Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1693

The method used by

Ancient One sorcerer is very simple, that is, before the conflict between these two people intensifies, they can directly pull away from the power they can rely on.

For other sorcerers, this is simply harder than heavenly ascension. But for someone like Ancient One sorcerer who has reached the pinnacle in this regard, this is not a problem.

Mordo Baron is a student she taught by hand, and his ability is never a secret in front of her. As long as you know this, you can solve it again. Even if he has great abilities, he can’t do anything at all.

In contrast, Stark is much more difficult to deal with. Because his power is far more complicated than Mordo Baron’s.

In addition to the divine force belonging to the two gods, there are also technological elements in his body. And this is what makes Ancient One the most difficult thing.

When it comes to magic, ancient and modern at home and abroad, without her, there is no one who is not good at it. No matter how remote the spell is, she can come at her fingertips. But when it comes to technology, I’m sorry, she hasn’t even figured out the basic theory of quantum mechanics.

And Stark’s palm energy cannon is obviously more brilliant than those basic theories, so it is definitely an unwise choice to disassemble his attack by analyzing Disassemble.

On this issue, Ancient One has not yet reached the point where he is ignorant. Must use this method to stop him. Therefore, she used other methods as it should be by rights.

Go back in time. This is a spell that uses Eye of Agamotto to force a fixed target to go back to one of the innumerable past possibilities. As far as the spell itself is concerned, this is very dangerous, because no one is sure that under such a spell, your target will be traced back to a certain state.

There were countless kinds of probabilities in the past, and maybe if you didn’t see them clearly, you would bring a catastrophic probability to the present. And at that time, everything will become out of control.

This is also the fact that Ancient One only traced the time back to the past short moment, so that Stark, the party involved, did not have time to react. Otherwise, even she can’t guarantee that what happens after terrifying will happen.

Of course, since she dared to do this, she is naturally sure of it. And it is precisely because of this that Stark has the bizarre encounter now.

He obviously has gathered energy, but nothing happened next moment own. If it hadn’t been said that he could clearly perceive the existence of that kind of power in oneself’s body, he would probably wonder if oneself was dreaming.

Of course, it is precisely because he can perceive these that he is extremely sure that this is not his dream. And since this is the case, I am afraid that only the Paragon sorcerer, Ancient One, can do this.

Noting the astonishment on Mordo Baron’s face, Stark once again affirmed this judgment in oneself’s heart. In this regard, he couldn’t say that he had any dislike. Because after calming down, he was somewhat afraid of what he just did.

This is the White House, the most important government agency in this country. Regardless of the reason, as long as something unexpected happens here, the 2nd day will cause unexpected turbulence to the entire United States. Although this is not an unbearable loss, it is obviously uneconomical to produce such a result for such a small matter.

Of course, although this is said, it does not mean that Stark will be deeply grateful to Ancient One. After all, this is the trouble she caused after all. So as it should be by rights, he also attributed all the troubles to Ancient One. He is the owner of this White House, and he is qualified to ask his own guests to solve the trouble he caused. So immediately, he said to Ancient One.

“Ms. Ancient One, if this is the right person you said, then I can only regret to tell you that I do not agree that he has such an ability. You have also seen, He who made such an unreasonable request obviously did not mean to cooperate with us sincerely. He even said that he also used this as an excuse to show violence against me, a leader of a country. Can you rest assured that such a person cooperates with you? Anyway, you can’t. So, if you insist on using him, then our cooperation can only come to an end.”

You can say this even when threatened by hell forces. Obviously, Stark already had a deep hatred of Mordo Baron. And it was precisely because of his statement that Ancient One also began to feel tricky.

Bring Mordo Baron here, but she decided after careful consideration. The reason for this is actually her selfishness.

She has learned about Mordo Baron through Wang. And she felt that the reason why Mordo had such an idea was entirely because he still didn’t know enough about ordinary person. Mordo Baron, who has been learning magic by her side since childhood, lacks the opportunity to meet an ordinary person. And as long as he can get a deep understanding of the existence and power of the ordinary person, he will definitely not be ignorant of any flexibility, and stick to the ridiculous oneself principle.

And right now, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity. As long as Mordo can be made into this key existence, he will be directly elevated to the highest level of humanity. At that time, he, who was condescendingly overlooking the entire human class, could definitely clearly realize that humans were by no means as weak as he imagined. And sorcerer is not so detached and powerful.

He might come to his senses and change his past. As the teacher who watched him grow up, this would definitely give her comfort.

This is a little selfishness of Ancient One sorcerer. It’s just that he didn’t expect that things would turn out to be like this later. Mordo’s arrogance and Stark’s persistence really made her feel a headache. At such a time, she could only behave like a mother who made a mistake with a child, pleading to Stark.

“Your Excellency, I know Mordo’s ideas will make you feel hard to do. But, for the sake of my face, can you give him another chance? At least, you should listen to his request. Reason.”

“I intend to hear his reason, but obviously, he does not intend to tell me his reason. Maybe I, an ignorant mortal, don’t deserve to know his reason, you say Isn’t it?”

Stark looked towards Mordo Baron with a sneer, and his iron complexion made him feel extremely happy. Obviously, the initiative is now in his hands. Because only one middleman has begun to move closer to him.

At this point, he was not at all wrong, because at this time, Ancient One had already looked towards the own dísciple with severe eyes.

“He will tell you his reason. I can assure you of this!”

At this time, Ancient One as the Teacher took out oneself. The majesty. For her statement like this, even Mordo Baron couldn’t say even a word of rejection.

He could only endure the humiliation in his heart, and said to Stark expressionlessly.

“I ask you to do this because I need to use your power to pull all these people who disobey the sorcerer’s dogma out of the dark. Since the fall of New York Sanctum, more and more The sorcerer was bewitched by those so-called Superhero guys, and turned his back on the old doctrine of the sorcerer. They used their own power at will, and didn’t care what the consequences would be. And I, as the leader of the sorcerer of London Sanctum, could not do anything. Let this happen. Even with the most severe means, I will correct them from this wrong path!”

“So, they simply did not commit a crime. Just because of violation In compliance with your organization’s regulations, you want me to treat them the same way I treat prisoners?”

Hearing Mordo Baron’s reply, Stark twitched his mouth and revealed a big mocking face.

“This is the most ridiculous joke I have ever heard. As far as I know, they should be regarded as your apprentices. To treat students, even if they make mistakes, they will not treat criminals in this way. Treat them in the same way. But as a normal person, I don’t think anyone would do it. So, I really can’t help but wonder if you have an enmity with them?”

“Stupid idea. If you break the rules without paying the price, what is the meaning of these rules also? Just like the law, if your people are not willing to abide by the law, you are the president. Also worth it?”

Faced with ridicule, Mordo Baron retorted as it should be by rights. And his retort just ushered in even more ridicule from Stark.

“The existence of the law is maintained by justice, not your stupid violence. You think you are maintaining order, but in fact you are only maintaining your own status. You are afraid Your apprentices have seen the vastness of the outside world, so they no longer shrink into your narrow world and listen to your driving. That’s why you want to catch them by fair means or foul and let them betray you. You pay the price for your behavior. Hum, it’s okay for you to fool others with such an excuse. You want to fool me. Sorry, you are ten thousand years early!”

This kind of face is almost slapped The statement made Mordo Baron’s entire face flushed. If it weren’t for the Ancient One sorcerer to suppress him, he might immediately take action with Stark. But that’s the case, it’s also difficult for him to restrain oneself’s inner anger, so much so that at this time, he was already impatiently shouting at Stark.

“Enough, I’m not here to listen to your nonsense. Are you willing to accept my terms, this is just a matter of one sentence!”

“Of course, I can Agree to this condition. However, you must do what I do!”

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