Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1711

Having worked for several decades? When the security guard said that, Faerun couldn’t help snort disdainfully in his heart. He knew very well that although the apartment where oneself was located was old, it was also a building built around the millennium. Even if the security guard has been working here, the combined time is less than 20 years. Where can I find this several decades?

He took this as a big talk and didn’t take seriously. And when the elevator slammed and the door creaked open, I had already waited impatiently and never took this security matter seriously, but just walked out from here.

Everything was normal, and he soon arrived on the floor familiar to oneself. Seeing that oneself sits often, and now it is finally an elevator that can be used normally, he doesn’t know why, and he breathes out directly.

The road ahead is really depressing, even if he is an experienced and knowledgeable character like him, it is inevitable that there is a feeling of panic in his heart. And he also understood now, why the previous security was so strange. If this is changed to that he himself has been in and out of such a ghost place for years, it is estimated that he will become like this.

This is not their fault, it is the fault of those black-hearted developers. Even oneself’s employees don’t know how to maintain their mental health. One day such a boss should be dragged into a corner by a nervous employee and give him a sashimi knife in one breath.

While muttering in his heart like this, Fei Lun was already determined to find a way to increase employee benefits first. Although he already has the meaning of being a shopkeeper, but now at the beginning of his business, it is not yet the time when he needs to bear the burden. If oneself is tú tú in between, it would be too worthwhile.

With all mystery in his mind, Fei Lun had already pressed the elevator button and was ready to go home. Before he could walk in through the opened elevator door, a strong arm had already grabbed him abruptly and dragged him into the elevator.

The elevator doors began to close, but not at all began to move. Because at this moment, in the elevator, two people, one man and one woman, are already holding weapons, strictly controlling Fei Lun on the spot. They didn’t move, and of course Phelan didn’t dare to move. So he could only watch the elevator close, and oneself completely fell into the hands of these two people.

This is a situation that Fei Lun never thought of. He watched the security guard for a long time, but he didn’t expect that someone would be here waiting for oneself. Of course, it is difficult to guarantee that these guys are not in the same group. After all, from the beginning, it was the guardian who was quietly guiding everything.

It was he who led oneself into the place where he couldn’t help being suspicious, and it was he who pointed oneself to a way to here. Why does the elevator happen to be broken at this time, why he must put oneself down on the fifth floor, why these two guys are here to wait for oneself.

These questions are connected, it is hard not to make him think so. And once he started to think so, his heart would inevitably become anxious.

Obviously, this was an elaborate premeditated. And since they can make so many preparations, these people are obviously impossible just to grab a little money. Their schemes must be different, and even their motives and the identity they possess are definitely not what ordinary people can imagine.

Phelan understands who oneself is working for, so he knows exactly what kind of person the own behavior will offend. This made him consciously put the two guys next to oneself in a seat with those people, and thinking about it this way, he immediately couldn’t help but fought two battles.

Faerun’s reaction was so intense that the two people who held him were of course impossible to feel. This makes them wonder when oneself is so deterrent. However, this is a good thing, and they do not reject such a situation. Only when Phelan was a particularly timid guy, they not at all asked why he was so unbearable. Instead, he whispered a warning to him in a vicious manner.

“Mr. Phelan, we have been waiting for you for a long time. You should know what we want from you.”

“I don’t know, what am I really I don’t know.” Shaking his head vigorously, Faerun was restless trying to clear the relationship between the owners, and worried that the sound would be too loud to kill the two men, so he could only lower his voice and hurriedly explained. . “I’m just a businessmen, making a little money backed by the government. I am nothing but this identity. You found the wrong person, you definitely found the wrong person!”

“Shut up , We are not looking for the wrong person, we oneself know clearly. Mr. Phelan, you don’t have to play stupid with us, since we will do it to you, then naturally it is impossible to know anything about you. You recently opened a company, yes No. I heard that the company’s business is still booming, right? We don’t want anything else. As long as you are willing to pay a ransom, we will release you completely. Of course, if you refuse, then we too I can only be rude to you. Although Los Angeles’s law and order has improved a lot, there is still one damned person!”

Although the words of these two robbers are harsh, But whether it’s their manner of speaking or their kidnapping practices. All made Fei Lun puzzled. This is not like the performance of those terrorist forces that can oppose the government.

With suspicion in his heart, he quickly looked at the appearance of the two robbers behind oneself. Although it is not quite clear to see through the glass in the elevator, it is still more or less clear. And just looking at it like this, he immediately recognized the identity of the woman among the two robbers.

That’s a third-rate star. He bought a house in an apartment when he was booming, and he had been photographed several times with him. However, as she became more and more depressed, she soon couldn’t even pay the utility bills here. Fei Lun thought she had already learned to recognize the reality for such an obsolete star, so she sold the house obediently and honestly and went back to her hometown in Texas to grow oranges. She didn’t expect, she actually had a ghost idea, and she also hit the owner with this idea.

I have been the host of the commentary program for so many years, Fei Lun has nothing else, it depends on the people’s vision. He knew very well that if the little star around him was a spy arranged by the evil organization in the United States, she would also be impossible to be so miserable. After so many years in Hollywood, she would not even be able to touch a decent supporting role. On the other hand, if those evil organizations don’t let this kind of mindless guys let her go and develop her into an owner, then they will have nothing to fear.

So, in summary, the result can only be one situation, that is, he is unreasonably worried, and things do not want to be as complicated as he thinks. These two people were simply not sent by a terrorist organization to target own. They were just ordinary little thieves who wanted to make a fortune from oneself.

Thinking about it this way, I am afraid that the previous things can only be classified as coincidences. Although I don’t know why it was so coincidental, the bad luck of oneself fell into their hands. But if not the worst case, things are completely acceptable to him.

Thinking about this, Faerun immediately gained confidence. He is afraid of the killers of those terrorist organizations, knowing that those people may really be killed if they disagree. And these two are obviously little gangsters who are asking for money, but he is not worried about what they will do.

The reason is very simple. Even in this country where guns are flooded, it is not something that anyone can do by daring to shoot and kill. Now the Stark government is so strict about crime control. Once such a thing is discovered, they are absolutely impossible. And their original intention was just to ask for money, not to kill themselves. In the case of not being able to get a penny, he still took his own life into it. Obviously, this is not something they would do. Therefore, there is no need for him to be afraid of them at this time.

For reasons of full self-confidence, Fei Lun is now a waist, and the whole person has become hardened.

“So you just want to make money from me. I thought you were sent here to kill me? It’s really interesting. There are so many rich people in this place. I just found it on my head. Why, I have been staring at me for a long time, don’t you think I’m a good starter?”

Faerlan’s attitude is awkward, which really makes these two gangsters a little confused . They didn’t know what the hell was that Faerun did, and they, who realized that the situation was still in the hands of oneself, immediately held the gun against Faerun’s midfielder, and at the same time snarled at him.

“What the hell is happening? Why, do you think we dare not attack you? Mr. Phelan, I warn you not to play tricks with us. We are just asking for money. , Don’t force us to do some terrifying things to you.”

“Stupid!” With a sneer, Faerun opened his mouth to them disdainfully. “Do you think you can still run out of this apartment after the gun is fired? Don’t treat others as idiots, two. Especially you, ma’am. Since you are a resident here, you should know how much security there is. Strict. As soon as the gunfire sounds, the security guard will close all the entrances and exits immediately after hearing the sound, and directly call the police. Even if you want to run, there is nowhere to run. Know how the new laws deal with you. The guy who robbed and killed people with guns? Even if you don’t kill you directly, you will stay in prison for a lifetime. I want to see, when the time comes, who are we regretting more!”

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