Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1726

It’s about own interests and dreams. Of course, Mordo Baron is impossible to take this kind of thing lightly. He wanted to dispel the idea of ​​Ancient One sorcerer, but he couldn’t talk about it and didn’t know what to say.

Frank is different from other competitors in that he is just a child. As for a child, can you still say anything bad about him? I’m afraid the more I say, the more oneself narrow-minded. And in the end, if it arouses the disgust of Ancient One sorcerer, then I am afraid it is really a problem of more than gain. But let him do nothing, he himself felt a little inappropriate.

So, after thinking and thinking, he still decided to make something of Frank’s identity.

“Your Excellency, I don’t think your approach would be a suitable choice. You know, his father is the president of United States. You can guarantee that if you teach him magic, he won’t Will he use the spells learned by oneself to help the own father? Not to mention, just use your church spells to extend the lifespan of the own father. It will have a huge impact on this World.”

“you According to the rules set by yourself, the sorcerer cannot interfere with the operation of the mortal world. And if Stark is allowed to remain in the position of president because of magic, such a free country will be transformed into a kingdom under his dictatorship. Isn’t it our negligence, is it not that you have trampled your sorcerer’s rules under your feet?”

Mordo Baron believes that the argument of own is justified and absolutely valid. However, this is just what he thinks. Ancient One’s understanding of him is simply snort disdainfully, not taking seriously. Of course, she can’t express this directly. So after a little chuckle, he was already asking Mordo Baron.

“Well, maybe what you said is so possible. But Sir Mordo, when you said this, didn’t you investigate Stark himself?”

“Investigate Stark, what’s the point of investigation? Isn’t what I said makes no sense?”

Mordo thought that what Ancient One was saying was just an inconsequential language that diverted the subject. But obviously, he didn’t understand the true intention of Ancient One sorcerer. And seeing him so ignorant must be held accountable. Ancient One can only speak to him with a sigh.

“Well, I originally wanted to end this topic as soon as possible. Since you don’t want to, then I’ll be more straightforward. Tell me, in your impression, Tony Stark is who? I mean, after putting aside his presidential identity, do you think he will be a normal person?”

Of course, a subconsciously spit to the mouth, but Mordo, who quickly reacted, was immediately He swallowed these two words again. Although he has a lot of thoughts, he himself also knows that some things are impossible, disregarding facts, and talking nonsense with his eyes open. For example, for the current issue, if he dares to say that Stark is an ordinary person instead of Ancient One, he might be able to spit him on the street to find a citizen of United States.

Everyone with a little bit of knowledge knows that President Stark is no ordinary guy. His predecessor was a Superhero, a guy who was enough for many people to imitate or even worship. And just taking out this identity, he can also impossible with the word ordinary.

He is not ordinary, Mordo Baron has to admit such a thing. However, even if he admitted these, he would not think that this would conflict with his previous judgment. He firmly believed in this, so immediately, he resolutely said to Ancient One.

“Yes, he is unusual. A Superhero, a guy who relies on his ability to behave badly. But what about this, can this refute my previous concerns and doubts? He? No matter what Superhero is, it can’t change the premise that he is a human being. And a human being, birth, aging, sickness and death, is this something that can be avoided? He can’t escape such a circle, and since he escapes If it doesn’t come out, then my worry is possible. This is the root of human inferiority, selfishness, and greed. No one can avoid it. No one can deny it. Not even you, sir!”

” You are right, this is indeed the root of human inferiority, and even further, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the root of inferiority of all life.”

I took a deep look at Mordo Baron, Ancient One sorcerer. He shook his head helplessly. She felt that it was necessary for oneself to clarify some things. If it didn’t, Mordo would have been so entangled. At the moment, she doesn’t have that many time to accompany him to fool around, so she has to take some heavy medicine to wake him up. After understanding this, she stopped hesitating and spoke directly to Mordo.

“Sir Mordo, you have fought with Stark. Haven’t you seen his situation yet. It is not so much that he is a human now, but rather that his essence has begun to detach from this He has a divine force on his body, and there are some things that I don’t understand. No matter which one it is, he can no longer look at it from the perspective of an ordinary person. In other words, what you worry about Those things simply won’t happen to him. He himself has the ability to jump out of this circle, where else would he need any magical help?”

“In addition, I also need to remind you a little bit .Don’t spend your limited energy on thoughts that shouldn’t be there. You know, I have not yet reached the point where I need to find an heir to replace own. So instead of thinking about these impossible things at this time, it’s better. Think about how to improve oneself, so that the value of own is irreplaceable. Status needs to be obtained by striving for it. But this striving should be based on strength, not some ulterior thoughts. This One point, you should understand it!”

Such a remark, when everyone knows it in private, it doesn’t feel so good. But once it is taken out and thrown on the face, even the thick-skinned guy will inevitably feel a little speechless.

Mordo Baron is like this. Although he is angry that Ancient One sorcerer is so biased, in the final analysis, he himself has to go under the ancient One sorcerer. In any case, he is impossible to turn his face with Ancient One sorcerer in this situation. So he could only look at Frank indignantly, then turned his head and got into the own space door.

This can be regarded as evasion, and also a form of recognition. And seeing him slip away from the owner so sullenly, Frank couldn’t help but sighed.

This Little Old Man sigh more or less dilutes the gloom in Ancient One’s heart. She glanced at Frank with a smile, and then asked him directly.

“What are you sighing about? We talked about these things but they have nothing to do with you!”

“Don’t treat me like a kid?” Rolled the eyes, Frank just Said seriously to Ancient One. “I can understand what you just said, and I better understand the metaphorical meaning in your words. You are beating him so that he does not want to think and behave. I can see it. It’s just that I’m a little strange, why did he target him? Me. Could it be that there is also something hidden in it that I don’t know?”

“You don’t need to know these things for the time being, you just need to know and be careful with him in the future.”


Although I was a little surprised by Frank’s early wisdom, Ancient One chose to take this issue away. Frank is certainly not satisfied with her response.

“The only answer is this. Let myself be careful? Don’t you think this statement is a little too irresponsible? I’m just a child, how can you make me be careful with him. If he wants to Do something to me, I can’t resist him!”

“Why, do you remember that oneself is just a child at this time?”

Walking along with Frank Moving forward, Ancient One was already smiling at him.

“Don’t worry. Although Sir Mordo has some ideas that he shouldn’t have, he still knows what a measure is. You’re just a child, no matter how he is, he won’t What do you do. At most, that is, the attitude is slightly worse. So you simply don’t have to worry about it.”

“You trust him so much and think he will not take action against me? “

Frank’s repeated questioning made Ancient One couldn’t help but have a meal. After that, she already put on a solemn expression. Reassured Frank.

“Relax, with me, you will have nothing to do. I promised you father to protect you, so as long as I am not dead, you are absolutely safe.”

“What if you die?” Frank relied on his identity as a oneself kid, and said something taboo without any scruples. Of course, the main reason he said this was not to lift the bar, but to extend it a step further and give his own purpose.

“I think that instead of putting all hope on you, it’s better to start making changes from myself. You know what my purpose is by your side, so when do you plan to Teach me magic?”


Although Frank’s words are not nice, but Ancient One is not at all what he means to care about. It must be unpleasant to breathe with a child on this issue. She hasn’t gotten to this level of mind’s eye yet, so she quickly left these things behind her head and smiled and responded to him.

“From the time you started literacy. I didn’t have the heart to teach you these basic things. So if you really want to learn. At the very least, you have to be able to read and understand the overwhelming majority text. English, Chinese, Ancient Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, Greek and Sanskrit. These all are the most basic things. When you have learned these things, when will we start to do it? You should have Teaching.”

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