begun. This idea is temporarily stranded. Maybe we should set up a special team. , It’s best to integrate the roles of the clergy and also sorcerer. Just like my original sorcerer group, use their power to curb the expansion of hell. Although I don’t think this will Very useful, but it’s better than doing nothing.”

This is a helpless retreat, and from the performance of Ancient One sorcerer, Stark can also see Show her sincerity for cooperation between them. So he couldn’t help being sighed in relief, because he was really worried that Ancient One would question their relationship and create a gap in their cooperation.

Judging from the current situation, he needs Ancient One to a greater degree than Ancient One needs him. So if not necessary, he really didn’t want to tear his face with Ancient One at this time. Ancient One gave him a step like this, which was just what he wanted. Naturally, after pondering for a while, he made a reciprocity.

“You’re right, we can’t do nothing. However, we can’t do useless work that doesn’t work. I thought of a way, maybe we can take your previous proposal Let go on. However, this method may require your cooperation.”

“My cooperation?” It seems very surprised that Stark will put forward such an opinion at this time. Ancient One’s face The expression was taken for a moment, and then quickly nodded. “Of course, if necessary, I will naturally cooperate with you. However, you must first let me know what kind of idea you have. Before hearing your specific explanation, I dare not give you one. Affirmative answer.”

“My thoughts are very simple, Ms. Ancient One.” Touching his chin, he gave a meaningful smile. Stark said to her just like that. “I wonder if you are interested in participating in the talk show?”

“Talk show?” Hearing this familiar vocabulary, the expression on Ancient One’s face suddenly wrinkled.

Be aware that the origin of talk shows can be traced back to the eighteenth century. At the coffee bar assembly in England, people would discuss current affairs in the name of a talk show. The real development of talk shows is in United States. It wasn’t until 1933 that interactive talk shows appeared in the true sense.

Since then, although the talk show has always existed, but not at all really formed the so-called fashion. When it truly became a popular beacon, it should have started in the 80s of the 20th century. This is a very embarrassing era, because Ancient One has never taken over things after this era. So naturally, when faced with this familiar and unfamiliar thing, she began to hesitate.

“I have heard of talk shows, but I think the talk show you are talking about should be very different from what I understand. So, can you make it clearer?”


“It’s very simple, you can understand it as a popular TV show with a large audience. My idea is this, I will give you the name of a special consultant of White House, and then Arrange for you to participate in talk shows and other daoist shows. You can use your ordinary methods to show your audiences to subdue Evil Spirit and the devil. In the dark, we will use everything we can. The means to help you make every effort to make you a superstar who is popular in the world. And you can use the influence brought by your giant starlight ring to spread and spread your set of magic spells. “

“Because you can only be regarded as a public figure, even if you have the name of a White House special consultant, it is absolutely impossible to involve the government. Therefore, even if there are large-scale casualties , We can also treat this as an accident. As long as you come up with a sentence every time before the show, it is risky to do so, and I hope ordinary people will not try it. The law will never pursue you. If someone says If you reluctantly want to use your identity to take advantage of the problem and forcibly put the account on the government. I can also use a sentence in the name of a temporary worker to push the problem off. This is not only in terms of speed. A little slower, it will definitely not be inferior to your previous idea. Moreover, it is more stable and more controllable. Isn’t it?”

Stark’s proposal really made Ancient One see it. What is a whimsy. She really did not expect that the dignified President of United States could come up with such an outrageous idea. This makes her also a little dizzy now, so much so that she is also unbelievable now.

“You mean, you want me to be a star, like Elvis?”

“No, it should be said that it is greater than Elvis. Like Michael. Jack Xun. The global number of fans is 1 billion, this is your goal!”

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