Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1697

Faelen has never been such a talkative person, even if someone greeted him on his own show, he still maintained the consistent sharpness of oneself. The style. It can be said that he opened his mouth and pointed out the key points of Mordo Baron, which made him have to answer the own question head-on.

For such a question, Mordo Baron oneself is unwilling to fake it. Because of fictionalizing these imaginary things, and at the same time in the name of the guy he dislikes the most, this really made him feel humiliated. However, when he thought of Paragon sorcerer’s entrustment and wish to him, he would Dispels oneself’s self-esteem thoughts.

In order to get angry with that guy, oneself loses the right to inherit the name Paragon sorcerer. This is not a cost-effective thing. So at this time, He just hesitated for a while, and he already gave his own answer as they had discussed in advance.

“Yes, the President does not need protection. He is a Superhero. He can protect oneself, and is better than the security of the overwhelming majority in the world. However, this does not mean that he is foolproof and does everything in all places. What I have to do is , In places he can’t take care of, he will check for deficiencies to make sure that certain special methods will not be used on him and his family.”

“Special means?” Very precise Grasping the key point in Mordo Baron’s words, Phelan immediately asked this question. “What kind of special means is that our president as Superhero can’t take care of it, and you need to provide protection? Sir Mordo, is this related to your magician identity?”

For Mordo Baron, this question finally came to the point. But even though he said that, he didn’t immediately give any affirmative answer at all, but raised his eyebrows, revealing an inexplicable expression, and then asked Faerun.

“Before I answer this question, can I ask you a question? Phelan. A little question.”

“Of course, if this is right for you If you help.” Shrugged, Faerun naturally cooperated with him for the effect of the program. And this made him immediately hear a question that made him strange.

“Do you believe that there are demons and Evil Spirit in this world? Do you believe that these things are everywhere by your side?”

In this world today, there will definitely be The kind of guy who doesn’t believe in evil, but there are certainly not many such people. Because after seeing all the mysterious aspects of this World, anyone with a little brain will not continue to hold the old view of the past, and one-sidedly think that what they know is everything about this World.

Even God can appear in this world, and even all kinds of horrors can be displayed in front of everyone. It would be too stupid to believe that there are Evil Spirit and the devil in this world.

It’s just that, I believe it, but Faerun doesn’t think that Mordo Baron’s alarmist statement will be true. If these damned things are everywhere, then why can’t you see these guys come out and do evil, why are humans in charge of this world? What is certain is that even if they exist, they can only be said to be restricted and suppressed. So that it is impossible to do all of this.

What limits all this, this is not what a nobody like Fei Lun can think of and understand. But just relying on what oneself knew, he was already able to answer Mordo Baron well.

“Maybe, I believe that in this world there are Evil Spirit also devil. But if you say that they are everywhere, this is really not something I can accept. My God, I can’t imagine what it would be like with these damned things all around me. If it’s really like what you said, should I go back and put some sacrifices and thank them for not killing them for so many years What about your grace?”

“So, you don’t want to believe me.”

Faelen answered with a little ridicule that Mordo Baron couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes. , And the smile on his face increased. This gave the experienced Faerun a bad feeling, but no matter how much he recalled, he couldn’t think of what oneself said wrong. He obviously couldn’t admit it at this time. So he could only stalk his neck and replied with a firm attitude.

“It’s not that I don’t want to believe you, Sir Mordo. It’s that what you are saying is really unimaginable. I really can’t believe it until I see evidence that I can really believe. These things you said.”

“Also, there is an old saying that seeing is believing and hearing is not. It is not what you see with your own eyes. Would you not believe that something is simply equivalent to It’s an illusory thing. In this case, the best way is actually to let you see with your own eyes what kind of existence is there around you.”

Seeing that Mordo Baron can actually be like this. Many people said such big words, let alone Phelan, even the audience below began to discuss spiritedly.

No one believes Mordo Baron can prove anything, after all, what he said is really beyond their imagination. Because of this, many people have begun to look forward to it. They looked forward to what Mordo Baron could bring to them, or in other words, looking forward to seeing him make a fool of himself.

No wonder these people have such dark thoughts. This is entirely because Mordo Baron’s attitude is a bit too arrogant. Although it is not on the surface, but from the lines in his words, and the subtle expression he revealed. Many people can see that this is a guy who doesn’t really value an ordinary person.

And most of the people present can only be regarded as ordinary persons. So naturally, they will also feel dissatisfied with this guy. To watch him make a fool of himself is definitely an attractive spectacle thing for them. Therefore, as it should be by rights, they began to look forward to the next thing.

Mordo Baron is not the kind of guy who just says nothing. Since he dares to say such a thing, then naturally, he is quite sure to realize everything oneself says. So at the moment, he stood up without talking nonsense, and while rubbing the scepter in oneself’s hand, he slowly paced in front of a female audience.

This is a Hispanic girl who looks pretty good. She is not too old, she is in her twenties. Like most Latin American girls, her dress is quite popular. The belly-exposed vest and denim shorts show the hot curves of her body. Although the makeup on her face is a bit thicker, on the whole, she can be regarded as an iconic beauty.

There is a saying that men are lower-body animals. A large part of the reason for saying this is that it is difficult for men to control oneself’s physical impulse in the face of some extremely tempting things. And the hot figure of the girl in front of her is definitely seductive. So when Mordo Baron walked in front of her, lowered his head, and approached her, many people’s expressions became interesting.

Even the filming of the show is hesitating at this time, shouldn’t it be cut to other places at this time? After all, the Fei Lun show is a serious show, and if the invited guests are found out by being hooligans on their show, they will also be affected.

And while he was still hesitating, what to do. The girl who had been stared at by Mordo Baron already glared at Mordo Baron unceremoniously, and then said to him in a warning tone.

“Sir, you are too close to me. If you stare at me like this, be careful I let you try to lose a leg. Trust me, you don’t want to try ten How big is the formidable power of centimeter high-heeled shoes.”

Girls who like Fei Lun who don’t carry a dirty word to find faults will not be such a messy role. And this girl is obviously such a character. If she can say this is enough to make most men’s lower body chill, her hotness is obviously not just in dress.

In the face of her statement, Mordo Baron first showed an apologetic smile, and then said to her like this.

“Sorry, ma’am. It seems that I caused you some unnecessary misunderstandings. In fact, you don’t have to, I just want to ask you some small questions.”

“Many men say this to me, and I mostly do the same to them.”

The girl responded with a needle in the words, and the girl also smiled at Mordo Baron.

“I hope you are not talking nonsense to me. I think, in front of so many people’s eyes, you shouldn’t be doing something stupid.”

” Of course, I promise that I won’t do strange things to you. You can rest assured.”

Mordo Baron used to be a nobleman more or less, when dealing with women, Mordo Baron showed a gentlemanly demeanor. He just stared at the girl deeply, and then asked her.

“The question is very simple, ma’am. Do you know such a guy. He has thin cheeks, black curly hair, gray eyes, a slightly upturned chin, and a bird shape tattoo on his neck that I don’t know what it means. Tattoo?”

As soon as this question was asked, the girl’s face changed immediately. Everyone can clearly see that the mockery on her face from the very beginning quickly turned pale, even a little frightened.

Such a change made many people feel suspicious, and even said that some people began to doubt whether this girl was a supporter. And the girl obviously already doesn’t care about these people’s thoughts, because at this time she has already opened her mouth trembling with fear.

“How do you know him? Do you know him?”

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