Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1699

Women’s anger has always been for no reason, just like now, Mordo Baron couldn’t understand how this girl suddenly recalled the bitter past Just dragged the topic to oneself.

Although he understood that it was because oneself had provoked the incident, anyway, the change was too sudden.

He didn’t even come to remember the brewing, he already enjoyed the feeling that Wanfu was referring to. Those women’s leagues who stand next to girls because of sympathy, don’t care who is to blame for this kind of thing. They are just anxious, they are all referring to the girls who are doing strong support.

Of course, he is certainly not the kind of guy who is accused of being silent, especially when he himself also makes a certain sense. So immediately, he gave the owner’s scepter hard, and then said to the girl who looked disgusted and hated.

“Madam, I know how fearful you are in your heart, but you must know that I am not malicious and I don’t want to hurt you. I even said that my original intention was only to want It’s just helping you. You simply don’t know what you’re about to encounter. Without me, what awaits you would be a very tragic fate!”

“Sir Mordo, you Be cautious about what you say. This is in front of countless audiences, and every word you say is responsible.”

I heard Mordo Baron say this. Falun, who was planning to settle the matter, immediately reminded him angrily. In his opinion, all these troubles were caused by this guy, and now he doesn’t help him calm down the mood of the show viewers, and he is still making trouble at this critical time, which is simply hateful to the extreme.

However, Mordo Baron has no such awareness of his thoughts. He just glanced at Phelan, then turned his head, and said to the girl like this.

“Don’t think I’m alarmist, don’t think I’m deceiving you. I have sufficient evidence to prove everything I say, if you really don’t want to believe it, just look at you Under your feet. Look at what kind of existence lurks under your feet!”

His voice is mixed with some convincing power that makes it not only the girl, but Even the overwhelming majority audience listened to him and looked at the girl’s feet.

There, because of the light, the girl’s shadow is particularly visible. And it was precisely because they could see this shadow so clearly that everyone present, including the girl, couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“My god, what the hell is that damned thing!”

Everyone can clearly see the bloated lump lurking in the shadow under the girl’s feet . It was as if she was carrying another tall guy on the girl’s slender body, making her shadow hideous and weird, terrifying and unimaginable.

And the most terrifying thing is not this, the most terrifying thing is the distortion of the shadow that everyone can see. Because the position where Morton Baron’s scepter was squeezed was exactly on the shadow’s head, the shadow seemed to be suffering from some kind of pain, and began to twist and struggle. The problem is here, because the girl at the moment is simply dumbstruck, and she didn’t even move. If she didn’t move, then how did the shadow under her twist?

This is a thing that makes people think about it, so that many people immediately want to leave this girl far away after they understand it. This is no exception even for Phelan. Don’t look at the devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence he said before. After such obvious supernatural changes occurred, he ran faster than anyone else.

Of course, this is also understandable. After all, he is just an ordinary person, and he is powerless in the face of such a situation, and it is a matter of course to save his life. No one cares about his actions at this time, because compared to him, Morton Baron, who is obviously controlling everything, is the most attractive existence.

If this is not an Illusion Technique, combined with the story of the girl before, this should not be an Illusion Technique. Then Morton Baron is obviously a true magician just as he said. And a true magician, this is obviously awe-inspiring, and the existence of imagination.

You must know that although Superhero has been rampant in the world today, the public is not surprised by those with super powers such as Mutant. But anyway, these existences still have a certain gap with them.

Because, they can’t become such a guy. Although in theory, everyone has the potential to become Mutant, as long as your paternal inheritance has the Mutant gene. However, whether this gene can be awakened is the crux of the problem.

Being able to awaken this power, you can naturally be extraordinary and refined, and step into a new world in one step. And if it doesn’t work, then I’m sorry, you can only be an ordinary person in your life.

This kind of probability really depends on fate, and this fate is not much different from the fate between you and the special prize of a welfare lottery. The same goes for those Superhero encounters. Fancying about what fortuitous encounter will become a Superhero with super power, it is better to wash and go to bed early and have a good dream.

Smart people will not act for these unrealistic things, because they know it is a futile thing. However, this does not mean that they will not fantasize or expect such things to fall to the owner. They just buried this desire in their hearts and made oneself look like not at all. And now, the appearance of magician obviously evokes the kind of desire they hide in deep in one’s heart, making each of them seem a little begin to stir at this time.

Magician can be regarded as a representative role in European and American culture. Almost everyone knows that there is a gap between magician and the so-called Mutant. For ordinary persons like them, this gap is most obvious. You can’t be a Mutant, but you can be a magician.

The way that Mutant needs to rely on genetic awakening, which is unreliable, to have power is different. The so-called magicians rely on learning to gain the special power they have. For ordinary persons with absolute large numbers, such learning has never been a problem.

As long as a person with a normal mind, who has worked hard to learn, he can learn something more or less. In their eyes, what they lack is never this kind of learning ability, but the opportunity to learn this kind of ability. Just give them a chance, not to mention becoming a big sorcerer like the legendary Merlin, it shouldn’t be a problem to become an ordinary little sorcerer.

Before experience, many people’s thinking is biased towards optimism. They don’t think that oneself will fail, and even if it does, they are often willing to try that. Because everyone has a certain fluke mentality, everyone thinks that oneself is the lucky one. And this also made their eyes look towards Mordo Baron unconsciously become eager.

In their eyes, Mordo Baron is no longer as simple as a TV guest at this time, and now he has become a hope, a door to the New World.

Of course, not everyone thinks that way. Just like this girl right now, compared with the kind of illusory future, she obviously cares more about oneself’s current problems. Because she still doesn’t know what the future will be, but she knows that if the current problem is not handled well, she must have no future.

So at the moment, she looked towards Mordo Baron in front of oneself trembling with fear, and opened her mouth cautiously to him.

“Sir…no, master. Can you tell me what this is?”

“You should know what he is, right? “

Fingers beat the jewel on the scepter rhythmically, Mordo Baron at this time showed a leisurely stroll, with ease. But after his mention, the girl suddenly realized in her heart, and then immediately gnashing teeth.

“This damn bastard, is he really not willing to let me go even if he died?”

“This is a normal thing. He was a bit twisted in his heart before his death. , You are impossible to expect him to suddenly become open-minded and open-minded after he died. Basically, what they were like before they were alive, what they will be like after they die, and even say they will become more enlightened.”

“Because the dead have no spiritual wisdom. The dead souls of the overwhelming majority are muddleheaded and will unconsciously go to the world of Death. But there are also some, because the obsessions before them are too deep, they not only Will not leave, but will continue to entangle this World. This is the origin of those Evil Spirits.”

“Maybe they will not remember those things from oneself’s life. However, the kind of strong inner heart Emotions and obsessions will drive them, making them subconsciously search for what oneself can’t let go of. Of course, this situation often ends in harm and tragedy that’s all.”

A long story, not at all makes the expression on the girl’s face look better. It was even said that this had a counterproductive effect and made her fear and hate even more. Because of this hatred, she started to be ruthless. And this also made her become terrifying.

“I don’t care about these things, I just want to know, how can I kill him completely and wipe out his dead soul!”

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