Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1718

“You are too anxious, in fact, you are not in such a hurry.”

Shrugged, Falun also obeyed his wishes and did not continue. Investigate the source of those smells. Instead, he crouched and pulled out a suitcase from the desk.

Opening the suitcase, a box full of banknotes is neatly packed in it, and just being placed in front of these people makes them feel unconscious. This is the magic of money. Real money is placed in front of you, and the impact it brings is not comparable to the line of numbers on the bank account. But almost unable to restrain oneself’s inner impulse, the man stepped forward, already reaching out to the suitcase.

However, he is somewhat sensible. In the middle of the action, he stopped quickly. And unnaturally changed an action, and at the same time eagerly asked Faerun.

“The money is for me, right?”

“Of course, they are yours now.” I closed the suitcase and stuffed it directly into the man’s Arms. Phelan waved his hand at him as if sending beggar. “Okay, I have already given you the money. You can leave, just as you said before. If I am still alive, if you dare to come to me for money, I will also use cash for the rest For you. Now, get out of my house. You are not welcome here!”

It is the uncle who gave the money. With money trading as a base, Phelan clearly has a strong confidence. While looking at the money in oneself’s hands, the man felt ecstatic in his heart, but he didn’t take the word taking seriously.

At this time, he didn’t even look at Fei Lun. He already reached out and took the hand of the old star, and then urged her repeatedly.

“Quickly, the money is in hand, let’s go quickly. I really can’t stay here anymore!”

He wants to go, and leave this with his own girlfriend as soon as possible It was a dangerous place, but he had just grabbed the arm of the angry little star, and the latter was already rude and slapped his hand away.

“Enough, James. I’m not going to go with you.”

“You, what do you mean?” Can still think of it in this terrifying environment Taking her away, the man’s feelings for the obsolete starlet can be seen. And it was precisely because of this that he was somewhat unable to accept her current behavior. He was lucky, thinking it was just a little star cracking a joke with him. But at this time, the passing star is obviously already determined.

“What I mean is simple, we are over. You got the money, and I found a more suitable candidate. We can all get the life oneself most wants. So, it’s time to let We say goodbye.”

Seeing this woman’s merciless expression, the man immediately turned his fiercely gaze on Fei Lun after a moment of astonishment on his face and changes in the weather. If he doesn’t know what happened at this time, then he might be an idiot. And it was precisely because he was not an idiot, so he immediately targeted Faerun.

“You seduce her? You used this time when I was absent to seduce her away from me?”

“I think we should say something more precise , Sir.” Although I hate the development of things like this, now that it has become like this, Faerun can only face it calmly. So he spread out his hand, soothing the man’s emotions in this posture, but also said something like this. “In fact, it was your girlfriend who seduce me. She volunteered to be my lover instead of choosing to continue following you. You can verify this with her, I promise, I didn’t tell a lie!”

Ferren was very frank, and this frankness to tell the truth is despised. But looking down on it also has its benefits, just because he has shown such shirk and such weakness. The anger in a man’s heart is difficult to vent to him. So he could only turn his gun around, and attacked the angry star.

“Cersei, that’s what you did to me. Seducing this old man while I’m away? What’s so good about him that can make you betray me so simply?”

“He is rich, and he can give me the life I want. Isn’t that enough?”

Faced with questioning, the angry little star argues with the courage of one’s convictions , A determined style. At this time, the man who was still in luck had changed his toughness before, and pleaded weakly to her.

“I also have money, Cersei. This is 1,000,000, our money. With this money, we can go back to Texas, open a small shop there, and live the life we ​​oneself want. Didn’t you say? You want to own a small store that belongs to your own. This is our small store! With these, isn’t it enough?”

“Have I said that? Really Sorry, I don’t remember.” The cruel little star simply wasn’t impressed by this heartfelt remark. She even said that she sneered after listening to this remark. “Well, maybe I did tell you something like this, but if you believe it for a reason, I can only say that you are too stupid. It’s just that I didn’t have any choice. The thing that comes out to comfort you is to give you a hope that you can see and touch. If you say it, the prosperous world of Los Angeles and the luxury life of the upper class are the life I really yearn for. If not Because of this, I wouldn’t come here alone from Texas when I was a teenager. And you can’t give me this life, can you? It turns out that I have no choice, but now I have another choice. .Who do you think I would choose? Are you? Ridiculous…”

“You, you…a bitch, you lied to me!”


The cold words of the exasperated little star, let alone the man who was cucked in a green hat, even Fei Lun felt a bit too much. So naturally, this man named James suddenly became furious and couldn’t help himself.

He firmly grasped the hand of the expired little star, relying on his tall body and strong body, he lifted her up like a chicken. And just when he was about to do something to give this to have no shame a good look, there was a piercing scream from the mouth of the overly angry star.

Women always scream when they are abused. This is their instinct. However, the scream of the angry little star is a little different now, because his scream is not like the fear of facing atrocities, but more like the pain of being subjected to some kind of torture.

This scream obviously stimulated James’ nerves even more, making him more violent and questioning this woman named Cersei.

“What is your name! I haven’t done anything to you yet, you bitch!”

“Let go, let me go. You did to me What, let go. My hand hurts, you bastard, let me go…”

Cersei’s incoherent voice is obviously not like a fake, although it is already in my heart I was extremely angry at her betrayal, but after she showed such pain, James couldn’t help but let go of his hand worriedly.

As soon as he let go of his hand, Cersei was already sitting down on the ground, clutching the place where James had been grabbed before and wailing. This is not an artificial hypocrisy, but that she has really suffered some kind of unspeakable harm at the moment. Because the two men present can clearly see the abnormal injury on her arm.

As if burned by something, a clear burn mark was left on her arm. And it looks like it has been frostbited. Just by using naked eye, you can clearly see the dreary and cold aura spilling out of this burned wound.

This wound is very strange. Anyone who sees such a wound will probably have such thoughts. Facing this kind of injury, Fei Lun felt that the man who caused this kind of weird wound was obviously more weird.

Normal people cannot cause such wounds. Moreover, if you pay close attention to him at this time, you will find that the strange smell before, like the smell of barbecue, is actually transmitted from his body.

This abnormal situation made Fei Lun unable to help but keep a mind’s eye and carefully stepped aside. And at this time, Cersei, who hadn’t noticed these, vented hysterically at James, who had already appeared weird.

“You bastard, what did you do to me? Do you want to kill me?”

“I don’t know, I did nothing. These are not What I did was really not what I did.”

Seeing the weirdness, James, who oneself didn’t understand, of course defended it in every possible way. As an ordinary person, especially an ordinary person who had just suffered such a supernatural event, he was of course panicked. And just when he was about to help Cersei and pull her up, Phelan’s warning voice already rang from behind him.

“Stop, sir. I warn you that your current situation is very wrong, so you’d better be honest!”

This kind of unwarranted warning is of course a surprise Unacceptable, James immediately turned around, trying to vent the evil flame hair in his heart on Fei Lun’s body. But when he saw the copper mirror that Fei Lun was holding in his hand, he subconsciously retreated behind the owner.

He didn’t dare to look into the mirror, he didn’t dare to look at it at all. He even said that he didn’t even have the courage to face the reflection of the mirror. This abnormal performance made Phelan more affirmed the judgment of own, so that he quickly raised the mirror in his hand, and at the same time the serious expression of angry look was directed at James shouted loudly.

“Sure enough. You undead, when you want to deceive us, will you show your true shape soon!”

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