Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1695

The subsequent developments went quite smoothly, as if there had never been anything dirty between them.

In order to avoid stimulating Mordo Baron’s emotions, Stark deliberately avoided the opportunity to contact him. Mordo Baron also didn’t mention him very tacitly, but calmly let the president’s wife who was in charge of all this arrange.

With the help of the superstructure, coupled with the fact that the entire United States economy is now being revived by the Stark family’s strength of oneself. It is simply not a problem to arrange for such a person to participate in the hottest talk show.

Of course, even Stark is impossible to put everyone on the hottest talk show casually. After all, this kind of show is based on the discussion of the most popular events and characters to get ratings. If it is said that if a passerby is pulled up casually, I am afraid that not only the capitalists and the audience are unwilling, but the host of the show will also have opinions.

America is a country of cooking, so of course they cannot do things that are not cooked. However, this does not mean that they cannot achieve this goal in a roundabout way. Why did Stark say that they should be given the status of a White House consultant when they were at first? In fact, to deal with this situation. Because at this time, they can just and honorable fool the audience under the banner of this.

Mysterious White House consultants are finally exposed! The guardian who protects the Stark family from mysterious power. Although such a title has the color of a three-stream media station. But you have to admit that such a title is indeed very eye-catching magic. In addition, this identity is recognized by White House, so naturally, the flow of attention to this topic will rise.

Don’t think American people are too smart. After all, a major feature of the so-called Saraburi regime is to cultivate a group of enthusiastic audiences with low IQ. Even if the entire country has undergone so many changes, these people are still impossible to change their own nature. As soon as they saw such a topic, coupled with the backing of White House, they immediately became excited as if they were hit by blood. Coupled with the pressure from the government and its own needs. So just as things went along, Mordo Baron received the invitation of the hottest talk show.

The Fei Lun Daoist show is the talk show with the highest ratings after the closed Modi talk show. No blows, no black, daily viewers more than 5,000,000, which is still within the entire North American region. If you count the audiences and hobbyists from all over the world, this number will only increase.

Faerun, who has always been known for his serious talk nonsense, is very popular with the audience. As an entertainer who has a witty remark and can indulge in current malpractices while understatement, Fei Lun pays great attention to the selection of oneself program. After all, this is his golden sign, able to climb to the position of the current talk show brother. Of course he is impossible to do spoil things through excessive enthusiasm, the stupid thing of killing chickens and eggs. Therefore, according to what he meant, he was unwilling to place the invited guests on the head of a nobody, Mordo Baron.

However, he couldn’t stand the above requirements and the government’s tough methods. When the commissioner of the government brought a tax evasion and tax evasion evidence to his head with someone from the tax bureau, he certainly admitted it without surprise. Because, once this illegal thing is exposed, he, who has always appeared in the public in a good image, must be completely finished. He managed to climb to where he is today, and of course it is impossible to let everything that oneself has in vain. So naturally, meeting the government’s requirements became his only choice.

However, although it is a forced choice, it does not mean that he will be perfunctory on this topic. Able to reach such a height in a field, let alone anything else, at the very least, he is absolutely qualified in a dedicated attitude. Even if he was not optimistic about the topic of this special session, he still showed the utmost sincerity and showed the best state of oneself to the best of his ability.

It’s like now, the lights have just turned on and the equipment has just been in place. He was already impatient and performed an awkward dance to the audience, and then greeted them warmly.

“Dear audience friends, it’s time for us to meet every Friday again. I really want to say it, and I have to say, I really want to kill you.”

This sentence can be regarded as one of his signs, so when he opened his mouth, the whole scene burst into laughter. And Faerun was already used to this. So he just laughed and said the topic of today.

“Okay, let’s get into today’s topic. Not long ago, White House exposed a file that related to the identity of a mysterious consultant. From Transylvani Asia’s Mordo Baron, let us applaud.”

Unlike most daoist shows that invite professional audiences, one of the characteristics of the Fei Lun talk show is that the audience of each show is from Randomly selected from the enthusiastic followers of current hot topics on the program website. They are not the group of wood who only knows to applaud. In past Fei Lun shows, there were many examples of audience booing and even throwing things at guests. Although this is said to be a lot of pressure on the guests, it is obviously very pleasing to the real audience. Therefore, this has also become a main reason for the success of the Feren show.

And today, this tradition is certainly impossible to be broken. Those who came were all interested in the mysterious consultant and his mysterious career. So as it should be by rights, when Fei Lun sent an invitation, they immediately welcomed it.

This made Mordo Baron standing behind the scenes, who was also nervous, couldn’t help but stand up, then took a deep breath and walked up in strides.

For Mordo, this exposure to millions of spectators is obviously the first time a big girl gets on a sedan chair. It’s not nervous, it’s impossible. However, while being nervous, he also had some excitement and paid considerable attention to it.

In order to cope with such a performance, he even changed the simple dressing style of the sorcerer group and put on the gorgeous clothes of the trump card made by oneself when he was a nobleman.

The pure silk hand-woven gold silk robe and cloak are brilliant in the light. In addition, the pendant accessories with magical power that he wore all over his body and the silver scepter inlaid with a large gem. When he made his appearance on the stage, the audience exclaimed.

Although many people regard him as a liar, when they see this scene, they also have to say that this is a liar, I am afraid it will only be a rich liar . Because the jewel inlaid on his scepter alone was enough to make many people think about it.

Although Phelan has seen Mordo Baron, this is the first time he has seen him in such a costume. This made him couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Oh my God, this should be the most stylish male outfit I have ever seen. The suit on my body is a handmade piece of pure wool, but compared to him, I feel What I’m wearing is just a stall. Your Excellency Baron, is this the gap between commoners and nobles?”

Mordo Baron, who has received sorcerer’s quaint education since he was a child, can’t understand the characteristics of Faerun. He just nodded the ridiculous words, and then said with a little pride.

“Even the nobles, not everyone can have these things. So, to be serious, this should be the gap between the noble sorcerer and the common people.”

He was serious, but he made the audience burst into laughter. Everyone took what he said as a joke, because now everyone knows that the so-called nobles are really shabby guys.

Don’t talk about anything else, just talk about the United Kingdom royal family back then. As everyone knows, the United Kingdom royal family should be the existence of the cream of the crop among the nobles in the 21st century. But do you know how embarrassed the life of the royal family has become? Even Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, has no money to repair, and can only do some superficial work to cover up some ugliness. They even say that they still rely on renting out their own castles to subsidize their decent living. |

It can be said that if it were not for the original United Kingdom Congress to allocate a subsidy to the royal family every year, then maybe the royal family will be in an embarrassing situation of relying on the sale of their ancestral property to maintain their huge family business. in. Even the United Kingdom royal family has fallen into such a sad situation, a trifling Baron, can it escape the accident?

Everyone present will not think so, so of course, they treat this as a joke. Phelan is no exception, but he will not put this emotion on the surface. Even for the sake of topicality, he deliberately pretended to be surprised and puzzled, and then asked Mordo Baron.

“I’m very strange, sir. You are from Transylvania, and according to my investigation. Transylvania is only a province of Romania today. As a republic of The country of system, Romania has no examples of aristocratic canonization. So, I can take the liberty to ask, where did your Baron title come from? Please forgive me, I’m just curious. If you find it inconvenient, We can change the topic.”

Another feature of the Fei Lun show is that you want the host and the host to have fun, which is absolutely impossible. Phelan is very clear about what kind of people his own supporters are, and the broad audience is his true fans and supporters. As long as you rely on them, oneself can get the most benefit. Therefore, he ignored the emotions of the guests and talked about some embarrassing topics, which is commonly known as nothing to do, which is inevitable in his work.

He had anticipated Mordo’s performance, embarrassment or anger, which was what he expected. But he didn’t expect that in the face of this problem, Mordo just smiled, and he was very proud to say such a thing to everyone.

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