Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1722

The mirror image of the demon shines like a searchlight with a dazzling radiance, and this time, without Cersei being in the way, James was impossible to escape from Faerun’s palm. .

He is like the frost under the sun, the sand dunes in the squally wind, instantly turning into dust, and flying away completely. And watching this threat disappear in front of the owner’s eyes, Fei Lun also let out a long sigh, and then the whole person fell to the ground as if he had lost his strength.

Such a thing is not unexciting for him, because he himself also knows what kind of end he will fall into if he is a little careless. If nothing else, a dead word, he definitely can’t escape.

The only thing left to him by the demon mirror is this last fight, and really, he himself is not too sure that he can make a critical strike and kill the ghost. This is a life gamble, but fortunately, there is no unexpected change at this time. Everything developed naturally, and he finally stifled all these threats personally.

His so-called threats include both James and Cersei.

Jaime would be a threat. There is no explanation for this. As a ghost, of course, he is impossible to show him the who doctrine care like the Holy Mother, and he has to put him to death. This is what he thinks as it should be by rights.

As for Cersei. Seriously, after she shot from behind the owner, Phelan already regarded her as the greatest threat.

A irrational woman, a guy who can shoot a dead person for a dead person for ridiculous reasons, Faerun has every reason to think that her brain is broken. And for such a guy with a brain problem, if she was allowed to stay with oneself all the time, it would definitely be a terrifying thing.

He has already been shot by her. In any case, he didn’t want to get a second shot. And if she is allowed to stay here, will she shoot oneself a second time? Faerun, who has already learned such a lesson, has absolute reason to believe that this is a definite answer.

So, Cersei must die. This is the conclusion he decided in order to let oneself survive. Although he was fully capable of saving Cersei at that time, he didn’t think it was necessary for oneself to do so as reasonably in every circumstance.

Didn’t she choose own love? Then let her die in the sweet hands of oneself. At the very least, this is the result of reap what you have sown. Since she chose this, she has no reason to resent anyone. In a word, it deserves it.

With this cheerful thought in his heart, Faerun laughed feebly like a fish on the shore, while moving his own body with full strength, toward the position of his phone Crawled over.

For him, the danger is obviously not over. Although he doesn’t know what oneself’s numb body is like, he can understand just by looking at the blood in this place. If he sits here like this, he must be inevitable.

If he wants to live, he has to ask others for help. Judging from his current state, an emergency call may be the most appropriate choice.

Driven by the will to survive, although this section of the road was difficult, it still relied on his palm and little strength to support it. And just as he picked up the microphone and was about to ask any urgent call for help, there was a little noisy voice on the phone.

zi zi la la, it’s like the kind of noise where the signal is disturbed, and it’s like countless people whispering in your ears. Either way, it will not be a pleasant experience for those who hear this sound. Phelan subconsciously wanted to hang up the phone, but suddenly, a sneer laugh came, but he had to dispel the idea directly.

The laughter came from the phone. But calls that have not been dialed obviously shouldn’t have such a voice. If it is not because of auditory hallucinations, then there is only one reason to explain such things.

Those supernatural events, not at all disappeared because of James’ demise, they began to entangle Phelan in another form.

Ferren Oneself also recognized this, and he was also furious about it, and immediately responded.

“You bastards, what do you want to do to me? Or do you really think that I can’t deal with you?”

He doesn’t know The specific identity of the other party. But more or less, there are some general guesses. The security guard he saw before, also what James said, the abandoned hospital, was a target worthy of his doubt. And these goals can undoubtedly be divided into the scope of spirituality.

If the target that needs to be dealt with is people, he may not have such confidence. But to deal with a bunch of things born out of supernatural events. Whether it’s Demon or a ghost, he has some confidence. After all, he was holding an ultimate weapon in his hand now. If he didn’t have any confidence, then it would be better to just hit and die here so easily.

The meaning of Phelan’s words is very clear. Of course, things that are dressing up as God, playing the devil are impossible to hear. After learning about Faerun’s current attitude, the cold laughter on the other end of the phone had clearly changed to the voice of a hoarse man, and then he passed through the microphone and smiled at Faerun. stand up.

“Mr. Phelan, do you really think you can deal with us? Or, after the insignificant walking corpse is dealt with, your confidence has swelled to the point that oneself is already omnipotent Is it anymore?”

“Who are you?”

Finally had a goal to communicate with, Faerun naturally impossible to shout and scream without restraint. For those who cannot communicate, this direct response is the only feasible thing. However, if you are dealing with a person who can communicate, then you can undoubtedly have more choices.

For Phelan, it’s better not to do it. This is because his current body is really unsuitable for big fights. On the other hand, although he has an ultimate weapon in his hand, to be honest, after all, he is not a professional when facing this situation, he is still somewhat psychologically frustrated.

He is not a fool. In such a short period of time, he can turn James this big living person into a ghost. How do you think the guy hiding in the dark will not be a good-looking existence? And for such a guy, if he says he is sure of it, he must be bragging about himself.

Uncertain, even worried, this is his truest psychology now. And it is precisely because of this kind of psychology that he even hopes to solve the problem through negotiation.

Mordo Baron taught him that there is a difference between an irrational Evil Spirit and a sensible Evil Spirit. The latter can completely solve the problem through negotiation. Although the conditions will be a bit harsh, it is better to be able to negotiate than not to be able to negotiate at all.

He just wants to live now. Therefore, even though he knew that the other party had harboring malicious intentions, he still felt that oneself should move towards this aspect. And such a problem, tentatively can be seen as the beginning of his efforts.

Faerlan’s attitude began to change in the direction of pros and cons. Of course, such a change was impossible for the guy on the other side to notice. And it was precisely because he was aware of this change in him that he began to sneer incessantly, and directly mocked Faerun.

“I thought you were fearless, Mr. Phelan. It seems that you also know in your heart what you are facing.”

“I just I don’t want to cause innocent casualties.”

Although he wants to make peace, this does not mean that Faerun will compromise without a bottom line. With Mordo Baron’s teachings, he knows the nature of these Evil Spirits. When negotiating, the more you back down, the more likely they are to be unsatisfied, or even torture their faces. Therefore, maintaining an attitude of advancing and retreating is very important. At the moment, he obviously can only advance, not retreat.

“Don’t tell me that you have no scruples at all. If you are really so sure, you will never use this way to test me, but from the very beginning you will start on me , Isn’t it? You obviously know what I have on hand, and it does have some effect on you. That’s why you haven’t dared to show up until now. In that case, let’s be honest. Maybe we can. Can we agree on some aspects, maybe?”

“You are a human, and I am a ghost. Do you think we can reach an agreement?”

The voice on the phone not at all denies Phelan’s statement. Obviously, these words that Fei Lun said were to the point of him. This also made his attitude somewhat relaxed, and when he heard such a change, Faerun had to speak to him directly.

“Of course. As long as you are willing to put forward the conditions. As long as you put forward the conditions, and I can fulfill the conditions. I can assure you that I will definitely keep my promises and give you something you deserve Explained. I just want to survive. This shouldn’t directly conflict with your purpose.”

Faelen was waiting anxiously for a reply, and soon, he heard it over there. There was an intriguing laugh.

“You are right, there is no direct conflict. After all, there is no grievance between us. If it is not for some special reason, I would not find you in the head.”


“But, do you really think that this will save you a little life? Mr. Phelan, you are too naive. You simply don’t know what kind of existence you have offended. I’m sorry. , I can’t decide your fate. Because I’m just one of those guys who follow orders. Maybe, I can let you go, but other people, they may not. Oh, it looks like they’re already here !”

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