Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1720

“Tianyuan Taiyi, the main soldier of the fine division. Guards the world and preserves the essence of life. Huayi embroidered skirt, crowned with blue scarf. Azure Dragon on the left, White Tiger on the right. Admire the dragon The sword, the chapter of the five blessings. Commanding priests, three-five generals. Evil will be cut, and strange will be destroyed. Fuxiang Fuxiang, enlighten Xiyi. Evil monsters are eliminated, five emperors give power. Protect the world for thousands of years, the emperor’s virtue Huanglong descends to the sky, the emperor’s life expectancy. Jingxiaodong chapter, but it is not to eliminate demons. Anxious like a law!”

Although it was a little stumbled to read, what came out of Feilun’s mouth was There is no problem with the Chinese with the correct character. And what he was reading right now was not a fictitious compilation word, but a real curse that had the ability to kill demons and lower demons—Killing demons and lowering demons.

Although Mordo Baron is a savvy guy, just taking out a heavenly thunder curse gave him a sense of cutting flesh. But anyway, Fei Lun is his partner and one of the most important at the moment. So naturally, even if he himself doesn’t want to, some special things will be given to him.

Zhao Yao Jing is one of them, and the curse of killing ghosts is another. Unless Mordo Baron himself is willing to be an errand runner, he will run around the world because of some problems in the company’s business. Otherwise, he can only use this method to replace the own function.

This is one way to solve the problem. At the very least, with the cooperation of Mirroring the Demon Mirror and Killing the Demon and Casting the Curse, the devil and goblin who are waiting for a while do not need him to take action. As long as Fei Lun finds someone to take this baby around, it will almost solve the problem.

This can be regarded as the company’s killing move, and it can also be regarded as the most important section of the special service business. Because of its importance, Faerun usually keeps this thing at home. What he didn’t expect was that in this situation, this behavior actually saved his life indirectly, and made him experience the feeling of killing demons and conquering demons.

This kind of feeling is very refreshing, there is a thought that people can’t help being narcissistic. Of course, after only a little immersion, Fei Lun took the initiative to break free from this intoxication. He has not forgotten where oneself is now. As an entertainment industry practitioner, a typical blockbuster hobbyist. Phelan is very aware of a problem, that is, if you lose the chain when you are able to win the pursuit, you will not be able to give your enemy a fatal blow. Then sorry, next moment, the chance of your enemy’s turnaround may be as high as 80%.

At this point, many examples can be used as teaching materials. For example, the Superman in the Super Bat War, such as the Red Viper and Devil Mountain in the Song of Kill and Fuck. Obviously gained the upper hand at the very beginning, but it happened to be a big head, which delayed the opportunity. As a result, a ugly dying man beat Superman armor like a grandson. One directly squeezed his head.

When I first watched the movie, I was very upset about this. Of course, Phelan was impossible to let such stupid things happen to own. Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, he pursued victory and pursued, with the greatest strength, to directly kill this ghost who dared to make trouble in front of oneself.

This is his idea, which is quite direct and quite effective. If he is really successful, no matter how much James’s ability is, it will eventually be an inevitable fate. However, according to the law of everything, this matter will certainly not end so easily. In fact, things did not end so easily.

Faerun just planned to kill the killer, and the demon mirror in his hand is already condense, a cloud of divine light. But at this time, the expired starlet suddenly rushed out, blocked him and James, and screamed at Faerun like a middleman in a love triangle.

“Let him go, please, don’t kill him.”

WTF? Fei Lun, who wanted to read the Three-character Sutra at this time, had a twitch on his face. He did not expect that this kind of scene that would only appear in mentally handicapped movies would appear on own. Please, even if you are emotional, please think about it in advance? This is a ghost, not a human. You protect him like this, don’t you think about the scene when oneself kicked him away before?

Feelen, who was so galloping in his heart, had to stop. In fact, there is nothing he can do without stopping. Killing ghosts and casting spells is powerful, but it is only useful for demons and ghosts. For ordinary persons, the formidable power of this spell has not yet come from the Sky Thunder Curse. At least the Sky Thunder Curse practice has the power to shout thunderbolt lightning. And this, it is estimated that you will not have any effect until you become a ghost.

Of course, stopping and returning to stopping does not mean that Phelan will do as Cersei asked. In his opinion, this is obviously an impulse that is nothing more than a brain. This is a common problem when a woman’s menstrual period is abnormal. He didn’t want all of this to develop to the worst point because of such a thing. So his idea is very simple. It is to wake the woman up with facts and tell her that there is no place for her to ask for it.

“Get out of me, Ms. Cersei. Don’t forget your identity. I will provide everything you need. If you stop me like this, you think I will Give you what you want?”

This threat may not be worth mentioning to ordinary people. After all, they have no direct interest in Falun. Even the guys who work for him, at worst is just throwing his face at the file and saying that I won’t wait. But Cersei is different. For this outdated little star, Phelan’s threat is no different from killing her.

She abandoned everything oneself had. Dignity, personality, and even that period of true love. I ran to be a mistress for a man who was enough to be a oneself father. What was it for? Isn’t it because he could own everything? Now if it irritates him and makes him completely sever the relationship with oneself, then does oneself really have nothing?

Such a worry, Cersei is impossible. And it was precisely because of this special and complicated mood that after a while hesitated, she slowly stood up in front of Faerun.

This looks like a choice that can only be made after a boiling brain calms down. Looking at this choice, Fei Lun oneself also took a long breath. Cersei can do this, not much else, at least, the probability of his fall in the sewer is much less. The rest, as long as you get rid of the ghost in front of you, it should be much easier.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly signaled Cersei to go away, so as to give James on the ground a fatal blow. Unexpectedly, the Cersei walked away, but in a blink of an eye she went around behind Fei Lun again, and directly used a hard object against his waist.

Of course, Phelan doesn’t think that Cersei’s 30-meter sword hidden in the crotch of oneself will be the one that Cersei puts on the back of oneself. In fact, he had only experienced the familiar touch not long ago. If she is right, this should be the pistol in James’s hand. Although I don’t know when Cersei got it in her hands, it is clear that she has already made up some kind of determination after making such a move.

This disappointed him, but it felt like it should be. After all, it is always performed in movies. It’s just that he still didn’t want to understand why this kind of thing appeared in front of him, and what all this was for.

Don’t tell him, Cersei is beginning to believe in love again, a betrayer of love, disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the third-rate B Grade film is not like that. You know, at first, she took the initiative to seduce oneself, and chose to betray James, her boyfriend. All this is her own choice, and oneself simply has not made any efforts in this area. And now, she has chosen to betray oneself, her funder, for owning her ex-boyfriend. Unless it is said that the biggest hobby she was born with is betrayal, it is impossible to justify it in every circumstance.

As things have reached this point, it is definitely not that easy to proceed. The initiative is in Cersei’s hands, so even if Phelan wants to do anything, he can only persuade Cersei in advance. He understood this in his heart, so immediately, he questioned Cersei.

“What the hell do you want, Cersei! Don’t forget, the relationship between you and me. This is what you asked for, are you planning to betray me now?”

“I just want you to let him go. No matter what he is, I can’t just watch you kill him like this.”

Although Cersei’s hands are shaking, But the tone is very firm. She demanded.

“Let us go, I can promise. As long as you are willing to let him go, we will disappear in front of you forever and never reappear!”

For her , This is a great sacrifice, is to say goodbye to everything that oneself yearn for something even in dreams. However, for Faerun, this is not an acceptable thing at all.

He didn’t believe that the ghost of James would choose to easily let go of oneself. Instead of letting him pose a threat to oneself in the future, it is better to take advantage of the present and kill him directly, and a death ends all one’s troubles. Although Cersei behind him is a threat, to be honest, he really wants to take a gamble to see if she has the courage to shoot behind own.

In general, this is a very risky move. But Faerun made up his mind in an instant, and immediately paid for it.

He began to raise the copper mirror in his hand and shouted the incantion of “Edict, punish evil!” loudly, just as soon as he said the incantion. The brilliance on the mirror suddenly shined like sunshine, shining toward James on the ground.

Jaime was instantly burned by fire, miserable. At the same time, the gunshots behind Fei Lun also rang unceremoniously!

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